Wildix Glossary

Wildix Glossary defines the correct way to write names of Wildix products and the most commonly used technologies.

Updated: May, 2021

Permalink: https://wildix.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Aw3OAQ


Wildix (not WILDIX or wildix)

Please consult this page for more information: https://www.wildix.com/general-wildix-trademark-guidelines/



Phones and headsets

  • SuperVision (not Supervision or SUPERVISION)
  • Vision
  • WelcomeConsole (not Welcome Console)
  • WorkForce
  • Start
  • WHS-Mono, WHS-Duo
  • DuoLED, MonoLED, MonoLED-BT, DuoLED-BT

More information on these products: https://www.wildix.com/voip-phones-and-headset/

  • W-AIR (not Wair or WAIR)
  • W-AIR LifeSaver
  • W-AIR Med
  • W-AIR Office
  • W-AIR Basic
  • W-AIR Headset

More information on these products: https://www.wildix.com/w-air-cordless-phone/


  • Wizyconf Station (also possible: Wizyconf HW Station, Wizyconf Hardware Station, Wizyconf Room)
    • Wizyconf Core
    • Wizyconf 4k Cam
    • Wizyconf PTZ Cam
    • Wizyconf Mic
    • Wizyconf Remote
    • Wizyconf Stand
  • Wizyconf Huddle-Room

More information on these products: https://www.wildix.com/wizyconf-professional-videoconference/

Media Gateways

  • DaySaver

More information: https://www.wildix.com/media-gateways/


  • VoIP (Voice over IP)
  • WebRTC (Web Real-time communications)
  • DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication)
  • CAT-iq (Cordless Advanced Technology - internet quality)