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This step-by-step guide leads you through the process of activation and configuration of the Wildix system.

WMS version: 6.0X / 5.0X

WMS version: 6.0X / 5.0X

Updated: January 2023

Permalink: January 2023



Note: Starting from WMS Beta 6.02.20230228.2, WMS interface has been updated. Current documentation includes the UI/UX changes.  

In case of WMS version prior to WMS Beta 6.02.20230228.2, you can use older version of this guide: WMS Start Guide - old interface.pdf

Table of Contents



User interface for access to UC&C, completely web-based and accessible via the browser; requires at least Essential license. Additionally, you can download mobile apps for iOS/ Android from App store / Google play market.


Accessible at Wildix PBXs should connect to the WMP server for:



Proceed as follows:

  1. Connect to WMP using your credentials

  2. Go to Customers tab; to create a new PBX, you first need to add a customer (if it does not exist yet); click Add:

  3. Create a new customer (company): fill in the fields and click Save:

  4. You need to create at least one contact: fill in the fields and click Add:

  5. Now you can proceed with adding a new PBX: go to PBXs tab: 

  6. You are now under PBXs tab, click + to add a new PBX:

  7. Fill in the fields:

    • Model: select WPBX-CLOUD for Cloud / WPBX-VM/HW for Virtual or Hardware

    • Region (only for Cloud PBX): select the datacenter region

    • Name: PBX domain name by which your PBX is accessible via the browser; in the example provided below, the PBX can be accessed by URL

    • Expire: select the recurring billing period: monthly / yearly / 5 years / lifetime (lifetime is not available for Cloud PBX)

    • PBX-BASIC / UC-Essential / UC-Business / UC-Premium / UC-Wizyconf Room / UC-Wizywebinar / PBX-Service: add the number of users of each profile (more about each profile:

    • Storage size and enable Static IP (only for Cloud PBX): increase Cloud instance storage size. For more details, refer to the chapter: Increase storage on Cloud PBX


      Note: Starting from July 1 2021 onward, all PBXs will get a dynamic IP address by default. If you need to reserve static IP for your Cloud PBX, there are several options:

      • Switch to CLASSOUND to provide a more modern service
      • Ask your provider to switch from the IP-based authentication to the password/login one
      • Buy the storage (If you have previously purchased an extra storage, the IP is reserved)

    • x-caracal: tick the option to activate x-caracal ACD stats service on this PBX. Important: make sure you add at least 10 Business/ Premium + 1 Premium licenses on this PBX to be able to activate x-caracal. More information on how to activate x-caracal on the WMS side: x-caracal documentation. Important: x-caracal is supported only on Cloud or Virtual PBXs, Hardware PBXs are not supported. Make sure you have the min. required WMS version
    • MS-PhoneSystem: this is an extension of the teams4Wildix (integration of Microsoft Teams with Wildix PBX). It requires the CLASSOUND service to be activated on the PBX. Important: Make sure you have the min. required WMS version

  8. Click Add; your PBX has been created:


  1. Open the web browser (recommended browser: Google Chrome updated to the latest version)
  2. Type the PBX IP address (https mode is recommended), example: (for LAN1) or PBX name set on WMP (Cloud PBX), example: 


    Note: For access by default local IP where your PC is connected to the LAN1 port, your PC must be in the same network segment as the PBX.

  3. Enter the credentials for the first time access:

    • user : admin

    • password : wildix

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Note: To change the language of the WMS interface, double click on the “admin” user and select the language from the list.


Important! Before proceeding, it is necessary to change the admin password. This admin user is the “super admin” - the only user with full access to all the levels of the system management.

Change admin password 


Important! On Cloud PBXs, a default admin password is reset after 7 days of uptime. Make sure to change it.

In case you face any issues with reset, contact Wildix Support.

Proceed as follows:
  • Select admin user and click Set passwords
  • Generate or create a new password, click OkSave
    • Current password: enter the current password (wildix)

    • New password: click Generate (green icon) to automatically generate a strong password (click Show to  (eye icon) to view the password generated by the system)

    • Confirm password: enter the new password again to confirm it
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Note: You can also compose your own strong password, consisting of at least 8 symbols, at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 digit, 1 special character.


Note: This password is used by the admin user to access the WMS interface, while SIP/VoIP password is used to register and assign remote devices.

  • Enter the email address of the admin user to be able to receive email notifications: double click on the admin user and fill in the field Email:

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Upgrade WMS to the latest stable release

Go to WMS Settings -> Tools and utilities (1) -> Upgrade .(2):

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To upgrade the system, proceed as follows:

  • The system checks whether there is a new version available in the selected repository: rel60 / rel50:

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Note: Starting from WMS 5.0420220819.1, to be able to upgrade to the next major WMS version in case of WMS Network, e.g. from WMS 5 to WMS 6, WMS Network has to be configured correctly, matching the licences ordered on the Wildix Management Portal.


  • In case there is a new version available, click Perform upgrade

  • As a rule, the Upgrade procedure takes several minutes:

  • As soon as the update procedure is over, the button Reboot is shown:

  • Click Reboot and wait till the system is being rebooted:

  • As soon as the PBX has been rebooted, the login page appears
  • Log in to the WMS, the current WMS version is shown in the upper bottom right part corner of the screen:
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PBX Activation (Hardware, Virtual PBXs)


Cloud PBXs are automatically activated after they are created in WMP (see chapter Creation of Per User PBX on WMP).

  • Copy PBX key from WMP:
    • Go to the tab PBX per user, select your company, then select the PBX that you have created on step 1

    • Click Copy PBX key to clipboard


After you have successfully activated the PBX and changed the admin password, let’s take a closer look at the WMS interface.
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Main menu:

  • 1 - Users: add users, change preferences and passwords, move users from one PBX to another one in WMS network, set up permissions of ACL groups, import phonebooks

  • 2 - Trunks: add VoIP trunks, set up parameters of media gateways, create huntgroups (groups of trunks), import pricelists

  • 3 - Devices: provision devices, assign WP phones and ports of analog devices to users, create W-AIR networks

  • 4 - Dialplan: set up the strategy for call routing, create timetables, switches, create call groups, create IVRs, set up the general Dialplan parameters5 - Settings: system and network configurationgeneral Dialplan parameters

  • 5 - PBX: set up WMS Network, set language and region, configure call and chat history settings, SIP-RTP, security settings, and integrations
  • 6 - System: configure LDAP server, SMTP client, FAX/SMS server, NTP server, Remote syslog

  • 7 - Tool and utilities: perform system backup, upgrade, see Activation/ Licenses info, generate trace
  • 8 - Collapse sidebar: hide the left sidebar panel

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Secondary (top) menu:

  • 6 9 - Port blocks: notification (red=error; yellow=warning) in case ports needed for remote trunks / phones are not open (consult the document: Ports used by Wildix services):
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  • 7 10 - SIP blocks: click to see the list of temporarily banned IP addresses (in case of unsuccessful login attempt). The icon is visible only in case there are banned devices:
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    When you click on the button a pop-up window appears displaying if there are any IP bans:

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Ability to view the list of blocked IPs and unblock them is limited to the "admin" user

  • 8 11 - Info (available only for the admin user!) : click to open monit application that provides the information on the system performance, the current processes, the resources engaged, etc:
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  • 9 12 - Generate call: click to perform a test call or an echo test using a selected Dialplan procedure (you must specify the extension in the input field and you can select the Dialplan procedure to follow for this call):


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  • 10 13 - Sounds: via this menu you can upload music on hold and ringtones, record the messages for operator (More information in chapter Record and playback audio messages); you can generate audio files using TTS (Text-to-Speech), more information: Wildix Business Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence services
  • 11 14 - Terminal: access to the console (enabled only for the admin user)
  • 12 15 - Debug: click to view the simple
  •  log of each call generated on the PBX (More information in chapter Dialplan debug)
  • 13 16 - Reboot / Power Off
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  • 14 - Logout17 - Profile icon: click on the arrow icon next to the user name to access the Logout option

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Basic WMS settings

In this chapter we will see the basic settings which you should pay attention to before proceeding with PBX configuration.


For the basic settings of a PBX residing in the USA, please refer to Basic PBX Settings USA.

Time & date

Go toWMS Settings  System -> System -> NTP Server.

Make sure that the time and the date of the PBX are correct and are synced with the NTP server.

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Language & Region

Go to WMS Settings -> PBX -> Language & Region.


  • Language: (not to be confused with WMS interface language, which can be selected for the current user in WMS -> Users -> select the user, click Edit) select the default language for this PBX, which means by default all the system sounds are pronounced in this language in case there’s no sound package installed for the language selected by user (e.g. PBX default language is “Italian”, user selected “Dutch”, in case Dutch sound package is not installed, all the system sounds are played back in Italian for this user)

  • Default Tone Zone: select your country / region

  • Country Code: select your country code

  • Time zone: select your time zone

  • Sounds packages: select the sound packages to be installed (maximum three sound packages can be enabled at a time)

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Click Save to apply the changes.



Important: Remote support is not available for Cloud PBXs is removed starting from WMS 4.0X.

Go to WMS Settings -> Tools  Tools and utilities -> Remote support.


Activation & Licenses

Go toWMS Settings -> Tools and utilities -> Activation / Licenses.


  • System section -> Status: Activated

  • License usage section: Yes in front of a service

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To refresh the licenses you enabled on WMP, click Refresh via Internet.

Storage services (Hardware, Virtual PBX)

Go toWMSSettings -> System -> Storages.

The USB key you have inserted into the PBX serves to store such data as Voicemail messages, call recordings, faxes, CDR, CTI data, etc. It is recommended to store the Backups on another USB drive or on a Windows / NFS Share, to be able to restore the system in case of the primary USB drive’s failure.


Each time before proceeding with the system upgrade, it is necessary to create a backup.

Go to WMS Settings -> Tools  Tools and utilities -> Backup system.


  • Click Generate and download backup to save the backup to your PC

  • Otherwise click Generate backup to save a backup on the PBX (or on the USB key):
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The tab Scheduled backups allows you to set up a scheduled system backup (daily / weekly / monthly) to share, FTP or mail. Configuration example:
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More details: WMS Settings Menu Guide



Starting from WMS 5.02.20201207.3, weekly automatic upgrade for the Stable repository is enabled by default. You can disable it, but it is re-enabled again after each new upgrade.

Go to WMS Settings -> Tools and utilities -> Upgrade.


The upgrade procedure is described in chapter Upgrade WMS to the latest stable release

Available repositories for upgrade: 


DHCP Server (Hardware, Virtual PBXs)

Go to WMSSettings -> System -> DHCP server.

If in the chosen network scenario PBX is used as the DHCP server to assign IP addresses to devices, check that the options of the service are enabled with the correct settings:

DHCP server is integrated for auto provisioning of supported devices. It’s possible to enable the server for the initial configuration of the devices and successively disable it, otherwise to enable the parameter Deny unknown clients.


Detailed information can be found in WMS Settings Menu Guide.

SMTP Client

Go to WMSSettings -> to System -> SMTP client.

SMTP client enables the PBX to send email notifications about new voicemails, missed calls, chat requests, call recordings, faxes, etc.



Note: in case you are encountering problems while creating an SMTP profile using Gmail client, read the guide: WMS Settings Menu.

Fax server

Go to WMS Settings -> System -> FAX/SMS Server.


  • Enter the email address into the field Send a copy of sent and received faxes and sent SMS to this e-mail:

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  • Click + to add a new FAX Server profile

  • Fill in the fields:

    • Name: enter the name (identifier)
    • Protocol: select the protocol of communication with your email server (POP3 or IMAP)
    • Auth type: select the preferred authorization type, Basic or OAuth2 (the support of OAuth2 for Fax/SMS Server starts from WMS 6.01.20221019.4). Depending on the chosen type, fill out the following fields:

      a) In case of Basic Auth type:
      • Server: settings of your email server to access incoming messages
      • User: email address of user to access to the server
      • Password: password to access to email address of user specified in the field above
      • Use SSL: enables secure connection to the server (required by some email servers)
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      b) In case of OAuth2 authorization type: 
      • Auth provider: choose auth provider (Google or Office 365) -> click Login and perform the login 
    • Dialplan procedure: select the Dialplan procedure to manage faxes sent by users
    • Protection password: security password for MAIL2FAX service
    • Default LOCALSTATION: sender’s fax machine ID, appears at the top of each page of outgoing fax, if not specified the default value “Fax Server” is used
    • Default LOCALHEADER: fax header to identify the sender, appears at the top of each page of outgoing fax, if not specified the default value “Wildix PBX” is used
    • Keep e-mails and faxes on server: enables storing of messages on the server
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  • Click Save

The PBX checks the mailbox and once any new email corresponding to Mail2Fax, Mail2SMS or Fax2Mail parameters are found, the system forwards it to the specified destination.

More information on Fax Server: FAX/ SMS Server Quick Admin Guide.

Call & chat history

Go to WMS Settings -> PBX -> Call and chat history.


For Cloud PBXs you don’t need to specify a backend, just make sure that the box Enabled is checked:.

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Note: Starting from WMS Beta 6.01.20220721.1, it is possible to set up backend for storing chat and call history (CDR) for Cloud PBX. 


  • Configure at least one CDR backend: go to one of the tabs CDR MSSQL, CDR MySQL, CDR Sqlite and enable connection to the server; example of MSSQL/MySQL configuration:

    • Enabled: Check the box to enable the backend

    • Hostname: The name or the IP address of the remote server

    • Database name: The existing database where the CDR must be saved

    • CDR Table name: The name of the table that the PBX creates on the remote database

    • User: The user to access to the server

    • Password: The password to access to the server

    • Port: specify the port used
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  • Click Save

  • Go to the first tab CDR Settings and select the backend used for displaying CDR statistics:


Calls history can be accessed from Collaboration, WP, iOS / Android apps (W-AIR shows only local call history).


Note: It is possible to configure SSL connection for sending CDR data to external MySQL server. See the following guide for instructions: Custom config parameters List: Enable SSL connection to remote MySQL server.


Go to WMS Settings -> PBX -> SIP-RTP

The default parameters present on this page are set up in accordance with VoIP protocol.


  • Park call timeout: timeout in seconds for return from park orbit. Make sure you define the value for a call to return from Park Orbit; more information about parking feature: How to implement the Parking feature

  • Prefix for external line: prefix to get the outside line (0 by default)

  • International Prefix: prefix to call abroad (00 by default)

  • National Prefix: prefix to call within your country (0 by default)

  • Internal call default timeout: timeout after which the call to another user is forwarded (if forwarding is enabled in user preferences) or terminated

  • First digit timeout (secs): timeout after which the call is terminated in case there is no input  (time countdown starts if the handset is raised)

  • Interdigit timeout (secs): timeout in seconds after which the number is dialed automatically unless the user presses the Send call key on the phone

  • Send call key: it’s possible to select #, *, or None as a send key

  • Playback tones while entering number: if enabled, DTMF tones are played

  • Quality of recorded voicemails / recordings: choose the optimal quality and file size

  • Send mail notification after the record is complete: if enabled, users receive notification by email after the record is complete

  • Attach files with records to emails: if enabled, users receive recording files attached to email notification

  • Convert Voicemails to text and send by email: if enabled, Voicemails are converted to text and sent to user by email (read the guide Wildix Business Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence services for more information)

  • Notify by email in case SIP trunk registration status is changed: if enabled, the PBX admin receives notification about SIP trunks changing their registration status

  • Announce date, time and caller phone number for Voicemail messages: if disabled, user is invited to press a key in Voicemail IVR menu in order to hear date, time and caller phone number for each Voicemail

  • Set dialplan variables: this field allows setting Custom Dialplan variables; documentation: Custom Global Dialplan Variables List

  • Set quick dial patterns: this field is used only for the first generation of WP phones (pre 2015)!  

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WMS Network

Introduction to WMS Network


If PBXs are remote and communicate via Internet, it’s necessary to allow outgoing traffic on 443 TCP (or custom secure port) and 1194 UDP on firewall / router on the side of the Client PBX towards the Server PBX.

Go to WMS Settings -> PBX -> WMS Network.

Server configuration:



It is required to set licenses per each user! Consult Assign correct license type to each user for detailed information. 

In case the number of licenses used was exceeded, users do not lose access to any functionality, but the system administrator is informed with the notification:

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The system administrator can also check the number of licenses bought and used in WMS Settings -> Tools and utilities -> Activation / Licenses.


Click Save to save a new user:

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Users are displayed in the table:

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The first column displays an icon representing the user type:


  • 1 - +Add: add user

  • 2 - Edit: change the same parameters, which are available upon adding a user

  • 3 - -Delete: delete one or multiple users 


    Note: It is possible to remove user's personal data (calls, chats, voicemails, phonebooks, recordings, faxes) when deleting this user. Refer to section Delete user data


    • the feature works for standalone PBXs or for WMS Networks PBXs which share the same MySQL or MSSQL DB
    • if a user to be deleted is an owner of contacts in shared phonebooks, than contacts remains without an owner
    • voicemails left via FC "Voicemail: 81 are not reset (but it is possible to reset them via Terminal, consult this Article)

  • 4 - Set passwords: change user passwords; for security reasons only the admin user can set passwords for other admins of the system; by default strong passwords are automatically created by the system, read more about changing user passwords in chapter Set user passwords

  • 5 - Edit preferences: manage user preferences and phone features, for details, see chapter User preferences

  • 6 - Send Welcome Message Invite to Collaboration: send a message to newly created users with details of access to Wildix Collaboration (URL, login, password); for security reasons, only the admin user can send welcome messages to other admins of the system

  • 7 - Move users to another PBX: in case of WMS Network, you can select one or more users and move them to another PBX in the network8 - Export CSV (available only for the admin user): save a CSV file containing users information in *.csv format to your PC 

  • 9 8 - Import: import users from MySQL / MSSQL, LDAP / AD, Google, Office 365, Exchange Server, CSV file, Zoho CRM, other resources; more information in chapteImport of users and phonebooks 

  • 10 9 Search field
  • 11
  • 10 - Filter: choose the fields that should be displayed on the Users tab:
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In case of WMS Network, there are also the following options: 

  • - Move users to another PBX: in case of WMS Network, you can select one or more users and move them to another PBX in the network
  • Select PBX: in case of WMS Network, you can select to view users of a different PBX in the Network or to view all the users registered to all the PBXs in the WMS Network

Set user passwords

The first time you connect to the WMS, you are required to change the generic admin password.


  • New password: password used to access WMS/Collaboration

  • SIP/VoIP - password to assign and provision non-Wildix devices

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For security reasons, this configuration window allows only setting new passwords, but it doesn’t display previously created passwords.


  • Activate the class: by default, all the settings are applied for Internal call class; to set up call Features for a different call class, first select the needed call classes, then enable the checkbox for the selected call class
  • Call reject: reject all calls

  • Call Forward Busy / No Answer / All: you can enable call forwarding in case user is busy / does not answer or unconditional call forwarding; enter the destination number or the VOICEMAIL into the field

  • Call waiting: enable the option to be able to receive more than one call at a time

  • Call timeout: if enabled, the call is terminated in case there is no answer within the specified timeout; enter timeout in seconds into the field

  • Mobility extension management: if enabled, the call is forwarded also to the user mobile phone number (mobile phone number must be specified for this user in WMS -> Users -> Edit) after the specified timeout; enter timeout in seconds into the field

  • Mobility confirmation: if enabled, the user is notified on who the caller is once he receives the call to mobility extension number, and is invited to enter the digit to accept the call

  • Notify missed calls via email / via sms: enable missed calls notification to email / via SMS

  • Custom Ring: enable the option and select the ringtone; ringtones selected here are applied to WP4X0, WelcomeConsole and Collaboration; Custom ringtones can be uploaded via Sounds menu (more information in chapter Record and playback audio messages)

Settings: user personal settings


a. You can either choose All data:

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b. Or untick All data and choose which data needs to be removed. The list of options you can choose from:

- User (without deleting user data)
- Personal data (avatar, mobile phone, email, new passwords)
- Voicemails
- Voicemail greetings
- Calls (history, records, faxes)
- Chat history
- Phonebooks
- Call group member
- Missed call manager
- Paging group member
- Applications (s2s, simple token)
- Unassign devices

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3. Once necessary data is selected, click Delete:

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Import of users and phonebooks



Note: It is possible to assign unprovisioned devices to users.

Available only for devices added via Remote Provisioning (Semi-automatic mode) or WMP. Refer to this chapter for detailed information about assigning to users.


For provisioning of Vision/ SuperVision, see chapter Provisioning and login of Vision / SuperVision.

WMP provisioning (Hardware, Virtual, Cloud PBX)


  • The list of all your available devices is displayed; select only those devices that you want to assign to this PBX and click Add:

  • Power on / connect devices (WP phones, media gateways, W-AIR bases) to the network

  • Go to WMS -> Devices: the added devices are displayed in the table:

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How to understand that devices have been provisioned:


Make sure the option in WMS Settings -> PBX -> SIP-RTP, Auto add new devices in local networks is enabled: when it's enabled, devices are added and provisioned automatically in local networks.


  • Enter the device’s Mac Address (Mac address can be normally found on the backside of each device):

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  • The provisioning link has been generated:

Copy the link address of the Provisioning URL
Provisioning link format:
http://[PBX_IP]/?action=setaps&config=xml (W01GSM)
(other devices)

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  • Access the web interface of the device and insert the provisioning link

  • In this specific example we are provisioning a WP4X0G phone: enter credentials for the first time access: admin : admin

  • Go to the menu Upgrade -> Advanced:


All the devices connected to the PBX (provisioned or not) are displayed in the table:

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  • 1 - + Add: add a new device via Auto-provisioning or Semi-provisioning mode
  • 2 - Edit: edit device settings for one or multiple devices:

    • Comment: unique identifier, displayed in the Comment column of Devices table

    • Default zone / Tone zone (FXS/FXO): select the country / the geographical area for the correct tone recognition

    • DNS Server / Secondary DNS / NTP Server / NTP Zone: allows setting DNS and NTP settings, which can be useful in some network scenarios, e.g. with remote devices

    • Use DST: enables automatic switching to DST

    • Voice VLAN ID / CoS voice priority / Data VLAN ID / CoS data priority: allows setting priority for Voice and Data traffic and assign VLAN IDs

    • Use received IP: enables static IP

    • Syslog Server: you can specify the server IP address to which you would like to send syslog

    • SNMP Access (BRI, PRI, W-PA, some of WP4X0): authorizes SNMP monitoring on devices (it is also possible to authorize SNMP monitoring of the PBX in WMS Settings -> System -> SNMP Server)

    • Disable SIP Firewall (BRI, PRI, FXO, W-PA, GSM): it is necessary to enable this parameter in some complicated network scenarios, where a SIP Firewall is present between the PBX and the connected devices

  • 3 - - Delete: delete one or multiple devices

  • 4 - Configure / Sync device: send new configuration to one or multiple devices

  • 5 - Assign to user: assign WP4X0 and W01FXS to users; more information in chapter Assign WP4X0 to users

  • 6 - Sync from WMP: sync devices, assigned to this PBX from WMP; more information about WMP provisioning in chapter WMP Provisioning (Hardware, Virtual, Cloud PBX)  

  • 7 - Reset password: in case there is a risk that the provisioning password (displayed in the column Password) of one or several devices has been compromised, it’s possible to reset it without resetting the device: select one or multiple devices, click Reset password to reset the password, then click Configure / Sync device to assign a new password to the device

  • 8 - i: the blue icon indicates that there is a new firmware version available; more information about firmware upgrade in chapter Update firmware

  • 9 - Status icon: displays the device status, hover over it to see additional information (SRC port, transport used):

    • Green: device is registered (connected via SIP)

    • Grey: device is not registered

  • 10 - Model: for provisioned devices, the model is indicated correctly (e.g. wp480gr3), for not provisioned devices, only the device type is indicated (e.g. phone) in this column

  • 11 - Connect: enable / disable direct access to device (available for non-Cloud PBXs for devices which are in the same network as the PBX); more information is available in the guide Provisioning of Wildix devices

  • 12 - Extension: available for WP4X0 and W01FXS, displays the extension, this device is assigned to; displays loginX in case device is not assigned

  • 13 - Firmware: the current firmware version

  • 14 - Password: password to access device’s web interface after provisioning; password is displayed only for provisioned devices

  • 15 - Search field   



Note: a new FW notification is not indicated for BRI/ PRI media gateways. To update their firmware, upgrade your PBX to the latest version. Within half an hour after the procedure is over, media gateways are automatically updated.

Assign WP4X0 to users

After you have provisioned WP phones, proceed with assigning phones to users.


  • Go to WMS -> Devices

  • Select a provisioned WP phone

  • Click Assign to user

  • Select the user from the list (the option Unknown allows you to log out a phone that had been previously assigned):

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  • After a few seconds, loginX, previously displayed under Extension column has changed to the extension number of user:


For W-AIR Base Small Business: after you have provisioned the base station, proceed to chapter Register and assign W-AIR handsets to users.

For W-AIR Sync Plus / W-AIR Sync Plus Base Outdoor: after you have provisioned W-AIR base station, proceed as follows:

  • Go to WMS -> Devices -> W-AIR Networks

  • Click +Add

  • Enter the name of the network into the field Name; do not edit the field Code to avoid problems with adding repeaters to the system

  • Select the MAC address of the base station from the left section and move the selected item to the right section using the arrow button

  • For W-AIR Sync Plus: check off "Sync Plus via Ethernet" option to enable sync over cable 


    Note: The option can be enabled only for W-AIR Sync Plus Base stations. If you add W-AIR Base Outdoor to the Network, the option is disabled automatically.

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  • Click Save

  • W-AIR Network is created: 

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  • Go back to WMS -> Devices

  • Select the same base station and click Configure / Sync device


For CLOUD PBXs, you need to power the base station down and then power it up again (reboot the base station) to apply the new parameters!


Note: Base station is displayed with grey status in the table of devices, unless you register at least one handset / headset.


To assign W-AIR handset to user, follow procedure of phone login via Feature Code, described in chapter Assign WP4X0 to users.


Note: Starting from WMS 5.04.20220309.1, it is possible to assign registered W-AIR handsets/ headsets to users via WMS -> Devices -> W-AIR Devices.

See the section: Assigning W-AIR handsets/ headsets via WMS

Register and assign W-AIR Headsets to users



Note: Starting from WMS 5.04.20220309.1, it is possible to assign registered W-AIR handsets/ headsets to users via WMS -> Devices -> W-AIR Devices.

See the section: Assigning W-AIR handsets/ headsets via WMS.

Assign a W-AIR Headset to user:




  • The support starts from WMS 5.04.20220309.1. 
  • W-AIR handset/headset should have DECT registration on the W-AIR base station before it can be assigned to user.


For more information on CDR-View, refer to

CDR-View User Guide: CDR-View User Guide.


Each trunk can be then associated to a pricelist (the first line in trunk configuration window). Read more about associating pricelists to trunks in the next chapter: Configuring SIP trunks and lines.

Configuring SIP trunks and lines


Connected SIP trunks and ISDN / FXO gateways are displayed in WMS -> Trunks:

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Note: Wildix offers its own built-in VoIP trunk CLASSOUND:



Note: SIP trunks must be added manually.

BRI / PRI / GSM / FXO lines are displayed in the corresponding tables once the media gateways have been connected to the system and provisioned as described in chapter Provisioning of devices.

Each trunk is displayed in the corresponding section of the page with the following information:


Each trunk is associated to a Dialplan procedure (main by default), more information on Dialplan in chapter Wildix Dialplan.

Each trunk can have an associated Pricelist, this allows the system to calculate call costs, which can be later on viewed in CDR-View.


  • Address or host name: dynamic

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Outgoing trunk (Client PBX):

  • Address or host name: IP or domain name of the first PBX

  • Enable registration: yes

  • Make sure password and selected codecs (Advanced settings) are the same on both PBXs

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SIP trunk statuses on both PBXs have changed to green, it means that parameters entered for trunk configuration are correct and you can place a call from Client to Server:


  • Connect antennas to the rear panel of the gateway
  • Insert the SIM card to the slot


    Note: Make sure the PIN code of the SIM card is disabled.

  • Connect the WAN interface of the gateway to the Wildix Switch

  • Provision the gateway as described in chapter Provisioning of devices

  • Once you have provisioned the gateway, a new trunk automatically appears in the corresponding section in WMS > Trunks -> GSM/UMTS section

  • The status is green, which means the media gateway is registered 


    Important: Status of signal quality is currently not supported!

  • Double click on the trunk to edit the trunk parameters:

    • Default Tone: select the country where the trunk is used

    • Country Code: select the country where the trunk is used for correct number normalization; select Custom country to manually enter the country code

    • Dialplan (main by default): Dialplan procedure used for calls via this trunk

    • Number of SIM: called number, which should be present in the Dialplan procedure, used for calls via this trunk; more information on Wildix Dialplan to follow, in chapter Wildix Dialplan

    • Enable SMS receiving: enable incoming SMS messages to the SIM card; specify the e-mail address in the field below

    • SMS2EMAIL service e-mail: e-mail address used for new messages notifications


  • Users: go to WMS -> Users, double-click on a user and edit the field Dialplan

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  • Trunks: go to WMS -> Trunks, double click on a trunk and edit the field Dialplan
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Each time an entity (user, trunk) generates a call, the system checks the Dialplan procedure associated to the entity. For example, a user starts a call, in case the match for this called number is found inside the Dialplan procedure associated to this user (users by default) the system starts to execute Dialplan applications defined for this called number in the specified order.


  • main (associated to media gateways and VoIP trunks)

  • users (associated to users)

  • kite (this procedure is dedicated to Kite service, described in chapteWildix WebRTC Kite)

  • classound (this procedure is dedicated to CLASSOUND service, described in How to configure and use CLASSOUND)

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You can edit these procedures or add new ones and later on associate them to users, to trunks, or to other Dialplan procedures.


  • Click +

  • Enter Procedure name and Description (optional)

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To edit a procedure, double-click on it:.

Adding Called numbers:

  • Click Add number to enter manually a called number or click the arrow to open a drop-down list of destinations, including default:

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  • Enter a Called number (which can be a phone number, a pattern or the word default):


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  • You can add multiple Called numbers to the same Dialplan procedure, click Add number again to add more Called numbers to the same Dialplan procedure:

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  • To add comment to a Dialplan entry, enter the necessary text into the comment field:

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  • To delete a called number and all the relative Dialplan applications, click - in front of the Called number:

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  • At this point you can start adding Dialplan applications: click Jump to to open the drop-down list:

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  • To add more Dialplan applications, click Add application



Note: Starting from WMS v. 5.01.20200522.1, it is possible to edit Dialplan applications via Developer option (JSON editor):

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Modify called number


  • add the Dialplan application Dial the phone and click Set near Number (called number) to edit the Called number

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The following menu opens allowing you to change the called number:

  • Custom: tick the field and enter your phone number (in our example, 100)

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Here is another example of the Dialplan application Dial the phone with DID (Direct Inward Dialing).


  • add called number 0212345XX in main Dialplan procedure (XX means any two digits)

  • add the Dialplan application Dial the phone and click Set near Number (called number) to edit the Called number

    • Remove: allows removing a number of digits (specified in the input field) from the beginning of the called number; in our example 7 ditis are removed, called number is modified: 0212345XX -> XX

    • Prepend digits: allows prepending digits to the called number; in our example the digit 1 is prepended, called number is modified XX -> 1XX

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As a result an incoming call to number 0212345XX is routed to number 1XX: for example incoming to 021234532 is routed to user 132.


  • create a new timetable in WMS -> Dialplan ->Timetable / Switch, and set up the state check time (it means that each time this Timetable is verified by the Dialplan, the system checks if your offices are closed at the moment, according to this timetable)   
  • create a new procedure in WMS -> Dialplan, add default as Called number and add Dialplan application Go to Voicemail 

In the chapter Create a timetable it is explained how to create a Timetable and to work with it.


  • edit the main procedure and add the application Verify Timetable for your office phone number and add a jump to another procedure created at the previous step (Offices_closed) in our example:

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In case your offices are closed, the Dialplan routes the call to another procedure called “Offices_closed”. You must separately create this Dialplan procedure in which, for example, you enable the system to play the audio message to the caller and send the call to Voicemail.


Open users procedure, go down to Included procedures and click to extend it: pbxinternal (Users and call features/services dialplan) is already present there, which by default enables the users to call each other and to use the Feature Codes of the system and which is analyzed only after the content of the Dialplan procedure:

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This is just one of the cases where Included procedures are used.


However, users procedure must cover all the destinations called by users of the system (national, international, mobile calls etc), and this is why it is recommended to use patterns, described in chapter: Matching called numbers.

The most common Dialplan applications used in users procedure are Dial the trunk / Trunk group. Dial the trunk allows you to select the trunk which is used to place a call. 


Example: you would like to route the calls to mobile numbers via GSM trunk, however you would like to have the opportunity to place a call via a different trunk, in case GSM trunk is occupied:

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In this case call is routed via GSM trunk, if it’s busy, call is routed via the ISDN trunk.


Add the French prefix as a called number and add the Dialplan Application “Call through remote PBX” (“” in our example is the name of the French PBX, “users” is the name of the procedure present on the French PBX):

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the call is routed through the French PBX, so inside the indicated “users” procedure on French PBX, the match for the indicated called number “00033.” must be present.


Add the same called number 00033. and click Set to modify this called number:

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Here is the result that we get: the call is routed to the French PBX, before dialling the trunk local – 22 the system removes the first 5 digits from the called number (the number is normalized), so the number dialled in the international format (for example, 000331234567890), becomes a local French number (1234567890):


An example of Dialplan configuration for outgoing calls:

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  • +XXXX. : Check if the called number is an international phone number (e.g. +39.). In this case “0” is added as the default prefix for the outgoing line selection

  • 00039. : Check if the called number is an Italian phone number. In our example, the enterprise has an office in Italy and one of the PBXs in the WMS Network is installed in Italy. In this case, it is possible to take advantage of the trunks present on the remote PBX: the call is routed via the remote PBX installed in Italy, following the users procedure present in the Dialplan on that PBX.

  • 0X. : Check if the called number is the landline number (any number starting with any digit). In this case the call is routed via the trunk classound. The first digit (0 for the external line selection) is removed from the called number

  • 01[567]. : Check if the called number a mobile number (any number starting with 15, 16 or 17 for Germany, check the guide ACL rules and Call classes management for your country). In this case the call is routed via the trunk group gsm_calls. The first digit (0 for the external line selection) is removed from the called number


  • Click on + to add a new Call group
  • Enter the Name of the call group into the field
  • Select the agents from the box on the left and move them to the box on the right
  • Click Save

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You can add the same call agents to different groups. You can add users from all your PBXs in WMS Network to call groups.


Now you can edit the main procedure to enable the Dialplan to route the incoming calls to your tech support phone number to the call group assistance_tech.


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You can:

  • set the Timeout, after which next Dialplan application is executed

  • select the Message for the operator providing more information about the call (example of an audio message that the operator who is present in different call groups, hears: “technical support call”)

  • select the Music on hold class


Example: you have set up the Dialplan to check the timetable and to route the incoming calls to another Dialplan procedure in case the offices are closed. In this case you can enable the system to playback the audio file to the caller and then to route the calls to Voicemail:

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To record the sound to be played to the caller, click the ... button  to open Sounds menu and then click Record button:

  • Enter the name for your message into the field Filename and your extension number into the field Extension:

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  • Click Record button: the call arrives to Collaboration/  the device registered to your account (e.g. a Wildix phone)
  • Answer the call and pronounce your message (e.g. “Our offices are closed. Your call will be forwarded to Voicemail”)
  • Hang up to save your message: 


  • Three state switch - this switch has three states (on / off / extra) and allows you to route the calls to different Dialplan procedures in each case.

Go to WMS Dialplan -> Timetables Timetable / SwitchesSwitch.

Click + under Switch table to add a new switch (click + under 3 states switch to add a new three states switch).


Step 1. Create a switch to forward calls to Voicemail:

  • Click +Add in the Switches section section
  • Enter the name for the switch and select the State enabled (you can change the state of the switch from the phone or by calling a feature code)

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Step 2. Create a Dialplan procedure to be executed if the switch is on:

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Step 3. Modify the main procedure to check the status of the switch before routing the call:

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Change the state of the switch


  • Select the user and click Edit preferences
  • Go to the section Settings -> Function keys and click on Switch to add Switch to the list of function keys
  • Type the ID number of the Switch (Switch ID can be checked in WMS -> Dialplan -> Timetables / Switches)
  • Click Save

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In the same way you can configure 3 state switch or Timetable function key.


Create the working hours timetable for your office:

  • Click +Add in the section Timetable
  • Enter the Timetable Name and select State check time (Check time state means that the PBX determines whether the timetable is active, based on the PBX time at the moment of the Dialplan execution)
  • Select the timetable and click Edit and specify the working hours:

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In the same way as we did for the Switch, you must create a separate procedure to be executed in case the office is closed according to this timetable.

You can then enable the Dialplan to jump to another procedure in case the offices are closed:

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Create an IVR tree


Go to WMS -> Dialplan -> IVR

  • Click +Add to create a new IVR tree and give it a name. Click Save:

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  • Double click the IVR to edit it:

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At this step we can create levels (nodes) of our IVR tree.


  • Dialplan procedure: set up to route the call to a different Dialplan procedure in case caller pressed nothing within the specified timeout

  • Called number: this option allows you to modify the caller number (match must be found in the specified Dialplan procedure)
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Nodes of the second level


  • Number: the number that the caller must enter in order to arrive to this node
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Nodes of the third level


Click + in front of the corresponding second level node, to add a new level, for example:

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All of these nodes terminate the execution of the IVR tree:


  • Called number: extension number

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Where 123 and 224 are English speaking operators (tech support and sales)


Where 111 and 222 are the called numbers present in the procedure IVR that we must create separately. 
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According to this procedure, incoming calls to 111 are routed to tech support call group, incoming calls to 222 are routed to sales call group:

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  • Called number 111: call is routed to Tech_Support call group (in case of no response within 20 seconds, call is routed to Voicemail)

  • Called number 222: call is routed to Sales call group


Now we can use it inside our main procedure:

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Incoming faxes management



Make sure SMTP client is defined in WMS Settings -> System -> SMTP client (see the chapter SMTP Client).

Fax to e-mail

Answers an incoming call using FAX Server and forwards fax to one or multiple fax numbers / users:

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If you indicate an extension number (e.g. 101), a copy of fax is sent to the user email address, and a link to fax download appears in Wildix Collaboration → History menu and in CDR-View.

You can enter several extension numbers / email addresses into the field, separated by spaces, in this case the copy of received faxes is sent to multiple destinations:
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All received and sent faxes are permanently saved on the storage device defined in WMS Settings -> System -> Storages.


  • Fax detect time: enter the timeout for fax detection in seconds (usually 3 seconds are enough)

  • Continue the execution: if enabled, the Dialplan execution continues without waiting for the number of seconds specified in fax detect time field before the fax is detected (to avoid silence while the fax is being detected)

  • Procedure: select the procedure to route the call in case the fax is detected

  • Set Number: modify called number (the match must be present in the specified Dialplan procedure)

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In our example in case within 4 seconds fax is detected, the system stops the execution of the application Call group and the call is forwarded to the called number fax (present inside the same Dialplan procedure main), in which the fax is being sent to email.


  • Tick custom and enter the string 90*101 (where 101 is fxs user extension number), example:

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  • pbxfeatures / pbxservices are procedures that are present by default on Wildix PBX for recognition of PBX services and features (including feature codes)

  • 90 is the feature code Fax relay; 101 is the fxs user extension number (read more about Feature codes: Feature Codes and Pre answer Services Guide


Example of DID (Direct Inward Dial) configuration:

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First 8 digits are removed from the called number. Depending on the last two digits of the called number (1XX) incoming call is routed to the extension, examples:


Example of DISA configuration:

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  • Called number default:
    • The message is played inviting the caller to enter the extension number
    • The system waits for digits for 5 seconds
    • In case of no input within the specified timeout, call is routed to call group


If the caller number corresponds to the mobile number of one of PBX users, Dialplan jumps to the procedure predefined for the outgoing calls of this user.

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  • Set - caller number: allows you to modify the caller number to match the one present in the procedure for the outgoing calls for this user, e.g. users
  • Set - Options - d: hangs up a call and makes a call back to the user (in this way call is free of charge for the user)


  1. Mobility extension lookup. In case the phone number from which the call arrives is present in the field Mobility of one of the users of the system, the call is hanged up and the system makes an automatic callback to the caller

  2. Check the timetable Working_hours, in case the call has arrived at the time when the office is closed, another Dialplan procedure Working_hours is executed

  3. Check the switch Voicemail, in case the switch status is enabled, another Dialplan procedure Voicemail is executed

  4. The call is routed to IVR
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In case of incoming call to +4904611715111, the following operations are executed:

  1. Check the timetable Working_hours, in case the call has arrived at the time when the office is closed, another Dialplan procedure Working_hours is executed

  2. Check the switch Voicemail, in case the switch status is enabled, another Dialplan procedure Voicemail is executed

  3. The call is routed to the call group Tech_support Support

  4. In case no one responds within 20 seconds, another Dialplan procedure, Voicemail Dialplan is executed

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In case of incoming call to +4904611715112, the following operations are executed:

  1. Check the timetable Working_hours, in case the call has arrived at the time when the office is closed, another Dialplan procedure Working_hours is executed

  2. Check the switch Voicemail, in case the switch status is enabled, another

  3. Dialplan procedure Voicemail is executed

  4. The call is routed to the call group Sales

  5. In case no one responds within 20 seconds, another Dialplan procedure, Voicemail is executed

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Wildix WebRTC solution


An example of Kite implementation can be found here:

One of the advantages of Kite is that it’s fully integrated into the Wildix telephony system:



The admin user can access the Terminal directly from WMS, see chapter Introduction to WMS (Terminal).

To connect via SSH you can connect to the PBX via console (on Windows you can use “putty” or other SSH clients) or click on “terminal” icon in WMS upper menu (“admin” user)


Now you can see the basic log of ongoing (section Active Calls) or terminated (section History) calls, click on a call to view details (in the right part of the screen):

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Trace generation
