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x-bees Changelog contains all the latest features and improvements.




x-bees Changelog contains all the latest features and improvements.

x-bees docs: x-bees partner program documentation.

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Web Conference/ x-bees conference iOS 1.0.21, Android 1.0.6 Date: 20.02.2023


[WMS-15951] - wizy: conference updates:

  • added timer next to the conference title

  • fixed an issue in which there was some sound from a user that was on mute

[WMS-16336] - wizy: restored the Info and Chat buttons state after user exits full-screen mode inside x-bees

Web / iOS / Android Date: 16.02.2023


[XBS-2335] - web+mobile: made some Info frame improvements, which include:

  • Updated design of the Info frame, making the information more logically grouped
  • Added user avatar to the Info frame -
  • Improved display of links in the conversation description, making the links clickable
  • Moved Schedule, Email invitation and Notifications button under user/ conversation avatar
  • Added display of all phone numbers of a phonebook contact
  • Added copy to clipboard functionality, allowing to copy user info (e.g. email, phone number, extension, company)
  • Grouped conversation members into External users and Colleagues
  • Highlighted avatars of external users in blue to distinguish them among other users
  • Added display of Available/ Away/ Busy status of users in the Conversation members list
  • Added possibility to View profile of user in the Members list (click More options -> View profile) and, in case of external user, create a CRM record, view activity, etc.
  • If there are more than 10 members in a conversation, full list of users is available via the Show more button
  • For improved navigation via the Members list, added Search option (click Show more at the bottom -> use Search field)
  • Added possibility for guests to add other users to a Kite conversation
  • Updated design of Salesforce/ HubSpot sections on the Info frame
  • Added possibility to create CRM record from a phonebook contact
  • Updated Info frame on mobile, adding information about CRM integration

Current limitation: If the user who created a group conversation changes his/her email, nobody will be able to edit the title or description of the conversation or add new members using name or extension.

Note: After the upgrade of the iOS or Android app, you will be automatically logged out. Please re-login after the update.


[XBS-2458] - web: fixed some issues with Join button, in which: a) the Join button was not displayed; b) the Joining status was displayed next to a wrong conference (not the one user was actually joining); c) the Join button didn’t disappear after everybody left the conference

[XBS-2533] - web: fixed an issue in which no call duration was displayed during the conference on the side of the user who started the conference

[WMS-16366] - kite: fixed an issue in which meetings created by agent using Kite Meeting Scheduler were not marked as accepted in the agent’s calendar 

Web / iOS / Android Date: 02.02.2023

New Feature

[XBS-2515] - web+mobile: updated design of the login page:

  • Updated the title from “Log In” to “Welcome”
  • Changed the Log in button into Sign in
  • Updated the buttons Sign in with Google and Sign in with Microsoft 


[XBS-902] - web+mobile: fixed an issue in which the number of users in a conversation, that was just created, was displayed incorrectly for some users

[XBS-2355] - wda: fixed an issue in which incorrect call status was displayed for a Colleague during a call if the user had enabled mobility (loader was infinitely displayed in the conversation list and mobile number instead of extension on the Live Dashboard)

[XBS-2466] - web: fixed an issue of duplicate chats with a colleague which occurred in some cases, e.g. after adding the colleague to another conversation and having a call with him

[XBS-2470] - web+mobile: fixed an issue in which user couldn’t start a conference in an empty one-on-one conversation, after which it was also impossible to send a message to any other conversation

Web / iOS / Android Date: 20.01.2023

New Feature

[XBS-2408] - web: added cookies banner and legal notice to the login page


[XBS-2442] - web+mobile: made some UI/UX improvements on the Settings screen, which include:

  • fixed color of the About button in Dark Mode
  • removed divider under Chat link and Scheduler link buttons
  • added space under the Log out button
  • fixed an issue of missing icons in Dark Mode on mobile


[XBS-2119] - mobile: fixed an issue after waking from sleep mode or restoring internet connection, in which the connecting icon in conversation was continuously displayed and user was not able to send a message, though new messages could be received

[XBS-2385] - web + mobile: fixed a rare issue in which an attempt to open one-on-one conversation with a user resulted in white screen


  • The language is detected based on the language of the user’s browser/ mobile device during login
  • In case user has a language that is not supported by x-bees, the default language is used - English
  • When there is no language saved for user (a new user who has not logged into x-bees), the agent’s language is used, in the following cases:
    • for all calendar letters
    • for invitation emails


[WMS-15812] - wim: added possibility to send a batch of user presences from calendar to PBX


Web / iOS x-bees 1.10.2 / Android x-bees 1.10.2 Date: 14.12.2022


[XBS-2176] - web: added a new screen with error message about slow or no internet connection when working with Kite Meeting Scheduler


  • Note: In future the logic should be improved to ensure better security


[XBS-168] - android: improved processing of two incoming calls on Android, so that when user answers one of them, the second call doesn’t remain in ringing state


Web / iOS / Android Date: 18.11.2022


[XBS-2160] - web: added link to Chrome extension to x-bees Settings -> Extensions section


  • Sound notifications are enabled by default
  • The option is available only in the web version


[XBS-2114] - web: added possibility to edit subject of a scheduled meeting


  • The sync works only for "Event" (users status changes to DND) and "Out of office" (user status changes to Away) types
  • An event should be confirmed. Otherwise, user status doesn't change
  • If an event is private, only user status changes, status message and duration are not set
  • After expiration, user status changes to Available


[XBS-2111] - web: added possibility to set up 15/ 30 minutes breaks before/ after a meeting in Kite Meeting Scheduler


  • Remote control of screen shared tab is not supported
  • Firefox browser is not supported

The additional information  you can find  at the news blog

[WMS-15071] - wizy: made some UI/UX improvements in x-bees conference:


  • If there are several devices of the same category (e.g. several iOS or Android devices), it is not possible to choose from which device of the chosen category the call will be made on.

The additional information  you can find at the news blog

[XBS-2083] - web: added a sound notification when a conference starts


The additional information  you can find at the news blog


[XBS-2109] - web: made some UI/ UX improvements of Meeting scheduler:

  • added an error message in case time slots overlapped in Calendar Settings
  • made Subject a mandatory field
  • made the notification that meeting details were sent to the user’s email more visible
  • added possibility to limit the dates when a meeting can be booked. For this, the following part should be added to the Schedule link:
    --where “02.10.2022” is the start date, “20.10.2022” is the end date, and “Summit 2023” is the subject 


[XBS-443] - mobile: improved search logic in x-bees app on mobile, so that it shows consistent results in different sections (for example, in Inbox and Dialpad) and displays similar results in case of search on web and mobile


[XBS-2089] - web: added information about user timezone on the Schedule page of Kite Meeting Scheduler


Web / iOS / Android Date: 13 Sep 2022


[XBS-2029] - web: enabled native Google Calendar email notifications (e.g. invitation email, updated invitation, canceled event) for meetings scheduled via Kite which allows to add events to Google Calendar


Web / iOS / Android Date: 04 Aug 2022


[XBS-1746] - crm: improved the logic of call logging, so that logged calls are automatically assigned Connected status in HubSpot


Documentation: x-bees website widget configuration.

The additional information  you can find at the news blog

[XBS-1616] - kite: added possibility to set up integration with Google Calendar and allow external users to access agent’s calendar and book a meeting with an agent via Kite


More information  you can find at the news blog

[XBS-1726] - web: added Analytics tab in x-bees, an advanced analytics tool which lets to monitor any data you need in a highly customizable manner

Documentation: x-bees Analytics.

More information  you can find at the news blog


[WMS-12588] - app: improved the logic so that x-bees conference app is used for conferences on iOS and Android:


Web / iOS / Android Date: 29 Jun 2022


[XBS-1328] - mobile: improved the logic so that if x-bees app is installed on iOS or Android and user clicks on x-bees link from email, calendar, etc., x-bees mobile app is opened and user is directed to the relevant x-bees tab, conversation or conference


Web / iOS / Android Date: 25 May 2022


[XBS-1482] - web+mobile: improved search functionality by adding possibility to search through all conversations using partial match search queries


[WMS-13853] - crm: added automatic logging of activities from x-bees to HubSpot (inbound and outbound calls via PBX and conferences):
The additional information  you can find at the news blog.


[XBS-1513] - web: improved the logic of x-bees Chrome extension so that when clicking on the x-bees link, an active x-bees tab is used instead of opening a new tab


Documentation: x-bees Web User Guide.

The additional information  you can find at the news blog


[WMS-13788] - crm: added support for different types of tasks in the Hubspot integration

Web / iOS / Android Date: 18 April 2022


[XBS-1006] - crm: added automatic logging of activities to Salesforce (inbound and outbound calls via PBX)

Documentation: Salesforce Integration.

The additional information  you can find at the news blog

[XBS-1405] - web: added possibility to generate Kite website widgets

Documentation: x-bees website widget configuration.

The additional information  you can find at the news blog

[WMS-13756] - web: added possibility to log events if the Contact has no owner in HubSpot integration, by assigning the Contact to a default owner (the integration’s admin)

Documentation: HubSpot Integration.

The additional information  you can find at the news blog

Web / iOS / Android Date: 21 March 2022


[WMS-12970] - wizy: updated design of the Conference and some functionality which includes:


Documentation: HubSpot Integration with x-bees.


[WMS-13062] - x-bees: released x-bees Chrome extension

The additional information  you can find at the news blog

[XBS-1404] - kite: improved email signature creation


Documentation: x-bees Web User Guidex-bees Mobile User Guide.

The additional information  you can find at the news blog

[XBS-1404] - kite: added possibility to create email signature


Documentation: x-bees Web User Guide.

The additional information  you can find at the news blog

Web / iOS / Android Date: 28 February 2022


[XBS-90] - web+mobile: status expiration and custom status message set in Collaboration are now displayed in x-bees
