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This Guide explains and describes what permissions and limitations for PBX users and administrators can be set to limit access to certain PBX services and features.

Updated: November 2019


Table of Contents



  • Internal – internal calls
  • Local - local calls 
  • National – recognized based on the National Prefix in Dialplan General Settings
  • Mobile – recognized based on the Country Code in Dialplan General Settings
  • Emergency – recognized based on the Country Code in Dialplan General Settings
  • Free – recognized based on the Country Code in Dialplan General Settings
  • Premium1 – recognized based on the Country Code in Dialplan General Settings
  • Premium2 – recognized based on the Country Code in Dialplan General Settings
  • Premium3 – not defined
  • Premium4 – not defined
  • North America – calls to numbers starting with 001 or +1
  • Africa – calls to numbers starting with 002 or +2
  • Europe1 – calls to numbers starting with 003 or +3
  • Europe2 – calls to numbers starting with 004 or +4
  • South America – calls to numbers starting with 005 or +5
  • Oceania – calls to numbers starting with 006 or +6
  • Russia – calls to numbers starting with 007 or +7
  • Asia1 – calls to numbers starting with 008 or +8
  • Asia2 – calls to numbers starting with 009 or +9
  • International - calls to Europe1-2, North and South America, Africa, Oceania, Russia, Asia1-2 numbers

Prefixes per country for call class detection:


If  "cannot" - "View" - "Group" limitation is set, a user is not able to see users from a specified group when configuring "Voicemail" Function Key.

Current limitation: "Cannot - Share status via Kite" and "Can - Modify presence - Everybody"

ACL "Cannot - Share status via Kite" breaks ACL "Can - Modify presence - Everybody". This means, if a user has ACL "Cannot - Share status via Kite", another user with ACL "Can - Modify presence - Everybody" is not able to change that user status.

APPENDIX 1. Default ACL permissions


Can/ Cannot

Call - GroupAllow/ forbid calling certain groups of users
use Virtual scanner - Group

Allow/ forbid using Virtual scanner Feature Code. More information: Virtual scanner

Modify presence - Group

Allow/ forbid setting user status of colleagues in Collaboration. By default, if no ACL rule is added, users are not allowed to set user status of colleagues. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992

see full number in CDR-View

Allow/ forbid seeing full numbers in CDR-View in Collaboration. You can decide how many digits to hide in Call and chat history menu of WMS

Intercom - Group

Allow/ forbid using Intercom Feature Code. More information: Intercom

Intrusion - Group

Allow/ forbid call intrusion via Collaboration / Feature Code. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992, Intrusion Feature Code

Call Pickup - GroupAllow/ forbid pickup of other user's calls via Collaboration / Feature Code. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992 and Pickup Feature Code
Modify public phonebooks

Allow/ forbid modifying any contact from a public WMS phonebook in Collaboration. Details: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992

View - Group

Allow/ forbid viewing users in Colleagues roster and Recents chat in Collaboration as well as Colleagues phonebook

View calls of users - Group

Allow/ forbid viewing who is calling via Collaboration and WP4X0 2015-2017, WelcomeConsole. Details: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992

Delete calls

Allow/ forbid deleting calls from History (not supported on W-AIR Handsets). By default, if no ACL rule is added, users are not allowed to delete calls. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992

Share status via Kite

Allow/ forbid sharing user's status via Kite (no user status is shown when contacting user by Kite link)

Share status message via Kite

Allow/ forbid sharing user's status message via Kite (no status message is shown when contacting user by Kite link)

Share geolocation via Kite

Allow/ forbid geolocation sharing via Kite. More information: Limit access to Kite service

View geolocation via Collaboration - Group

Allow/ forbid viewing geolocation of users in Collaboration, iOS/ Android apps. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992Geolocation

Manage the callcenter

Allow/ forbid performing actions on call groups’ members: put a user on hold, add users to call groups via call groups plugin and Call group management Feature Code (if forbidden, a user can perform the actions only on himself (add himself to a call group, put himself on pause in a call group)

More information: WebAPI basic features and Call group management Feature code

Be looked up via dial by name

Allow/ forbid user to be looked up via dial by name feature (including ASR). The feature can be called via "Dial by name/ Directory" Dialplan application or Directory Feature Code via Collaboration, WP4X0, WelcomeConsole, WP600AXX/ Vision, W-AIR handsets, iOS/ Android apps. More information: Directory and Dial by name/ Directory

See extensions

Allow/ forbid downloading Collaboration Extensions. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992

See voicemailAllow/ forbid using shared voicemail feature on WP480G/WP490G 2017. More information: Shared voicemail feature
Disable two factor authentication (WMS 4.0X)Allow/ forbid disabling Two-factor authentication in Collaboration. Details: Two-factor authentication
Enable video call (WMS 4.0X)Allow/ forbid user to start or enable video calls in Collaboration. Details: Video call
Create conferences

Allow/ forbid creating chat/ video conferences in Collaboration. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992 and Wizyconf Videoconference

Can set/ Cannot set

Status (DND/Away)

Allow/ forbid setting DND/ Away status via Status Feature Code (can be dialed from any Wildix device) and WP4X0, WelcomeConsole (not supported in Collaboration, WP600AXX/ Vision, iOS/ Android apps). More information: Status (DND/Away) Feature Code and WP4X0 Call Features

Call Forward Busy

Allow/ forbid setting call forwarding if user is busy (not supported on WP600AXX/ Vision)/ using Feature Code. Consult /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992, WP4X0 Call features, Android Settings, iOS Settings or Feature Codes Guide

Call Forward No Answer

Allow/ forbid setting call forwarding if user doesn't answer (not supported on WP600AXX/ Vision)/ using Feature Code. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992, WP4X0 Call features, Android Settings, iOS Settings or Feature Codes Guide

Call Forward All

Allow/ forbid setting forwarding of all calls (not supported on WP600AXX/ Vision)/ using Feature Code. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992,WP4X0 Call features, Android Settings, iOS Settings or Feature Codes Guide

Call waiting

Allow/ forbid receiving more than one call at a time (not supported on WP600AXX/ Vision) / using Feature Code. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992, WP4X0 Call features, Android Settings, iOS Settings or Call waiting Feature Code

Mobility extension management

Allow/ forbid call forwarding to the mobile number (not supported on WP600AXX/ Vision)/ using Feature Code. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992, WP4X0 Call features, Android Settings, iOS Settings or Mobility extension management

Call timeout

Allow/ forbid setting call timeout after which an incoming call will be terminated via Collaboration or Feature Code. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992 and Call timeout

Telephone blocked

Allow/ forbid using Telephone blocked Feature Code. More information: Telephone blocked

Ring only active device

Allow/ forbid activating only the active device ring via Collaboration or Feature Code. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992 and Ring only active device Feature Code

Mobility confirmation

Allow/ forbid a user to be notified on who the caller is when he receives a call on mobility extension number via Collaboration or Feature Code. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992 and Mobility confirmation

Function keys

Allow/ forbid configuring Function keys in Collaboration -> Settings -> Function keys. The access to already configured Function keys is saved. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992


Allow/ forbid configuring Timetable Function key in Collaboration and changing its status via Feature Code (Timetables and switches are created in WMS). Details: Timetable Feature Code

3 state switch

Allow/ forbid configuring 3 state switch Function key in Collaboration and changing its status via Feature Code. Details: 3 State Switch Feature Code


Allow/ forbid configuring Switch Function key in Collaboration and changing its status via Feature Code. More information: Switch Feature Code


Allow/ forbid access to selected phonebooks (if forbidden, a user can access only phonebooks located in “Selected” section in WMS - > Users (select user) -> Edit preferences -> Settings -> Phonebooks)

Personal Information

Allow/ forbid changing personal information in Collaboration and Android/ iOS app (not supported on WP4X0, WelcomeConsole, WP600AXX / Vision, W-AIR Handsets). Details: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992

Advanced status

Allow/ forbid access to advanced user status menu, including status message, until option, editing picture and setting location and Chat/ Presence menu, including custom statuses in Collaboration. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992 and /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992

Fax Server Settings

Allow/ forbid changing Fax Server Settings in Collaboration -> Settings -> Fax Server Settings. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992

Notify missed calls via email (WMS 4.0X)Allow/ forbid receiving missed calls notifications via email in Collaboration -> Settings -> Features. More information: Call features
Notify missed calls via SMS (WMS 4.0X)Allow/ forbid receiving missed calls notifications via SMS in Collaboration -> Settings -> Features. More information: Call features
Custom Ring (WMS 4.0X)Allow/ forbid selecting the ringtone for WP4X0, WelcomeConsole and Collaboration in Collaboration -> Settings -> FeaturesMore information: Call features

Can use/ Cannot use


Allow/ forbid access to Collaboration (if forbidden, users have access only to the basic CTI interface, including calls, sending SMS/ fax, changing personal user status, without full access to Collaboration (no access to Colleagues, Function keys, Map view, Messaging menu)

Attendant Console

Allow/ forbid access to Attendant Console in Collaboration. More information:/wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992


Allow/ forbid access to Calls/ faxes History (not supported on W-AIR Handsets). More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992


Allow/ forbid access to CDR-View in Collaboration. Detailed information: CDR-View Guide

Speed dial

Allow/ forbid call phonebook short numbers using Speed dial Feature Code. More information: Speed dial Feature Code

Shared Recording

Allow/ forbid using Shared record Feature Code. More information: Shared record Feature Code

Personal RecordingAllow/ forbid access to personal recording in Collaboration and using Personal Recording Feature Code and Incall code *1 as well as Attendant Console. More information: Feature Codes Guide and /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992
SMSAllow/ forbid sending SMS via Collaboration. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992

Allow/ forbid sending faxes via Collaboration. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992


Allow/ forbid using Paging Feature Code to send a broadcast to a group of users. More information: Paging

Pre answer servicesAllow/ forbid access to pre answer services (the voice prompt doesn't announce "press * for options"), including Voicemail, Intrusion, Intercom and Call completion, but the voice prompt announces user status: on the phone, busy, unavailable, no answer
Pre answer services & messages

Allow/ forbid access to pre answer services when user status is not announced at all. More information: Pre answer services

Phone settings menuAllow/ forbid access to WP4X0, WelcomeConsole phone settings. More information: Phone settings
Advanced phone settings menu (WMS 4.0X)Allow/ forbid access only to advanced phone settings "Network" and "Autoprovision" on WP4X0, WelcomeConsole. More information: Phone settings
Web phone

Allow/ forbid availability of web phone in Collaboration (if forbidden, web phone is not available in the list of devices in Collaboration and user cannot use Collaboration to place / receive calls via Web phone)


Allow/ forbid access to Voicemail and using Voicemail Feature Code. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992

Voicemail without pin code (WMS 4.0X)

Allow/ forbid PIN protection for Voicemail via XML (via the phone menu), Voicemail Feature Code, Voicemail access Dialplan application ("skip pin check (s)" option should not be activated). Details: Voicemail

Note: By default, the ACL is enabled for the USA and Canada. To disable this behavior, change it to “Can use voicemail without pin code”

Contact center

Allow/ forbid using Contact center feature in Collaboration -> Settings -> Contact center. More information: /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992

Trunk to trunk transfer (WMS 4.0X)Allow/ forbid making transfers of calls received/ placed via trunk, including blind and attended transfers, and also calls from Kite
Trunk to trunk forward (WMS 4.0X)

Allow/ forbid forwarding (Call Forward Busy/ No Answer/ All) of external calls to external numbers. More information: Call features


Can call/ Cannot call

InternalThe description of call classes can be found in Call classes explanation Chapter
North America
South America
Numbers in allowed phonebooks
International (WMS 4.0X)
