Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Reverted from v. 82


  • Time zoneselect your time zone for the sync with the external NTP server (NTP server section)

  • Sounds packagesselect the sound packages to be installed 


  • DMZ wtun0 (static) interface is used for connection to WMS Network. The interface cannot be edited unlike enth0 and enth1 interfaces


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WMS Settings Menu Guide provides the basic information on the Settings options and explains how to set up various parameters.

Updated: December 2020


Table of Contents


WMS Network

Set up the connection between Server and Client PBXs.


Information on ports:

  • Enable the port 443 TCP (or another custom secure port) and 1194 UDP on the side of the Server PBX
  • Access to WMS network nodes between PBXs: incoming 1194 UDP

To set up WMS Network:

  • Choose the Data sync Role: Server or Client
  • Server PBX IP (Client PBX): enter WAN IP address or * domain name of Server PBX 
  • Sync configuration port: (443 TCP by default) communication port for sync of configuration 
  • Server/ Client VPN port: (1194 UDP by default) communication port of WMS protocol 
  • MTU: the size of the largest protocol data unit that can be passed on VPN (MTU = maximum transmission unit)
  • Login: user name (must be the same on Server and Client)
  • Password: password (must be the same on Server and Client)

Click Start button to activate sync between the PBXs (first start the sync on Server, then on Clients).

Click Stop button to deactivate the configuration sync for this PBX.

Click Generate credentials to generate login and password. 


Note: starting from WMS 5.02.20201116.5, it is only possible to automatically generate credentials, without manual editing.

Admin has to regenerate Server PBX credentials using Generate credentials option. After completing, update credentials also for all Client PBXs in WMS Network. If credentials are not updated, WMS Network will stop working starting from WMS v. 5.03.

Click Re-initialize Client button to restart the connection (only on Clients).

Click Update parameters button to update the parameters after they have been changed.

Server configuration example:

Client configuration example:


All the PBXs belonging to the same WMS Network can have only one admin user, which is the admin user of the Server PBX.

Enabling WMS Network on a PBX that was previously in use:

In case you enable WMS Network on a Client PBX that had been previously in use, users and groups will be deleted from the PBX. To make sure you keep the existing users, follow these steps:

  1. Export the CSV file of users of the Client 
  2. Enable WMS Network on the Client
  3. Import CSV file to the Server
  4. Access the Client, select the newly exported users and move them from the Server to the Client

WMS network Server replacement procedure:

Proceed as follows:

  1. Move all users from Client (future Server)
  2. Disable WMS network on this Client
  3. Delete this Client from PBXs page on Server
  4. Make a backup on Server
  5. Apply this backup on Client

Language & region

Specify the PBX language and region settings:

  • Language: select the default PBX language (do not confuse with the WMS interface language that can be set up in WMS -> Users -> select a user/ users and click Edit). All the system sounds will be pronounced in the selected language. Before selecting the language, make sure that the corresponding sound package is installed
  • Default Tone Zoneselect your country / region

  • Country Codeselect your country code for the correct routing of incoming and outgoing calls

  • Time zoneselect your time zone for the sync with the external NTP server (NTP server section)

  • Sounds packagesselect the sound packages to be installed 


Each user can select a preferred language in Collaboration Settings -> Personal. This language is applied for Collaboration web interface, WP4X0 interface. All the System sounds (audio prompts) are also played in the language selected by the user, but only if the corresponding Sound package is installed. Otherwise, System sounds are played in the default Language of the PBX.

Call and chat history

On Cloud PBX you can simply disable / enable the PBX to save chat and call history (CDR):

On Hardware / Virtual PBX, you can set up and select the backend used for storing chat history and call history (CDR). Hardware / Virtual PBX supports three CDR storage modes:

  • External server Microsoft SQL: MySQL or MSSQL. The server must be previously installed and must be reachable by the PBX

  • Internal database: CDR Sqlite. In this case CDR is stored on the PBX (on the backend specified for CDR storage). This backend is recommended for PBXs with 40 users and less

  • CSV file: file can be saved to a storage device (USB or network share)

Other Settings:


You can add multiple tags separated by comma. Maximum character length in the "Tags" field is 255 characters.


On existing PBXs it's possible to change CDR table manually using the following command: 

Code Block
MODIFY lastdata varchar(255);


Delete calls / chats / voicemail / recording after: these options allow auto-deleting old calls, chats, voicemails and recordings after a specified number of months 


Note: Deleting chat history in WMS Network.

In case WMS Network is enabled, chat history from CDR-backend will be deleted using the minimum value. For example, "Delete chats after 2 month" is set on Server PBX and "Delete chats after 1 month" is specified on Client PBX -> chats will be deleted after 1 month (the value of Client PBX is applied).


Limitation: in case of applying backup, empty icons for Call recordings and Voicemails that had been deleted, are still present in CDR-View (also on History page for call recordings).

Step 1. Enable connection to the database (Hardware, Virtual PBX)

Go to tabs CDR MSSQL / CDR MySQL / CDR Sqlite - you must enable connection to at least one database (however all the modes - CDR MSSQLCDR MySQLCDR Sqlite and CDR CSV - can be enabled at the same time).

Example of MSSQL/MySQL configuration:

  • Enabled: check the box to enable connection to the backend
  • Hostname: the name or the IP address of the remote server
  • Database name: the existing database where the CDR must be saved
  • CDR table name: the name of the table that the PBX creates on the remote database
  • User: the user to access to the server
  • Password: the password to access to the server
  • Port: specify the port used for connection


Note: It is also possible to enable connection to MSSQL instance.

Requirement: SQL Server browser must be running on MSSQL host. Please check the Microsoft documentation for detailed information on SQL browser.

To enable the connection, check the box "Enabled" and fill in the following data:

  • Hostname: specify MSSQL instance in the form of ip_adress_of_SQL_server\instance_name. For example,\SQLEXPRESS
  • Database name: the name of database where the CDR will be stored
  • CDR table name: enter the name of the table created by the PBX on MSSQL Server
  • User and Password: enter the credentials to access to SQL Server
  • Port: there is no need to specify the port when connecting to MSSQL instance. By default MSSQL itself listens on TCP port number 1433, but for instances the TCP port is dynamically configured


  • Go to the tab Settings to select the backend that will be used for displaying CDR statistic. You can choose only one backend
  • Click Save to save the configuration

For each backend there is a log shown in the right part of the screen, with the actual status and eventual problems and errors:


General PBX parameters and parameters for the voice transport:


Use only https (Hardware, Virtual PBX): If enabled, all http connections are redirected to the port 443 or the alternative https port (if configured) 


Note: the parameter is enabled for Cloud PBXs by default.


Default music on hold: select default music on hold 


Note: Music on hold is selected using different Dialplan applications; in case this option is enabled, files present in the selected Music on hold directory of the Sounds menu, will be played in a random order.


RTP / T.38 ToS / DSCP and SIP ToS / DSCP: optimal values are set up by default for these parameters and should be changed only if necessary 


More information: How to set DSCP QoS for Wildix devices and Web Phone.

Important: after having changed DSCP value, to apply the changes in WMS network, it is necessary to restart WMS network in WMS Settings -> PBX -> WMS Network.

Use TLS / SRTP for local devices (Hardware, Virtual PBX) (WMS 4.0X):* TLS is by default ON for remote devices, here you can enable/disable TLS/SRTP encryption also for local devices 


Note: The option is no longer supported in WMS 5.0X and will be deleted from the web the interface later.

All the devices (except GSM trunks W01GSM and DaySaver) connect now via TLS on VM/ HW PBXs (previously it was supported on Cloud PBXs). If you need to set another protocol, use custom provisioning parameter "SIPTransport".


Enable wideband codec usage for all networks: when enabled, codec priority is given to the wideband codecs of the remote devices


Codec priority is chosen automatically, normally the priority is given to the not compressed codec (G.711 aLaw) in LAN network and compressed (G.729) for remote connections.


TLS Certificate (*.crt)(Hardware, Virtual PBX): upload a TLS certificate file 


Generate certificate for SIP-RTP page on LINUX system:

  1. openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 2048
  2. openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.key
  3. openssl req -sha256 -new -key server.key -out server.csr -subj “/C=IT/ST=TN/L=My City/O=My Company/” (use your country instead of IT (Italy) and your region instead of TN (Trento))
  4. openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 3650 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt

Output: server.crt server.csr server.key

Upload server.crt and server.key to WMS Settings -> PBX -> SIP-RTP page.

This certificate serves for all types of connections, including SIP-TLS, HTTPs-TLS, XMPP-TLS.

LIMITATION: certificate should not be protected by password.


* In case of changing these parameters, it’s necessary to go to the tab Devices, select all the devices and click Configure/ Sync device.

Hotel integration

Enable integration with Oracle / Fidelio PMS and other hotel management systems that support FIAS protocol.

Refer to the Hotel Integration Guide for detailed information.


Callback URLs

Callback URLs allow opening Zoho CRM or other CRM systems upon receiving or placing a call and pass parameters (static parameters or supported variables).

Refer to How to set up web application integration via Popup URL for detailed information.

Verify certificate (optional)

You can enable the validity verification of the CRM server. Enter your credentials for basic authentication.



  • Digest authorization is not supported
  • Host certificate verification is not supported. Only certificate's validity is verified (means the certificate is issued by the certification authority and not self-signed)
  • Redirects are not supported (for example, from http to https)

Zoho Integration

Enable integration with Zoho CRM. Refer to Zoho Products integration with Wildix PBX for detailed information.

Server to Server applications (WMS 5.0X) 


The option is available only for a super admin user! 

S2S authentication via token for Wildix PBX API significantly increases security and protects your PBX from potential attackers. 

Documentation and instruction on how to generate the token and how to sign it with a secret key, is available on your PBX: https://<pbx_host>/api/v1/doc/#tag/Authentication/bearer

OAuth 2.0 applications (WMS 5.02) 


The option is available only for a super admin user! 

C2S (client to server) authorization provides the safe use of APIs for integrations without session cookies and without using basic authentication.

Documentation is available on your PBX: https://<pbx_host>/api/v1/doc/#section/Authentication/oauth2

QueueMetrics (Hardware, Virtual PBX)


QueueMetrics is not supported starting from WMS version 4.0X.



Note: QueueMetrics is working only with MySQL DB.


  • Remote queues logging: enables MySQL remote Queues logging service
  • Hostname: IP or host name of MySQL database
  • User: the user to access to the server
  • Password: the password to access to the server
  • Database name: the name of the database



Important: Trusted domains must be added to a domain whitelist! Please note that any Web API / PBX API integration will stop working if the domain is not added.

Configure domain whitelist to protect PBX from cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.

Refer to Domain Whitelist (Allow Origin) Configuration Instruction for detailed information.

Active Directory Single SignOn via Kerberos (Negotiate)

You can set automatic Single Sign-On via Active Directory.

Refer to Active Directory Single Sign-On for detailed description.


Network (Hardware, Virtual PBX)

Set up the network parameters based on the selected network scenario: you can keep the data and voice networks separated or shared.


On Virtual systems, Network parameters are available in read only mode.

Shared data and voice networks scenario

In this scenario the single connected port is WAN eth0, the IP address is received from the DHCP server.

  • WAN eth0 (dhcp) interface gets the IP address from DHCP server, LAN eth1 interface is inactive:

Separated  data and voice networks scenario

In this scenario the PBX itself functions as a DHCP server. WAN eth0 port is configured as DHCP client, LAN eth1 port must be set up with the static IP and DHCP server enabled. The default address of the eth1 port is


Read more about network scenarios: Choosing a network scenario (Hardware PBX)

After you have changed the network settings, click Apply network settings to apply the new parameters.

WMS Network interface

  • DMZ wtun0 (static) interface is used for connection to WMS Network. The interface cannot be edited unlike enth0 and enth1 interfaces


  • Click + Virtual to add a virtual interface to be able to assign more than one IP to a physical interface
  • Click + Vlan to add an interface with VLAN settings
  • Click Enable routing eth0 to enable devices connected to other interfaces to use the data connectivity of the PBX (WAN port)
  • Click Enable traffic shaper eth0-eth2 to create a bridge between the two interfaces and give a higher priority to the data traffic coming from eth0; more information in Choosing a network scenario (Hardware PBX)
  • Click - to delete the selected virtual interface
  • Click Edit to edit the settings of a selected interface (IP, subnet, status)

Routing and gateways

If the PBX’s WAN interface is connected to the network with the active DHCP server, the entry is automatically created in this table, containing the gateway assigned by DHCP server.



  • Click + to add a new host. Enter its address and hostname
  • Click - to delete a selected host
  • Click Edit to edit parameters of a selected host

You can also modify the DNS server and System name. System name is used as the PBX alias name – * domain name.
Each PBX with Public IP can be accessed by either its serial number or by the value set up in System name:




Note: value set up in System name is synced with the one set up in WMP -> PBX Details -> Name.


HTTP proxy client (Hardware, Virtual PBX)


  • Enable HTTP proxy for Support VPN: this option allows you to activate remote support and connection to Wildix server in case HTTP proxy is used
  • Proxy host: IP address of the proxy server
  • Port: listening port of the proxy server
  • Proxy authentication method: authentication method used by server (None, Basic, NTLM)
  • Login: user name (if required by authentication method)
  • Password: password (if required by authentication method)

LDAP server


Note: Radius support is removed starting from WMS 4.0X.

Set up connection to LDAP server and Radius server. This feature allows you to use a PBX as an LDAP server for users sync.


  • Enable external connections to LDAP: enables access for external connections to the PBX
  • Allowed host(s): security parameter allowing access only to the subnets entered here (e.g.:,; when using Overlay solution, enter here the IP of the Overlay Core
  • Password: allows you to set up a password for connection to the server

DHCP server (Hardware, Virtual PBX)


On WMS 3.88 click + button to expand DHCP server parameters:

  • Enable DHCP server at boot time: enables internal DHCP server and allows you to select the interface on which the server is enabled (normally eth1)
  • Start/ End address: range of IP addresses that can be assigned to hosts
  • Default lease time (mins): minimum time period for lease duration
  • Maximum leases: maximum number of leases that can be assigned
  • Domain name suffix: if the hosts are inserted in the network which is managed by the domain controller
  • Default gateway: IP address of the router or of the PBX (in case of LAN interface)
  • Primary / Secondary DNS server: addresses of DNS servers
  • Primary /Secondary NTP Server: addresses of NTP servers
  • Primary / Secondary WINS Server: addresses of WINS servers
  • Deny unknown clients: if enabled, IP addresses are not automatically assigned to unknown hosts

After you make some changes, click Save changes button.


DHCP option 176.

If you set DHCP option 176 for WP4XO phones, make sure that "VLAN id" data type is set as "string" on DHCP server and LLDP option (accessible on WP480G/490G, WorkForce, WelcomeConsole) on the phone's web interface in Network -> Advanced settings is enabled.

Note that on Linux like systems, DHCP option 176 values should be double-quoted. In case Dnsmasq is restarted, values are set to "string" data type.

Example in /etc/dnsmasq.d/dhcp.conf:

dhcp-option=176, "L2Q=1,L2QVLAN=100"

Leases table

All the IP addresses which DHCP server has assigned to devices, appear in this table.

  • To delete a lease, click - button
  • To set up this IP address as static, click Edit button
  • To release the previously assigned addresses, click Purge leases button

SMTP client

Enable the PBX to send notifications of the new voicemails, missed calls, chat requests, call recordings, faxes, etc.

Wildix Cloud PBXs offer default server for sending email notifications. Just enable Default settings option and click Save to be able to use the default server.

To activate SMTP client on Hardware and Virtual PBXs, enter the following parameters:

  • Email from: address to be used by PBX to send emails
  • SMTP mail server: server’s postal address used by the company
  • Port: listening port of the SMTP server
  • SMTP authentication method: choose the authentication method for the SMTP server
  • Timeout: select the timeout for the SMTP server to send notifications
  • User: user name to access the server
  • Password: password to access the server
  • HELO domain: domain defined for sending emails. Default value is “localhost”, change it in case anti-spam filters of the SMTP server block sending the message
  • Enable TLS: TLS protocol enabled for the security of the connection to the server
  • Enable STARTTLS: STARTTLS option enabled if provided by SMTP

After you have entered all the parameters, proceed as follows:

  • Click Save

  • To make sure that the entered parameters are correct, enter the email address into the field located in the upper right section and click Test

  • The logs are displayed in the field below and you receive the following email:


Note:  in case you are having problems setting up SMTP client with Google account, proceed as below:

  • Enable 2-Step Verification in your Google account settings (account settings of the user to access the server):
  • Add Apps password (appears only after you set up 2-Step Verification)
  • Use this apps password for authentication in SMTP client. Insert it in the Password field


Allows you to enable Mail2Fax and Mail2SMS services and specify the general parameters for FAX/SMS management.


For SMS sending, a GSM Media Gateway is required. For SMS Sending without it, use the option "Curl SMS send".


Curl SMS send enabled: enable this option for SMS sending via HTTP request without registering GSM media gateway


Note: Curl SMS has a higher priority compared to GSM gateway. If the parameter is unavailable or incorrectly configured (incorrect login, password or wrong API request), then the message will be sent via GSM gateway.


Curl SMS send: he feature allows sending SMS via CURL request using third-party service or another PBX with a configured GSM trunk (using SMS API). 

To send SMS via third-party service, use the list of of curl command examples and possible variables (click ? button to see the list). For example, curl –request POST \ --url \ d "user=user_name&psw=user_pass&num=(TO_NUMBER)&body={MESSAGE}&idserivce=4&from={FROM_NUMBER}"

To send SMS via another PBX with a configured GSM trunk, you can use the following request: curl -k -X POST -u user:password --url "http://<PBX_IP_Address>/api/v1/originate/sms" --data-urlencode "number={TO_NUMBER}" --data-urlencode "message={MESSAGE}", where <PBX_IP_Address> is IP address of PBX with a configured GSM trunk

Click Save to apply the settings.

The PBX checks the mailbox, once new emails corresponding to the parameters of Mail2Fax service are found, the PBX sends them to the destination fax number(s) present in the email.

To create a new Fax/ SMS server profile:


User: email address of user to access to the server 


Note: don't use here an email of a user who must send faxes via Fax2Mail service.

    • Password: password to access to email address of user specified in the field above
    • Keep e-mails and faxes on server: enables storing of messages on the server
    • Dialplan procedure: select the Dialplan procedure to manage
    • Protection password: security password for MAIL2FAX service
    • Default LOCALSTATION: sender’s fax machine ID, appears at the top of each page of outgoing fax, if not specified the default value “Fax Server” is used
    • Default LOCALHEADER: fax header to identify the sender, appears at the top of each page of outgoing fax, if not specified the default value “Wildix PBX” is used

Click Save to apply the changes

Select the profile from the list and click Test fetching mails to make a test and check if the entered parameters are correct.

You can delete a selected profile by clicking - or make changes by clicking Edit.

For more information about Fax/ SMS Server, read FAX/ SMS Server Quick Admin Guide

SNMP server (Hardware, Virtual PBX)


  • SNMP Server: enables the access to the SNMP server
  • Community: enter the server identifier
  • Port: external port of access
  • Trusted IP: enter the list of the clients that can connect to the server

Storages (Hardware, Virtual PBX)

Configure a backend to store all the data of the PBX (Voicemail, call records, faxes, CDR, backups, etc).
For an on-premise PBX, the USB drive inserted into the PBX serves as a backend for storing all the data. It is recommended to store the Backups on another USB drive or on a Windows share, to be able to restore the system in case of the primary USB drive’s failure.


Add NFS/Windows share

Click + to add a new NFS/ Windows share.


  • Type: select NFS/ Windows share
    For NFS:
    • Host: IP address or host name of the server
    • Path: name of the NFS share created at the host
    • Service: select the service to be saved to the NFS share (Call recording/ Voicemail/ Call generation/ Backups/ Faxes/ CDR CSV) 
    For Windows:
    • Host: IP address or host name of the server
    • Path: name of the Windows share created at the host
    • Domain: domain name of the host machine
    • User name: user name to access to the resource
    • Password: password to access to the resource
    • SMB version: select the Server Message Block version 
    • Service: select the service to be saved to the Windows share (Call recording/ Voicemail/ Call generation/ Backups/ Faxes/ CDR CSV) 

NTP Server

Synchronize the PBX with an external NTP server.



Remote syslog

Enable remote syslog for log processing in addition to local syslog.

Refer to the online documentation Remote Syslog Guide for details.

Tools and utilities

Remote support


Important: Remote support for Cloud PBXs is removed starting from WMS 4.0X.

Displays the information about the Wildix server, which is used for remote support and the PBX sync with the Wildix Management Portal.

Check information on ports to open for Remote Support: Ports used by Wildix services.

In the lower part of the screen you can set up the PBX to send the geographic position of the PBX to the Wildix server (geolocation tools are provided by Google) (Hardware, Virtual PBX).

The following IP ranges are used by Remote Support server (make sure they don’t collide with your internal network ranges): 

Backup system

Create and download the system backup and set up a scheduled system backup.

You can create the copies of PBX configuration on the Windows share or on the USB storage device (defined in System -> Storages (Hardware, Virtual PBX), otherwise the backup can be created and downloaded directly on your PC.


  • Generate a backup file by clicking Generate backup
  • In case you have the generated file and you need to upload it: click Choose file, select the file and click Upload to upload it. The file will be available to in list of available backup files
  • Select the preferred file from the list and click Apply backup
  • Confirm the backup by clicking Yes:

Note: in case you have set up WMS Network, you will need to click Re-initialize Client button on WMS Network page on each of the Client PBXs to have users and groups synchronized.


Note: "restore network" option allows you to restore network parameters saved in Settings -> System -> Network and the parameters saved in Settings -> System -> HTTP Proxy client. In case you don't need to restore these parameters, uncheck the box (the network parameters will be restored by default).

  • After the backup is completed, you'll need to reboot your PBX. Click Reboot button to start the process:


Other options:



Limitation: In case of applying backups from another PBX, it is necessary to go to WMS -> System -> Storages and add back storages (for Virtual / HW PBX).

Scheduled backups

You can set up a scheduled backup to share, FTP or email which will be performed daily/ weekly/ monthly.

Enable one of the options for the scheduled backup:

  • Backup to share (Hardware, Virtual PBX):
    •  Perform: enable the system to perform the backup every day/ week/ month
  • Backup to FTP: 
    • FTP host: host address of FTP server
    • FTP port: enter FTP port
    • FTP login: user name
    • FTP password: user password
    • FTP upload directory: directory IP adress or domain name for uploading of backup files
    • Enable passive mode: tick off to enable
    • Perform: enable the system to perform the backup every day/ week/ month


Click Save to save the changes.

Click Perform backup now


Check if there is a new version available and perform the upgrade.


Check the ports to open for Upgrade: Ports used by Wildix services.


Downgrade is not supported!

  • Enter the name of the repository (rel50 / rel40) into the field “Upgrade repository” and click Save

Available repositories for upgrade: 



For Hardware/ Cloud PBXs: you need to first upgrade your PBX to the latest WMS 4 version and then update it to WMS 5:

  1. Enter the following name of the repository into the field Upgrade repository: rel40 
  2. Click Save
  3. Click Perform upgrade to update your PBX to the latest WMS 4 version
  4. Enter the following name of the repository into the field Upgrade repository: rel50 
  5. Click Save
  6. Click Perform upgrade to update your PBX to WMS 5 version
  • As a rule, the Upgrade procedure takes several minutes (however it depends on your Internet connection and the number and volume of packages that must be downloaded. During the procedure, you can review the upgrade log:
  • As soon as the upgrade is completed, click Reboot button. You can download the upgrade log by clicking Download full log button:



You can check the current WMS version in the upper right part of the screen.


How to perform the upgrade in case the version contains no WMS interface package? In case the page shows that there is no new WMS version is available, but it was announced by Wildix that there is a new version available, it means that you can install additional packages ("additional packages" = Callweaver package, firmwares, sound files, etc) from the repository. Click Upgrade additional packages.

Automatic upgrade


Starting from WMS 5.02.20201207.3, weekly automatic upgrade for the Stable repository is enabled by default. You can disable it, but it is re-enabled again after each new upgrade.

You can enable automatic upgrade to be performed at the specified time.


  • Upgrade repository: enter the name of the repository
  • Email: enter the email address to which the upgrade result (only in case the upgrade was performed) will be sent 
  • Perform: enable the system to check each day / week / month if there is a new version available, and if yes, perform the upgrade automatically. Auto-upgrade is performed during the night

Custom firmware server 

Deploy a local upgrade server for Vision/ SuperVision and PRI/ BRI media gateways (starting from WMS v. 5.01.20200508.1) and indicate the server URL to update firmware in cases when devices cannot get it from server (for example, connection to the server is blocked from the device; PBX doesn't have access to the server). Please contact Wildix Support for details.

Activation / Licences


To deactivate the PBX Activation license, click Deactivate license.


If you need to replace an old PBX by reusing PBX Activation license on a new PBX, do not deactivate license, but follow the procedure described in PBX Licensing and Activation guide.

Gold Partners have the option to display their company logo in WMS / Collaboration interface. The logo must be uploaded in WMP -> PBX per user -> click under user name -> select Company Settings. Requirements: file format: JPG, GIF, PNG; image size: 140px x 60px; file size: < 1MB

Click Download logo to make the logo appear in the upper right part of WMS / Collaboration interface / Remove logo to remove the logo from WMS / Collaboration interface. 

Click Renew to update SSL Certificate.

Generate trace


  • Tick off IP Address and leave the input field empty 


  • Tick off IP Address and enter the host address 


  • Tick off Custom tcpdump and specify the interfaces, the ports and the hosts in the input field


After you have selected the way to generate a trace, enter the Trace name and click Start.
When finished, click Stop. You can start a trace and continue navigating other menus of the WMS. 


It is possible to stop traces via Dialplan. Consult this Articles for details.

Open the trace with Wireshark program.

Please find more information on using *.pcap trace generation feature in this Guide on debugging and troubleshooting VoIP problems.

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