CLASSOUND EU (E112 ES) Emergency Services Compliance
The Document describes CLASSOUND Regulations regarding E112 Emergency Services or other local emergency numbers and provides the requirements to comply with the Regulations.
Created: January 2023
E112 Emergency Services Regulations
E112 is a location-enhanced version of the 112 emergency service operating in nearly all EU countries, allowing responders to quickly and accurately locate people in distress.
Recently The European Commission has published a delegated regulation supplementing the European Electronic Communications Code (directive 2018/1972) that aims to ensure that 112 emergency calls are effective as regards:
- information on caller location
- access for disabled people
- directing communications to the most appropriate Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP)
In order to comply with the Regulations, take the following steps:
Step 1. Provide geolocation data per each DID to Wildix
Limits of liability:
- Customer is liable for providing geolocation data
- If the geolocation data is not provided, it will be impossible to call emergency services
- Open a customer care ticket via WMP: select the topic "CLASSOUND" - "General question", subject "E112 compliance" (check How to open a customer care ticket for detailed description)
- Within the request, provide the following information:
Country | Required Information |
All EU countries |
Additionally for Italy |
Step 2. Set Country Code
Make sure that Country Code is set up in WMS Settings -> PBX -> Language & region or user's office number has the country's corresponding prefix