How to set up Webhook integration

This guide explains how to configure Webhook integration with third-party web applications and services, for sending events related to calls.

Created: August 2023

Updated: September 2024



Webhook integration allows to connect different third-party web applications and services by sending events related to calls.  


  • WMS 6.03
  • Cloud Analytics enabled in WMS -> PBX -> Features (it is activated by default if a PBX or whole WMS Network are running in the Cloud). 
    For more details, see documentation WMS Settings Menu - Admin Guide (see the Features section).

How to set up the integration

1. Go to WMS -> PBX -> Integrations -> Cloud integrations tab

Note: In case of WMS version lower than 6.05.20240119.1, the tab is named Calendars (or x-bees in case of a PBX with x-bees license).

2. Click on the Webhook integration -> click Add new integration