CDR-View in x-bees
On this page, you can find detailed description of CDR-View Liveboard in x-bees which provides the description of available reports and filters.
Created: November 2023
Updated: September 2024
CDR-View in x-bees allows you to monitor the call activity of the employees and get reports related to the number of calls, costs, call duration, usage of trunks, etc, as well as analyze the activity of call agents and response groups.
- WMS version 6.01.20220621.2 or higher on a standalone PBX or a whole WMS Network
- License: x-bees-SuperBee
- Analytics data is stored in an AWS datacenter in the region where the PBX is located.
- Analytics is not available if there is any licensing issue on the PBX. To enable Cloud analytics, there should be a valid license set, complying with the rule: 1 Customer = 1 set of licenses = 1 WMS Network.
- Events sending / data gathering should be enabled in WMS -> PBX -> Features -> Cloud Analytics. Starting from WMS v. 6.06.20240530.1, it is activated by default on all types of PBXs.
- If sending of the events was enabled and then disabled, the old data is still stored in the data base. For the old data be removed, a ticket to customer care has to be opened.
- On WMS versions prior to v. 6.06.20240530.1, Cloud Analytics is enabled by default if a PBX or whole WMS Network are running in the Cloud. In case of a standalone Virtual/ Hardware PBX, or if there is a mix of Cloud and Virtual/ Hardware PBXs in a WMS Network, Cloud Analytics should be enabled manually by admin.
Documentation: WMS Settings Menu - Admin Guide (Features section).
Important: If you need to disable Cloud Analytics, please contact Wildix Technical Support, as it may affect presence sync in x-bees.
How to access CDR-View
To access CDR-View:
- Go to Analytics and click on the CDR-View X.X tab (1) or choose CDR-View X.X in the list of Liveboards on the Liveboard tab (2). "X.X" in CDRView X.X is a version number.
View Different Charts
x-bees CDR-View provides the report data in different charts and you can easily navigate between them by choosing the necessary tab:
The following views are available:
- Home: the tab displays call distribution by countries, by status and direction
Simple Grid: includes such data as date, number/ extension, name, direction, status, talk time, etc.
- Part refers to the number of transfers, starting from 0. First part of a call is a 0 transfer, the next on is the first transfer (Part=1), etc.
- Ring Time displays the time when an agent is being called. In case of a call group, if at least 1 available agent is called, it is considered ring time. If there are no available members in the call group, it is considered wait time. Wait Time consists of time spent in IVR, listening to announcements, in queue while no agents are available, and time when the call was put on hold.
In the column with the sound icon, you can see call recording icons. Clicking on the icon, you are directed to the relevant call record in Sales Intelligence (documentation: Sales Intelligence in x-bees).
- Agents: displays data grouped by agents including talk, ring and wait time, as well as the number of completed and missed calls: