This Quick Start Guide explains how to provision Wizyconf Station via WMP and how to access and participate in conferences.

Before proceeding to this Guide, please make sure you have assembled Wizyconf Stand (you can order it separately, it is free of charge), installed Wizyconf Core and connected all the hardware components. Find the Guides on this page: Wizyconf Installation Documentation.

Created: September 2019

Updated: May 2022

Minimum WMS version: 4.01.44034.20



Note: Wizyconf Station is available as HWaaS only. Wizyconf Stand is optional and free of charge.

Wizyconf Station can be found by the following codes in WMP: 

  • With stand:  R-With-Stand-Wizyconf-1m/1y/5y
  • Without stand: R-Without-Stand-Wizyconf-1m/1y/5y

Wizyconf Room license is automatically added to the PBX with the Wizyconf Station purchase.

Refer to the Wizyconf Installation Documentation to connect all the components to the Wizyconf Core and install the Wizyconf Stand if you ordered it.

Provisioning and configuration

Starting from Wizyconf App v. 1.1.2 there is a possibility to re-provision the device to a different PBX. Follow the steps from How to re-provision Wizyconf to a different PBX to complete the procedure.

WMP Provisioning

Prerequisite: you must have an available Wizyconf which you had previously ordered and had it shipped to you.

Important: After Wizyconf is provisioned, its status in WMS -> Devices stays grey, no IP and firmware version is indicated. The password is used by Wizyconf for PBX authentication. Ongoing upgrade procedures are not displayed in WMS.

Assign Wizyconf to user

Note: Wizyconf Station is available as HWaaS only and Wizyconf Room license is automatically added with Wizyconf Station purchase. 

Note: Once the user is assigned, it is impossible to delete it, you can just re-assign Wizyconf to another user. After re-assigning, turn on/ off Wizyconf via Power key on Wizyconf Core.

Important: 1 Wizyconf user can only be used with 1 Wizyconf. You cannot assign it to another Wizyconf.

Remote control overview 

Make sure you have inserted the dongle of the Wizyconf Remote into the Wizyconf Core, as described in the document.

Optionally you can use a keyboard and a mouse to control the conference. 

The upgrade


The first upgrade

Upon the first launch, Wizyconf automatically upgrades its firmware. The notification about the upgrade is displayed. It takes up to 10 minutes to complete the upgrading process (depends on the Internet connection). Then Wizyconf is rebooted automatically


  • Wizyconf is upgraded from server
  • Port used by Wizyconf: tcp:443

Further upgrades

Wizyconf is distinguished by updates from 3 different branches:

  1. Wizyconf app via Chromium OS (automatic upgrade). The system checks for updates once an hour. If there is a new version, it is downloaded and installed upon the next start. To upgrade:
    1. Power the device off/on by pressing Power button on Wizyconf Core or put it into a standby mode by pressing Power On/ Off button on Remote Control
    2. To check the App version, press Home button on a keyboard -> go to Wizyconf Settings menu (Google chrome icon)-> click on Main menu (three lines) -> select About Chromium OS (a mouse and a keyboard are required)
  2. WMS interface (manual upgrade). To upgrade:
    1. Upgrade WMS to the latest version from rel60beta or rel60 / rel50beta or rel50 repositories
  3. Conference server: no need to upgrade, the changes are available right away

You can check Wizyconf Station updated in the Wizyconf Changelog.

Access the conference

By design, conferences cannot be created from Wizyconf.  It is only possible to participate. Add the Wizyconf user to an existing conference room before proceeding or join using the conference ID. 

When Wizyconf is launched, the Conference List can be accessed. If a Wizyconf user has previously participated in conferences, they are displayed here: 

Note: Apart from conferences, it is possible to display Wizywebinar sessions in the Conference List. Check the documentation Wizyconf Station integration with Wizywebinar and third party conference providers for details.

Before entering a conference, you have an option to:

Enter a conference

You can join a conference from the Conference List or using the Conference ID. Conferences protected with a password (available from Wizyconf App v. 1.2.14) are labeled with a security icon.

Join a conference from the Conference List

  1. After the Wizyconf user has been added to a new conference room, press Refresh to update the Conference List: 

  2. Use Navigation keys on the Remote control or the keyboard Arrow keys to select the conference from the list
  3. Press the Central Navigation key on the Remote control or the keyboard key Enter to confirm

  4. If the conference is protected with a password, you need to enter 6-digit Conference PIN (check the password in an invitation or ask a conference moderator for it; consult Wizyconf Videoconference Guide for more details). Use Navigation keys on the Remote control or the keyboard Arrow keys to enter the password

  5. Once you enter the password, you are forwarded to the conference

Join a conference using the Conference ID

The feature support starts from Wizyconf App v. 1.2.7.

If you join a conference using the ID number, this conference isn't added to the List. 

  1. Select Wizyconf to open a key pad for entering the ID:

  2. Enter the seven-digit Conference ID number (you can find it in the invitation or inside the conference itself, see Wizyconf Videoconference User Guide):

  3. After entering the ID, you are automatically redirected to the conference

Conference controls 

If you access a conference from both Collaboration and  Wizyconf at the same time, it is recommended to mute the microphone in Collaboration in order to prevent echo issues.

For more information about conference controls, refer to Videoconference - User Guide.

Conference controls allow you to:

Wizyconf offers a tutorial right in the app, that can guide you through the features mentioned above. See the Tutorials and updates section of this documentation. 

Use Navigation keys on the Remote control to manage conference controls.

Pin/ unpin a user 

Pinning a user lets you fix them as an “active” speaker regardless of who is actually talking. To pin a user,  just click on the relevant participant. 

To unpin a user, there are several options:

Note: In case of Wizyconf Station with several screens, where users are pinned on more than one screen, the Unpin button unpins all users. 

Camera controls

Press Camera options key on Wizyconf Remote to switch between the PTZ and 4K cameras to control them.

The last selected camera and control mode are saved to Camera controls and are automatically used for the next conference.

PTZ cam 

Before using camera controls, you need to upgrade Wizyconf PTZ cam. Follow the instructions: How to upgrade Wizyconf PTZ and 4K Cameras.

You can activate auto tracking mode starting from Wizyconf App version 1.2.1 or use the manual mode for camera rotation.

To switch between modes, use Camera control key on Wizyconf Remote:

4K cam 

You can activate manual or auto (means that camera responds to human movements) framing modes starting from Wizyconf App version 1.2.2.

To switch between modes, use Camera control key on Wizyconf Remote:

Displaying participants on several screens

In case of Wizyconf Station with 3 screens, the following screen prioritization and the logic of displaying participants are applied: 

 Screen prioritization:

The logic of displaying participants:


  • If there are three users and the user from the center screen leaves the conference, the center screen remains blank
  • If there are three users and the user from the left screen leaves the conference, the user from the right screen is moved to the left screen

Tutorials and updates

Wizyconf offers an interactive tutorial that can guide you through its main features and inform when there's new functionality available. To view tutorial, click on the following button:

Note: The button is displayed until you view the tutorials, after which it gets hidden. 

On the Tutorials and updates screen, you can see The basics tutorial and the Latest features list:

The basics tutorial provides an overview of Wizyconf functionality. To run the tutorial, click Play tutorial. 

Under Latest features, there's a list of new functionality that appeared since the latest release. To view what's new, click Show.

Leave a conference 

Integration with Wizywebinar and third party conference providers

Wizyconf Station integrates with Wizywebinar and third party conference providers (Google Meet, Webex, MS Teams), consult this documentation for details.

Appendix 1. Troubleshooting 

Set up static IP address on Wizyconf 

If DHCP is not available, it's possible to set up Static IP:

  1. Press Home button; Press Google chrome icon -> tap on three dots in the upper right part of the screen -> tap Settings
  2. Tap arrow down icon near Network 
  3. Disable the switch "Configure IP address automatically" and then specify the IP address, the Routing prefix (the subnet mask) and the Gateway (the IP address of your router)

Notification "Connection Error" is displayed on Wizyconf


Solution: Check all the above mentioned points and press Retry to access the Conference List.

Impossible to access Wizyconf after applying backup on the PBX

Reason: The old password is used instead of the new one.

Solution: Authorize Wizyconf via Collaboration.

After entering a conference, there is infinite loading


How to grab logs from Wizyconf 

Available only for the stable version.

You need to connect a keyboard to be able to collect logs.

  1. Start Wizyconf as usual
  2. Press the shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+F2
  3. Type the login: chronos
  4. Type the password: wiz19chrom

  5. Type the command: sudo tar -zcvf ~/Downloads/logs.tar.gz /var/log/ and press Enter
  6. Type the password: wiz19chrom and press Enter:

  7. Type the command: tar -zcvf ~/Downloads/chrome.tar.gz ~/log/chrome and press Enter:

  8. Type the command: ls -lah ~/Downloads/ and press Enter:

  9. Press the shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+F1
  10. Press button Windows and open the app Files
  11. You can see the folder Downloads with two files, named “chrome.tar.gz” and “logs.tar.gz"
  12. Insert the USB flash drive into the USB port of your Wizyconf-Core
  13. Copy both files and eject the USB flash drive
  14. Insert the USB flash drive into the USB port on your computer
  15. Send an email to and attach both files to it

How to re-provision Wizyconf to a different PBX 

  1. Go to WMS -> Devices and delete Wizyconf from PBX:

  2. Then go to WMP -> select PBX from which you have previously deleted Wizyconf -> click Options button (three dots) and choose Devices from the drop-down list: 

  3. Delete the device from WMP:

  4. Select a new customer and PBX: go to PBX Devices and add Wizyconf back 
  5. Turn off/ on Wizyconf via Power key 
  6. Wizyconf is re-provisioned to a new PBX