Basic PBX Settings USA

Basic PBX Settings USA

This document contains basic PBX configuration for the USA

Created: December 2018

Permalink: https://wildix.atlassian.net/wiki/x/ahTOAQ

Here you will find some basic settings for a Wildix PBX residing in the USA. For a detailed step-to-step instruction on installing a Wildix PBX, please refer to WMS Start Guide.

1 - Language and region settings

WMS → PBX → Language & region

1 - Language: English-US

2 - Default Tone Zone: United States / North America

3 - Country Code: 1 USA

4 - Time zone (time zone where the PBX resides): US / Eastern

2 - Dialplan for outgoing calls

WMS → Dialplan, "users"

1 - +XXXX.

The pattern +XXXX. allows calling any phone number starting with + and containing a minimum of 4 characters. This section allows placing calls from Call History. Dialed numbers are stored in the Call History after being normalized with + (+E164). Pay attention that the first symbol + is deleted from the called number before the call is sent to the trunk.                 

Notice the set portion of the dial the trunk has "called number -1" indicating that one digit is being stripped. If your carrier does not allow a 1 to be sent with the 10 digit number, you may need to remove 2 digits to have the system send only the 10 digit number with no leading + or 1.

2  - 1XXX.

The pattern 1XXX. allows calling any phone number starting with 1 and containing a minimum of 4 characters. This section addresses dialing 1+10 digits. Number is sent to the trunk after the leading 1 is deleted. In this scenario the carrier expects 10 digits only.        

Some carriers accept or even require the leading 1. In such a case, the removal of one digit should not be performed (see the set portion of the dial the trunk is set to number -1)


This section addresses dialing 10 digits. Number is sent to the trunk as is. In this scenario the carrier expects 10 digits only.               

 Notice the set portion of the dial the trunk is set to called number (no transformation of the dialed number)

4 - 911

911 dialing.    

Often, a specific caller ID number must be sent for 911 calls. In such a case, use the "Set" dialplan application to set the caller number before sending the call out to the trunk with the "Dial the trunk" application.

5 – Included procedures

This is a "last resort option". If nothing else is matched in the Dialplan, the dialed number is matched against users and feature codes via this included procedures entry. It uses a built-in rule that does this automatically rather than having to make entries in the Dialplan for every user and feature code. 

"pbxinternal" procedure is already present by default in the Included procedures of the "users" procedure.

3 - Dialplan General settings

WMS → Dialplan → Dialplan General Settings

1 - International Prefix: it is 011 for the USA

2 - National Prefix: it is 1 for the USA