WMS Settings Menu - Admin Guide
WMS Settings Menu Guide provides the basic information on the Settings options and explains how to set up various parameters.
Updated: January 2025
Permalink: https://wildix.atlassian.net/wiki/x/mBfOAQ
WMS network
Set up the connection between Server and Client PBXs.
Information on ports:
- Enable the port 443 TCP (or another custom secure port) and 1194 UDP on the side of the Server PBX
- Access to WMS network nodes between PBXs: incoming 1194 UDP
Note: Starting from 19 April 2022, only one PBX with active licenses is allowed per customer and this PBX automatically becomes main (Server) PBX. Other PBXs of the same customer are added to the same WMS Network as Client PBX and inherit the licenses from the Server PBX.
To set up WMS Network:
- Data sync Role: Server/ Client
- Server PBX IP (Client PBX): enter WAN IP address or *.wildixin.com domain name of Server PBX
- Sync configuration port: (443 TCP by default) communication port for sync of configuration
- Login: user name (must be the same on Server and Client)
- Password: password (must be the same on Server and Client)
Click Start button to activate sync between the PBXs (first start the sync on Server, then on Clients).
Click Stop button to deactivate the configuration sync for this PBX.
Click Generate credentials to generate login and password.
Note: starting from WMS 5.02.20201116.5, it is only possible to automatically generate credentials, without manual editing.
Admin has to regenerate Server PBX credentials using Generate credentials option. After completing, update credentials also for all Client PBXs in WMS Network. If credentials are not updated, WMS Network will stop working starting from WMS v. 5.03.
Click Re-initialize Client button to restart the connection (only on Clients).
Click Update parameters button to update the parameters after they have been changed.
Server configuration example:
Client configuration example:
All the PBXs belonging to the same WMS Network can have only one admin user, which is the admin user of the Server PBX.
Enabling WMS Network on a PBX that was previously in use:
In case you enable WMS Network on a Client PBX that had been previously in use, users and groups will be deleted from the PBX. To make sure you keep the existing users, follow these steps:
- Export the CSV file of users of the Client
- Enable WMS Network on the Client
- Import CSV file to the Server
- Access the Client, select the newly exported users and move them from the Server to the Client
WMS network Server replacement procedure:
Proceed as follows:
- Move all users from Client (future Server)
- Disable WMS network on this Client
- Delete this Client from PBXs page on Server
- Make a backup on Server
- Apply this backup on Client
Language & region
Specify the PBX language and region settings:
- Language: select the default PBX language (do not confuse with the WMS interface language that can be set up in WMS -> Users -> select a user/ users and click Edit). All the system sounds will be pronounced in the selected language. Before selecting the language, make sure that the corresponding sound package is installed
Default Tone Zone: select your country / region
Country Code: select your country code for the correct routing of incoming and outgoing calls
Time zone: select your time zone for the sync with the external NTP server (NTP server section)
Sounds packages: select the sound packages to be installed
Each user can select a preferred language in Collaboration Settings -> Personal. This language is applied for Collaboration web interface, WP4X0 interface. All the System sounds (audio prompts) are also played in the language selected by the user, but only if the corresponding Sound package is installed. Otherwise, System sounds are played in the default Language of the PBX.
Call and chat history
On the CDS tab, you can see statistics of CDS space usage in WMS and configure data rotation settings.
The tab displays the total number of space used and a bar graph visualises the space distribution between backups, recordings, voicemail and free space.
- The CDS tab is available for root admin only, starting from WMS 6.06.20240425.1. Read more about CDS in this document: Company Data Storage Flow.
When the amount of used storage reaches 95%, an email is sent.
Hovering the mouse over a section on the bar graph, the number of used space is displayed for the relevant section.
In the table below you can find information about oldest file of different types and size of files, as well as data retention period. In the Data retention period column you can configure how long the data should be stored for different fily types:
- By default, 12 months are set.
- In case there is no CDS license, the maximum rotation period that can be set is 12 months.
Above the Data retention section you can find expected number of months the data might be stored in CDS taking into account the current rotation policy and data usage:
Expected data retention time is displayed at least one day after any data has been added to Company Data Storage.
The data is updated every day. To make a rough calculation of time the data will be stored, first the average MB usage is calculated. The average MB usage for X days is calculated by the following formula:
- Y = number of MB added
- S = number of MB removed
- A = average MB gain for the previous day
- X = number of days
Day 1:
10 MB added, 2 MB removed
Average gain is 8 MB/ day.
Day 2:
200 MB added (Y), 20 MB removed (S). Previous average gain is 8 MB (A).
((200-20)+((1*8))/2= 94 MB/day
Day 3:
50 MB added, 5 MB removed, previous average gain is 94 MB /day.
((50-5)+(2*94))/3 = 77.7 MB / day
Basing on the average MB gain per day, the rough calculation of expected number of months to store the data is performed.
The minimum expected retention time that can be displayed is 1 month. E.g. if there are 10 days or 20 days left – in both cases “less than 1 month" will be displayed in the “Expected retention time”.
On the Settings tab, you can set up and select the backend used for storing chat history and call history (CDR). The following CDR storage modes are supported:
External server Microsoft SQL: MySQL or MSSQL. The server must be previously installed and must be reachable by the PBX
Internal database: CDR Sqlite. In this case CDR is stored on the PBX (on the backend specified for CDR storage). This backend is recommended for PBXs with 40 users and less
CSV file (Hardware / Virtual PBX): file can be saved to a storage device (USB or network share)
Other Settings:
- Enable contact notes: enables the Notes feature of Wildix Collaboration
- Tags: this field allows you to add tags; later on these tags can be selected via Dialplan application "Set" (see Dialplan applications User Guide) and set via Collaboration (see Collaboration User Guide)
You can add multiple tags separated by comma. Maximum character length in the "Tags" field is 255 characters.
- This change is applied to new PBXs automatically
On existing PBXs it's possible to change CDR table manually using the following command:
ALTER TABLE cdr MODIFY lastdata varchar(255);
- Hide in CDR-View: allows hiding last X digits in CDR-View from phone numbers consisting of more than 7 digits. Must be used together with ACL “Can/cannot see full number in CDR-View” (see ACL rules and Call classes management Guide)
Delete calls / chats / voicemail / recording after: these options allow auto-deleting old calls, chats, voicemails and recordings after a specified number of months
- Starting from WMS 6.07.20240906.1, the option is not displayed if Company Data Storage is activated.
- By default, the system clears data older than 12 months, if other values are not specified. Clearing of old data is run at 4 am every day.
- Deleting chat history in WMS Network.
In case WMS Network is enabled, chat history from CDR-backend will be deleted using the minimum value. For example, "Delete chats after 2 month" is set on Server PBX and "Delete chats after 1 month" is specified on Client PBX -> chats will be deleted after 1 month (the value of Client PBX is applied).
Limitation: in case of applying backup, empty icons for Call recordings and Voicemails that had been deleted, are still present in CDR-View (also on History page for call recordings).
Step 1. Enable connection to the database
Go to tabs CDR MSSQL / CDR MySQL / CDR Sqlite - you must enable connection to at least one database (however all the modes - CDR MSSQL, CDR MySQL, CDR Sqlite and CDR CSV - can be enabled at the same time).
Example of MSSQL/MySQL configuration:
- Enabled: check the box to enable connection to the backend
- Hostname: the name or the IP address of the remote server
- Database name: the existing database where the CDR must be saved
- CDR table name: the name of the table that the PBX creates on the remote database
- User: the user to access to the server
- Password: the password to access to the server
- Port: specify the port used for connection
Note: It is also possible to enable connection to MSSQL instance.
Requirement: SQL Server browser must be running on MSSQL host. Please check the Microsoft documentation for detailed information on SQL browser.
To enable the connection, check the box "Enabled" and fill in the following data:
- Hostname: specify MSSQL instance in the form of ip_adress_of_SQL_server\instance_name. For example,\SQLEXPRESS
- Database name: the name of database where the CDR will be stored
- CDR table name: enter the name of the table created by the PBX on MSSQL Server
- User and Password: enter the credentials to access to SQL Server
- Port: there is no need to specify the port when connecting to MSSQL instance. By default MSSQL itself listens on TCP port number 1433, but for instances the TCP port is dynamically configured