How to Deploy MySQL server on Virtual PBXs

This document explains how to deploy MySQL server on Virtual PBXs

Created: November 2022



Using this instruction, you can deploy MySQL server to be used on your Virtual PBX and set up CDRs to use the MySQL database. 

I. Install MySQL server

Important: If you plan to use MySQL in WMS Network, the below steps need to be completed only for the Server PBX.

1.Go to terminal and authorise under sudo permissions using "su" command.

2. Install MySQL package:

apt-get install mysql-server

3. Create database for CDR:

mysql -u root -Bse 'create database cdr'

4. Change credentials for root user:

mysql -u root -Bse "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'wildix'"

In case of a WMS Network: If you want to install MySQL server for your all WMS Network, run the following commands (optional, only for Server PBX):

sed 's/bind-address.*/bind-address =' /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf
systemctl restart mariadb.service

II. Change settings in WMS

  1. Go to WMS -> Settings -> PBX -> Call and chat history:

  2. In Call and chat history, proceed to CDR MySQL tab and enter the necessary data:

    1. Settings for standalone mode:
      • Hostname: enter hostname 
      • Database nameenter name of the database
      • CDR table nameenter name of the table 
      • User: root 
      • Password: enter password
      • Port: 3306

    2. Settings for WMS Network mode (Client PBX):

      • Hostname: <master of wms-network ip address>
      • Database name: enter name of the database
      • CDR table nameenter name of the table
      • User: root
      • Passwordenter password
      • Port: 3306

  3. In Call and chat history, go to the Settings tab and change CDR-backend to MySQL: