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Smart Dialplan explains how to use Custom Applications in Wildix Dialplan to interact with external software and databases.

Updated: April 2020


Table of Contents

AGI in “Custom Application”

Variables in Dialplan

Variables are needed to store the information necessary to execute the application.


Syntax used to call a variable:  ${variablename}


Set a variable: set(foo=123456789)

Call a variable: ${foo:offset:length}


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Smart Dialplan explains how to use Custom Applications in Wildix Dialplan to interact with external software and databases.

Updated: October 2021


Table of Contents

AGI in “Custom Application”

Variables in Dialplan

Variables are needed to store the information necessary to execute the application.

Syntax used to set a variable: set(variablename=value)

variablename: is the name of the variable, it is insensitive to the variables defined by users
value: is the value attributed to the variable; value can be a function.

Syntax used to call a variable:  ${variablename}


Set a variable: set(foo=123456789)

Call a variable: ${foo:offset:length}

foo: is the name of the variable
offset: optional offset in starting to read a variable
length: optional number of characters to read



With the help of QUEUE_MEMBER function it is possible to configure CG strategy to execute another Dialplan procedure. The function counts the number of free members of a Call group. When there are no available CG members, an incoming call is routed according to another Dialplan procedure.

  • Jump to if -> "${QUEUE_MEMBER(<call_group_id>,free)}"="0"


"free" - returns the number of not paused / busy members for a specified queue that can answer calls or are currently paused for the duration of wrap up time after a previous call (free CG members).

Note: Wrap up time and ringing state are not considered when using the function.

For example: All Call group members are put on pause for the duration period of wrap up time -> the incoming call stays in a queue until wrap up time doesn't expire


Limitation: the system recognizes unregistered (offline) CG members as available for answering calls. In case unregistered members are present in CG -> QUEUE_MEMBER = 0 performance is false.

Example 3: Check  if the CALLERID(number) matches a regular expression

GotoIf($[${REGEX("^0[6-7][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$" ${CALLERID(number)})}]?noanswer,01,1)


Says the digits, one by one, digits can be a variable.

SayNumber(number, gender)
Says number
gender is "f" for female voice; "m" - for male ;"c" - for neutral





Implementation of Smart Dialplan: limited access to the phone based on the amount of credits purchased


You need to:

  • Upload PHP AGI ( to /var/www/agi/phpagi/phpagi.php

  • Upload test script to /var/www/scripts/test.php


Then you can use “remote script” in dialplan, example: Remote script

Microsoft SQL Integration

Create /rw2/var/www/scripts/sqllookup.php


  • Specify the call destination and the channel to use:

    • Channel: <channel>: Channel to use for the call.

    • CallerID: "name" <number> Caller ID, please note: it may not work if you do not respect the format: CallerID: "Some Name" <1234>

    • MaxRetries: <number> Number of retries before failing (not including the initial attempt, e.g. 0 = total of 1 attempt to make the call). Default is 0.

    • RetryTime: <number> Seconds between retries. Default is 300 (5 min).

    • WaitTime: <number> Seconds to wait for an answer. Default is 45.

  • If the call answers, connect it here:

    • Context: <context-name> Context in extensions.conf

    • Extension: <ext> Extension definition in extensions.conf

    • Priority: <priority> Priority of extension to start with

    • Set: Set a variable to be used in the extension logic (example: file1=/tmp/to)

    • Application: Application to run (use it instead of specifying context, extension and priority)

    • Data: The options to be passed to the application

Use Callfile in dialplan

Create a script file in /var/www/scripts dir.

This script will be executed by dialplan.

Copy a template file and move the duplicated file to /var/spool/callweaver/outgoing/

Code Block
#! /bin/sh
cp /var/www/scripts/ /var/www/scripts/
mv /var/www/scripts/ /var/spool/callweaver/outgoing/
Give permissions to execute the script.
#chmod +x /var/www/scripts/
Create a template file in /var/www/scripts dir.
Channel: SIP/0276510950/0970720101
Application: Playback
Data: 00000/callfile/message


What else can you do with Custom Dialplan Apps?


Automatically generate a call and play a voice message

Read the doc: Delayed Paging


Automatically Generate a Call and Play a Recording

Block outgoing calls from hotel rooms

Read the doc: How to notify callers of call recordingblock outgoing calls from hotel rooms

Callback feature for Call groups

Read the docHow to enable Callback feature for Call groups

Change Voicemail PIN from a phone

Read the docHow to change Voicemail PIN from a phone

Director-Secretary configuration


Read the doc: How to automatically initiate an audio conference using API Originate


Notify callers of call recording

Read the doc: How to block outgoing calls from hotel rooms


notify callers of call recording

Record multiple answers from a caller and combine them into one file

Read the docHow to change Voicemail PIN from a phone


Recording multiple answers from a caller and combining them into one file

Set a sound before a message broadcasted to a Paging group 

Read the docAutomatically Generate a Call and Play a Recording


Paging Guide

Set up Delayed Paging


Read the doc: Recording multiple answers from a caller and combining them into one file


Delayed Paging