How to Configure BLF type Prefix
How to Configure BLF type Prefix
This document explains how to configure and use BLF type Prefix
Created: November 2022
Updated: March 2024
Permalink: https://wildix.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BgBiB
BLF type Prefix allows to add a certain predefined value to a dialled phone number or BLF on WorkForce/ WorkForce 5, WelcomeConsole/ WelcomeConsole 5, ForcePro 5. This predefined value is indicated in BLF Prefix, which is used before dialling a number or pressing another BLF key. For example, you can add Intercom code to BLF Prefix, label it "Intercom" and if you need to intercom a colleague on WP phone, you just press BLF Prefix (labelled Intercom) + BLF of the colleague and the two numbers are merged.
- The support of BLF type Prefix starts from WMS 6.01.20221019.4.
- WelcomeConsole extension module is also supported
- BLF Prefix doesn’t work for phonebook calls
- BLF Prefix is not displayed on Fn keys tab in Collaboration