HWaaS - Hardware as a Service
HWaaS - Hardware as a Service.
Created: June 2020
Updated: October 2024
Permalink: https://wildix.atlassian.net/wiki/x/QAPOAQ
Note: For instructions on how to order and manage HWaaS devices via Salesforce Partner Community, check out the relevant documentation:
Wildix is the first Unified Communication Vendor to offer a complete range of hardware and software products as a Service. Moreover, thanks to the Wildix HWaaS formula, your customers can enjoy a fully guaranteed system and the latest products that are always updated. Read more about HWaaS.
This offering is available only for subscription-based PBXs (1 month/ 1 year/ 5 years).
HWaaS Terms of license
All services related to the same PBX have the same terms and expiration date.
E.g. if you have a PBX with yearly licenses, same terms are applied to CLASSOUND and/ or HWaaS ordered for this PBX. If you have a PBX with monthly licenses, same terms are applied to CLASSOUND and/ or HWaaS ordered for this PBX. This means, for example, you cannot have a monthly service (such as CLASSOUND or HWaaS) applied to a PBX which has yearly licenses.
Example: you activate a PBX with yearly licenses in May 2020: expiration will be in May 2021. You order CLASSOUND for that PBX in August 2020. In this case, CLASSOUND will expire the same date as the PBX: May 2021, and the cost will be prorated to the effective period (August 2020 - May 2021). The same rules apply to monthly and 5 year services. This means, the expiration date is always the same for the PBX and the services connected to that PBX.
Where to find the pricelist?
- Go to Salesforce Partner Community
- Navigate to Pricing at the bottom of the page and click Price Book:
- On the screen that pops up, choose the Product -> OpEx and Price Book Type (Gold/ Silver/ Reseller) and click Next:
- Look for the necessary option in the Search field. Or, if you want to download the entire list, choose the option Export to xlsx or Export to csv:
How to order HWaaS?
- Download the agreement and ask your customer to fill it out and sign
- Send an email to your Area manager and attach the agreement signed by your customer
- Access Salesforce Partner Community
- Select the necessary Project or create a new one if required (see details on how to create a Project in Salesforce Partner Community Guide)
Click Create Quote (if the project is already active, you need to follow the Change Order procedure, see details in Change Order and Fast Change Order Process in SFPC)
- In General Questions section -> Additional Configuration field, make sure to choose Additional Items option:
- In the Additional Items section, fill out the following details:
- Implementation Date
- Category: choose device category (e.g. Phones, Headsets, Media Gateways, etc.)
- HWaaS or Capex: choose HWaaS
- Product: choose the necessary device
- Quantity: enter quantity
If you need another Product or devices of another Category, click the + button and repeat the step 7 of the current instruction:
When you've filled out the details of your Quote and ready to save it, click Save to draft(1) -> Save & Make Primary(2):
- Create Order from the Quote and confirm it (please follow instructions from the guide How to Create Quote and Confirm Order in Salesforce Partner Community)
During order confirmation you can view the availability of items and when they should arrive in Wildix stock:
How to convert CAPEX into HWaaS?
You can convert already purchased CAPEX devices into HWaaS.
The following changes are applied once the conversion is confirmed:
Credit note (CN) is issued for the selected devices during 5 business days. You can check the CN calculation logic in Customer Care FAQ
Billing cycle is synced with PBX licenses (1m /1y / 5y)
HWaaS subscription is kept for 6 months starting from the conversion date
Devices cannot be converted to HWaaS in the following cases:
PBX has a LifeTime licenses
PBX doesn't have any licenses
PBX has mixed services or licenses
How to convert
For detailed instructions, check out the document How to convert CAPEX into HWaaS via Salesforce Partner Community.
What happens if Partner has overdue invoice payments?
To review the information, follow this Article.
How to transfer HWaaS to another Customer
For detailed instructions, check out the document How to transfer HWaaS devices to another Customer via Salesforce Partner Community
Automatic HWaaS transfer is possible only between PBXs that have the same subscription length and the same expiration. Otherwise, a Customer Care ticket should be submitted.
Automatic HWaaS transfer to a PBX with LifeTime subscription is not possible.
You can arrange transfer to another PBX, regardless of which End User or Reseller it belongs to.
How to cancel and return HWaaS
Note: As for HWaaS Contract, it should be kept for a minimum 6 months (the rule doesn't work in case of "Commitment" )
For HWaaS cancellation procedure, check the document Submit a Case via Salesforce Partner Community (see the section named "HWaaS cancellation").
How to replace HWaaS
For replacement procedures, consult the document Submit a Case via Salesforce Partner Community (see the section named "HWaaS replacement").