x-bees Troubleshooting

x-bees Troubleshooting

This Article explains how to troubleshoot various x-bees issues.

Other x-bees documentation: x-bees documentation.

Created: October 2022

Updated: August 2023


How to send feedback

If you encounter any issues with x-bees, send us feedback to investigate them

  1. Click on your user picture in the upper left-hand part of the screen to open Settings
  2. Under Support, click Send Feedback
  3. Evaluate x-bees and describe your issue
  4. Click Submit to send 

How to troubleshoot push notifications


I do not receive push notifications.

Possible Solutions

To ensure the correct behaviour of push notifications, the following settings must be enabled:

  • Focus time in macOS Settings -> Notifications & Focus -> Focus
  • Browser notifications 
  • Chrome notifications in macOS Settings -> Notifications & Focus  
  • Notifications in x-bees Settings -> Notifications & Focus -> Notifications  

If the issue still exists, send feedback.