Analytics Questions and Answers
In this document, you can find answers to some questions regarding Analytics feature in x-bees, including examples of search requests that you may use while building your reports.
Created: March 2023
How to see calls by trunks?
In some cases you may want to see e.g. via which trunk calls were made or how many calls have been made via a specific trunk last week.
To see the total number of calls by trunks made this week, enter the following request in the search field:
Calls by Trunk this week
To include information about callers and callees and have the output data sorted by trunks, include the following parameters in your search:
Calls by Trunk this week Caller Callee sort by Trunk
How to see calls by country?
If, say, you want to see how many outbound calls were made to Germany last week, enter the following items in the search field:
Calls Country='de' Direction='outbound' Caller Callee last week
How to find conferences in which certain user(s) participated?
Say, you want to see all conferences in which a particular user participated this week and at what time. In this case, make the following request:
Conferences this week Subject Time detailed Name=’name of the participant’
If you want to see conferences in which several users participated together e.g. last week, enter the following items in the Search field:
Conversation id Subject Type='conference' Time detailed last week Name='name of user 1''name of user 2' unique count Name=2 sort by count Name
In our example, there are two users. If you want to check conferences, in which, say, 3 or more users participated, mention the relevant names in the 'Name' parameter and specify the relevant number in 'Count name' parameter.
How to see participants of a conference?
To see the list of participants of a specific conference, enter the following request:
Conference id='ID of the conference' Name
To find ID of a conference, that were held this week, you can enter the following request:
Conference id Subject Type='conference' this week
How to see calls to/ from a specific number?
If, say, you want to see all calls made to specific number, including such details as caller/callee and call status (whether call was completed or missed), enter the following request in the search field:
Remote number=’+492123456789’ Caller Callee Status
Where +492123456789 is the number you want to check.
How to check how long user was in conferences?
If you want to see how much time user spent in conferences by day of week, say, during the last month, enter the following command:
Total duration by day of week conference last 30 days Name contains 'name of the user' by day sort by Time daily
Instead of 'name of the user' enter the relevant user's name.