WMS 5.0 Beta Changelog

WMS 5.0 Beta Changelog

Important: WMS 5 reaches end of life on December 31, 2023. Make sure to upgrade PBXs to WMS 6: use rel60 repository.

Update repository: rel50beta

In case of automatic upgrade, make sure to specify the current repository.

Link for sharing: https://wildix.atlassian.net/wiki/x/aCDOAQ


API admin user authentication:

It is recommended to use PHP HTTP client library for S2S authentication: https://github.com/Wildix/s2s-client-php

API documentation: https://<pbx_host>/api/v1/doc/#section/Authentication

Starting from WMS 5.03, Directory sync protocol is routed outside of WMS network.

For correct behaviour of WMS Network, first update Server PBX and then Client PBXs.

WMS Beta 5.04.20231017.1 Date: 14.02.2024

Additional packages: original debian packages

WMS Beta 5.04.20231017.1 Date: 16.11.2023

Additional packages: original debian packages

WMS Beta 5.04.20231017.1 Date: 17.10.2023

Additional packages: original debian packages, wildix-cw-5.04.20231017.1


[WMS-18211] - sys: fixed an issue of PBX engine crash in some rare cases 

WMS Beta 5.04.20230808.1 Date: 14.08.2023


[WMS-17508] - sys: made some security improvements 

WMS Beta 5.04.20230630.1 Date: 27.07.2023

Additional packages: original debian packages, wildix-base, wildix-wair-firmwares


[WMS-17581] - dev: improved W-AIR provisioning logic so that old W-AIR bases (Small Business, W-AIR Networks, Hybrid W-AIR Networks) get the 670b1 firmware, to avoid an issue of poor audio quality on W-AIR Basic2 handsets  

WMS Beta 5.04.20230630.1 Date: 17.07.2023


[WMS-17465] - sys: fixed an issue in which migrate2cloud script used during the data migration process from Hardware/ Virtual PBX to Cloud PBX failed because of incorrect calculation of disk space usage

WMS Beta 5.04.20230607.1 Date: 26.06.2023

Additional packages: original debian packages, wildix-lua, wildix-dialplan, wildix-provision


[WMS-17022] - sys: updated the voice prompt pronounced when user tried to access another user’s voicemail, removing the request to enter pound after the password, as the pound made it impossible to access the voicemail  

WMS Beta 5.04.20230607.1 Date: 08.06.2023

Additional packages: original debian packages


[WMS-16580] - wms: performance and stability improvements

WMS Beta 5.04.20230512.1 Date: 02.06.2023

Additional Wildix packages: wildix-base_5.04.20230601.1


[WMS-17124] - wms: fixed a rare issue when Hardware PBX could not be upgraded from WMS 5 to WMS 6 because of lack of space  

WMS Beta 5.04.20230512.1 Date: 17.05.2023

Additional Wildix packages: sipproxy 5.5.3-5.04.20230516.1 wildix-dialplan 5.04.20230515.1 wildix-lua-base 5.04.20230515.1 wildix-provision 5.04.20230515.1


[WMS-17141] - sys: improved SIP Proxy performance to avoid memory issues  


[WMS-17075] - sys: fixed an issue when speech recognition didn’t work correctly after the question was repeated  

WMS Beta 5.04.20230512.1 Date: 15.05.2023


[WMS-16944] - wms: fixed an issue in which it wasn’t possible to upgrade Hardware PBX from WMS 5 to WMS 6 because of lack of space

[WMS-17010] - sys: fixed data migration issues from Hardware/ Virtual PBX to Cloud PBX, caused by ‘migrate2cloud’ script, which incorrectly calculated disk space usage 

WMS Beta 5.04.20230504.1 Date: 05.05.2023


[WMS-16830] - wms: performance and stability improvements  

WMS Beta 5.04.20230421.1 Date: 25.04.2023

New Firmware

New Firmware: WP410r2 v.

[WP-261] - wp: fixed an issue in which WP410 r2 phone stuck in a continuous loop of receiving configuration from a PBX 

WMS Beta 5.04.20230421.1 Date: 21.04.2023

Additional packages: wildix-cw-5.04.20230407.1 sipproxy_5.5.3-5.04.20230407.1


[WMS-15759] - wms: added custom config parameter that allows to avoid an issue in which WP phones of Call group members continued to ring after the call was answered, which occurred in case of large amount call group member with "Colleague" BLF buttons configured 


  1. Add the following parameter to /etc/callweaver/sip-general-custom.conf file:
  2. Reload PBX engine: callweaver -x'sip reload'

When the parameter is enabled, sending PUBLISH messages is skipped.

WMS Beta 5.04.20230324.1 Date: 04.04.2023

Additional package: espamonitor_5.04.20230403.1 wms-wildixair-firmwares_5.04.20230403.1


[WMS-16614] -   dev: new W-AIR firmware v530b11 which includes fixes of the following issues: 

  • Bad audio quality during calls in case of a large W-AIR network after upgrade to 530b0801 and 530b802, caused by W-AIR bases randomly starting to have huge network latency.
  • UI issue on W-AIR Basic2 handset with firmware v.531b1, in which there was black area on the screen under the clock.
  • An occasional issue when it wasn’t possible to upgrade voice prompts.
  • A call could not be muted by pressing the 'Mute' button on W-AIR Headset.
  • After placing a call from Collaboration and getting rejected for any reason (e.g. invalid or busy number), base station attempted to call the same number 4 times.

[WMS-16788] - wms: fixed a rare issue of ESPA Monitor switching protocol on old installation which could lead to such an issue as impossibility to generate calls 

WMS Beta 5.04.20230324.1 Date: 30.03.2023


[WMS-16713] - sys: fixed an issue when after some updates on the Zoho CRM side, users having Zoho PhoneBridge Integration with Wildix experienced data loss (call activity in Zoho CRM could not be created) 

WMS Beta 5.04.20230315.1 Date: 22.03.2023


[WMS-15999] - wms: fixed an occasional issue in which there was no audio during outgoing calls to external numbers

[WMS-16578] - x-ca: fixed an issue in which some data in Agent Reports in x-caracal wasn’t deleted as configured in WMS -> PBX -> Call and chat history -> Settings 

WMS Beta 5.04.20230209.1 Date: 3.03.2023

Additional package: wildix-cw-5.04.20230228.1


[WMS-16369] - sys: fixed an issue in which there was no music on hold for the first user in Conference call, if the user was added to the conference via attended transfer 

WMS Beta 5.04.20230209.1 Date: 20.02.2023


[WMS-16272] - wms: made some security improvements 

WMS Beta 5.04.20230208.1 Date: 09.02.2023</