Monitor Wildix PBX using Zabbix

Monitor Wildix PBX using Zabbix

The Guide explains how to set up and use Zabbix for monitoring Wildix PBX.

Updated: May 2023

Permalink: https://wildix.atlassian.net/wiki/x/mRDOAQ

Zabbix should be installed and running on a separate server. 

Step 1. Setup of zabbix-agent

1. Access PBX via SSH as root:

  • Go to WMS and select Terminal from the top secondary menu 

    Note: Terminal is available only for admin users.

  • Access PBX via SSH as a root 

    wildix (Password line)

2. Create a file:

  • Use the command: 

    nano-tiny /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/my.conf
  • Enter two lines: 


where is the IP address of your server

3. Restart zabbix-agent:

Use the command: 

  • On systems with WMS 6 version:

    systemctl restart zabbix-agent.service
  • On systems with WMS 5 version:

    /etc/init.d/zabbix-agent restart

Step 2. Setup of zabbix-server

  1. Download the template file from https://files.wildix.com/images/zabbix-templates/wildix.xml 

  2. Access Zabbix -> Configuration -> Templates
  3. Click Choose File to upload the template file that you have saved on your PC, then click Import

  4. Go to Configuration -> Hosts
  5. Click Create host and fill in:
    • Host name
    • Groups: select group(s) from “Other groups” section and move the selected group(s) to “In groups” section
    • Agent interfaces: enter IP address or DNS name of your Wildix PBX (depending on what you selected, choose Connect to IP or DNS
  6. Click Add

  7. Go to Configuration -> Templates
  8. Click Group and select “Wildix Templates” from the list
  9. Tick off “Template Wildix-PBX” and click Select

  10. Go to Configuration -> Hosts and find your Host on the list by its Host name

Status: “Enabled” (green)

ZBX: green (it might take some time for ZBX icon to turn green)

Ports used by Zabbix

  • 8099 TCP for IP 
  • 10050 TCP for local Zabbix

To check it, use the command: 


Monitoring tools

  1. Go to Monitoring -> Graphs
  2. Select your Host in the upper right section
  3. Select the Graph from the list of available graphs:
    • Callweaver Restart
    • Collaboration Users
    • CPU jumps
    • CPU load
    • CPU utilization
    • Disc space usage*
    • Memory usage
    • Network traffic*
    • PBX temperature cpu
    • PBX temperature mb
    • PBX users
    • Phone calls
    • SIP Proxy Restarts

*these sensors become available after some time (it is necessary to update the web page)

Monitoring problems

  • Go to Monitoring -> Problems. Here you can see what issues you currently have with PBX. Issues are those triggers that are in the “Problem” column. When a trigger is detected, a new problem notification appears in the list. Refer to this chapter to see what each column means
  • Find your Host in the list of all current problems. You can use Filter to find it:

  • Click on the Time to open problem details:

  • Details about the problem (Event details), its source, acknowledgements, actions taken (messages, remote commands) and previous similar problems are displayed:

Note: You can also look over the current problems in Monitoring -> Dashboard -> Last 20 issues: only last 20 problems are displayed here.

Columns' description

TimeProblem start time is displayed.
SeverityProblem severity is displayed.
Problem severity is based on the severity of the underlying problem trigger.
Recovery timeProblem resolution time is displayed

Problem status is displayed:
Problem - unresolved problem
Resolved - recently resolved problem. You can hide recently resolved problems using the filter.
New and recently resolved problems blink for 30 minutes. Resolved problems are displayed for 30 minutes in total.

InfoAn green information icon is displayed if a problem is closed by global correlation or manually by acknowledgement. Rolling a mouse over the icon will display more details:
HostProblem host is displayed.
ProblemProblem name is displayed.
Problem name is based on the name of the underlying problem trigger.
DurationProblem duration is displayed.
AckThe acknowledgement status of the problem is displayed:
Yes - green text indicating that the problem is acknowledged. A problem is considered to be acknowledged if all events for it are acknowledged.
No - a red link indicating unacknowledged events.
If you click on the link you will be taken to a bulk acknowledgement screen where all problems for this trigger can be acknowledged at once.
This column is displayed if problem acknowledgement is activated in Administration ->  General.
ActionsAction status is displayed:
In progress - action is being taken
Done - action is completed
Failures - action has failed
The number of actions taken on the problem (such as notifications sent or executed remote commands) is also displayed.
TagsEvent tags are displayed (if any).