Conversations Analytics in x-bees
On this page, you can find detailed description of ChatView Liveboard in x-bees, available reports and filters.
Created: October 2024
ChatView in x-bees allows you to view information about conversations of PBX agents with external users.
- WMS version 6.0X on a standalone PBX or a whole WMS Network
- License: x-bees-SuperBee
- Analytics data is stored in an AWS datacenter in the region where the PBX is located.
- Events sending / data gathering should be enabled in WMS -> PBX -> Features -> Cloud Analytics. It is automatically activated if a PBX or whole WMS Network are running in the Cloud. In case of a standalone Virtual/ Hardware PBX, or if there is a mix of Cloud and Virtual/ Hardware PBXs in a WMS Network, Cloud Analytics should be enabled manually by admin. Documentation: WMS Settings Menu - Admin Guide (Features section).
Note: If sending of the events was enabled and then disabled, the old data is still stored in the data base. For the old data be removed, a ticket to customer care has to be opened.
Important: If you need to disable Cloud Analytics, please contact Wildix Technical Support, as it may affect presence sync in x-bees.
How to access ChatView
To access ChatView Liveboard:
- Go to Analytics -> on the Liveboards tab, select ChatView:
View Different Charts
x-bees ChatView Liveboard provides the report data in different charts and you can easily navigate between them by choosing the necessary one:
The following views are available:
Data Grid includes such information:
- Date
- Name and link to the conversation: when clicking on the conversation link, you can join the conversation, if necessary ACL is in place (ACL Intrusion - Group)
- Direction: inbound or outbound
- Duration: duration of the conversation
- Attendees: number of attendees
- Attendees List: participants of the conversation
- Line Chart:
You can change the time bucket by clicking "Daily date" at the bottom of the chart to get a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual report. To switch between Unique or Total session ID count display by clicking Unique Count Session ID -> Aggregate at the left of the report. - Area Chart:
You can change the time bucket by clicking "Daily date" at the bottom of the chart to get a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual report. To switch between Unique or Total session ID count display by clicking Unique Count Session ID -> Aggregate at the left of the report.
- Pie Chart
- Bar Chart
- Column Chart
- Timeline Column Chart
Filter Report Data
On the page that opens, you can see a report that displays data according to the filters at the top:
When you click on a filter, a pop-up window appears, which allows you to choose by which parameters you want to filter the report. E.g. clicking on the filter Direction (1), you can select inbound/ outbound conversations (2):
- Currently, the selected filters are cleared after the page is reloaded. However, you can save filter settings for future use (see more in the section Save filter settings below).
- Only 1000 rows are displayed by default. After scrolling down to the 1000th row, the table loads the next 1000, and so on, until all the filtered data is loaded. However, when you export the filtered data in CSV, the report includes all rows of the filtered data (not only the first 1000).
The filters include:
- Date: choose the period by which the data should be filtered:
- Tab Rolling:
- Yesterday
- Today
- This (minute(s), hour(s), day(s), week(s), month(s), quarter(s))
- Last (number of minute(s), hour(s), day(s), week(s), month(s), quarter(s))
- Before (<)
- After (>)
- On or after (≥)
- On or before (≤)
- Week to date
- Month to date
- Quarter to date
- Tab Fixed:
- Between / Not in between
- On (=) / Not on (!=)
- In month and year
- In quarter and year, etc.
- Tab Rolling:
Direction: choose if you want to see inbound or outbound conversations
Status: choose if you want the report to display completed or missed conversations
Note: In case a client or an agent wrote a message and there was no reply within 30 minutes, the conversation status is missed. Conversation with no agent reply is considered missed inbound, with no client’s reply - missed outbound.
Name: select the user(s) to be included in the report
- PBX Department: filter the data by choosing the preferred department
- Service: select the services you want to be displayed
- Channel Subject: filter the report by conversation name
- Duration Filter: filter data by conversation duration (e.g. less than 10 seconds, up to 5 minutes/ 30 minutes etc.)
- Timezone: choose the timezone
- Group by: choose if you want to group the data by Status, Direction, Service.
For most filters, you can choose either to include or exclude data: