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x-bees Changelog contains all the latest features and improvements.

x-bees docs: x-bees partner program documentation.

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Web 1.






374347 / iOS






109812 / Android




11.1.109812 Date: 04.01.2023

New Feature

[XBS-21761548] - web+mobile: added a new screen with error message about slow or no internet connection when working with Kite Meeting Scheduler

[XBS-2359] - mobile: improved Android app stability and fixed some visual issues caused by animation (specifically with read message indicators and conversations Inbox)


[XBS-1322] - mobile: fixed an issue in which it was possible to add an existing member to a conversation by email

[XBS-2151] - web+mobile: made some conversation improvements:

  • fixed an issue in which user could find and add existing members to a conversation
  • increased the limit of users that can be added to a conversation from 100 to 1000

[XBS-2206] - web+kite: fixed an issue in which after pressing Quote option for a message with more than 170 characters, the Emoji and Send buttons were cropped or got hidden behind the Conversation Info block

[XBS-2220] - web+mobile: fixed several issues in which:

  • after user changed the status, it visually remained the same for the user, though other users could see the updated status
  • after sleep mode on mobile, x-bees app didn’t display a remote call and user presence was incorrect

[XBS-2291] - web+mobile: fixed an issue in which a single video in conversation was sent with incorrect aspect ratio

[XBS-2294] - mobile: fixed an issue in which user could not delete text from a sent message if the message contained an attached file

[XBS-2375] - web: fixed an issue in which system message “User joined the conversation via invite link” was endlessly sent to a group conversation after sending a message in case the user had Kite opened in another tab/browser at the same time

[XBS-2379] - web: fixed an issue in which it was impossible to open a Phonebook contact via Search, if the contact didn’t have an email address

Web / iOS / Android Date: 29.11.2022

New Feature

[XBS-2320] - web: enabled public access to x-bees conversations via conversation link, to avoid cases when a guest could not join conversation because of logging in with a different email address

  • Note: In future the logic should be improved to ensure better security


[XBS-168] - android: improved processing of two incoming calls on Android, so that when user answers one of them, the second call doesn’t remain in ringing state

[XBS-2156] - web: improved the logic when user tries to add a member to a conversation without email address, so that a relevant notification about missing email is shown and the rest of members, that have email addresses, are added to the conversation

[XBS-2188] - web + mobile: added possibility to paste a list of emails when creating conversation or when adding users to the existing conversation, to speed up the process

  • Note: Emails can be separated by commas or semicolons (;)

[XBS-2265] - mobile: added possibility to initiate a call by tapping on a phone number/ user name in History


  1. Go to the History tab
  2. Tap on a number/ name
  3.  Select the required option: Call / Send message / Copy number / Info

[XBS-2363] - web: updated x-bees meta title and description on the login page

[WMS-15123] - wizy: introduced some new features and improvements for video conference:localization of system emails (emails with one-time password, unread message notifications, etc.), sent to users who use localized version of x-bees


  • The language is detected based on the language of the user’s browser/ mobile device during login
  • In case user has a language that is not supported by x-bees, the default language is used - English
  • When there is no language saved for user (a new user who has not logged into x-bees), the agent’s language is used, in the following cases:
    • for all calendar letters
    • for invitation emails


[WMS-15812] - wim: added possibility to send a batch of user presences from calendar to PBX

  • In the API endpoint PUT /api/v1/pbx/presence/, the field “extension” was changed to “user”, which can now receive user email or extension
  • The endpoint is available for administrators only (works from WMS version 6.01.20221122.1)

[XBS-2268] - web: made some UI and UX improvements which include the following changes:

  • Renamed the "Extension, Email, Phone" section in Settings into "Profile details"
  • Renamed “Profile Information” into “Profile details”
  • Added an arrow icon to Settings items to make it visually clear that they are clickable
  • Removed the Advanced section in “Profile Information”, adding “Chat link” and “Scheduler link” buttons to the Settings main screen, under “Profile details”
  • Redesigned the "About" and "Log out" buttons

[XBS-2316] - web: moved Feedback button from Settings to the left-side panel of x-bees screen, to make it more visible, easily accessible and let users conveniently share feedback

[XBS-2393] - web: improved SIP monitoring reports and updated expiration time of SIP registration and subscription from 10 minutes to 1 hour


[XBS-2180] - web: fixed an issue in which LED indicators of DuoLED and DuoLED-BT headsets did not display correct user status

[XBS-2377] - web+mobile: fixed an issue in which external profile links and schedule links sent in conversation were not highlighted correctly ('https' part in the links was not highlighted) and clicking on such links opened an email client

[XBS-2386] - web: fixed an issue in which wrong avatar was displayed for a user from another PBX on Live dashboard

[XBS-2401] - kite: fixed an issue in which slots in Kite Meeting Scheduler were displayed as busy even if the event was rescheduled in Google Calendar or the user was removed from participants

[XBS-2402] - kite: fixed an issue in which some events in Kite Meeting Scheduler were not displayed, in case the events were scheduled in advanced and not changed in the last two months

[XBS-2405] - web: fixed an issue in which user could not open one-on-one conversation with a colleague, if there was a CRM contact with the same email and extension on another PBX

XBS-2432] - web: fixed an occasional issue when a user could not send a message, and an infinite pending indicator was displayed

  • Known issue: wrong color of "About" and "Send feedback" buttons in Dark mode will be fixed in the next release (XBS-2442)

Web Conference / x-bees conference iOS 1.0.20, Android 1.0.5 Date: 27.12.2022


[WMS-15883] - wizy: cleaned up unsupported translations

x-bees conference iOS 1.0.19 Date: 21.12.2022


[WMS-15798] - wizy: conference optimization:

  • fixed an issue in which conference name in call history on iOS device was displayed incorrectly; also,
  • temporarily disabled Siri suggestions to Join a meeting due to incorrect flow

Web / iOS x-bees 1.10.2 / Android x-bees 1.10.2 Date: 14.12.2022


[XBS-2176] - web: added a new screen with error message about slow or no internet connection when working with Kite Meeting Scheduler

[XBS-2359] - mobile: improved Android app stability and fixed some visual issues caused by animation (specifically with read message indicators and conversations Inbox)


[XBS-1322] - mobile: fixed an issue in which it was possible to add an existing member to a conversation by email

[XBS-2151] - web+mobile: made some conversation improvements:

  • fixed an issue in which user could find and add existing members to a conversation
  • increased the limit of users that can be added to a conversation from 100 to 1000

[XBS-2206] - web+kite: fixed an issue in which after pressing Quote option for a message with more than 170 characters, the Emoji and Send buttons were cropped or got hidden behind the Conversation Info block

[XBS-2220] - web+mobile: fixed several issues in which:

  • after user changed the status, it visually remained the same for the user, though other users could see the updated status
  • after sleep mode on mobile, x-bees app didn’t display a remote call and user presence was incorrect

[XBS-2291] - web+mobile: fixed an issue in which a single video in conversation was sent with incorrect aspect ratio

[XBS-2294] - mobile: fixed an issue in which user could not delete text from a sent message if the message contained an attached file

[XBS-2375] - web: fixed an issue in which system message “User joined the conversation via invite link” was endlessly sent to a group conversation after sending a message in case the user had Kite opened in another tab/browser at the same time

[XBS-2379] - web: fixed an issue in which it was impossible to open a Phonebook contact via Search, if the contact didn’t have an email address

x-bees conference iOS 1.0.18, Android 1.0.4 Date: 12.12.2022

New Feature

[WMS-15765] - wizy: added possibility to share video and start live stream on mobile

Web / iOS x-bees / Android x-bees Date: 29.11.2022

New Feature

[XBS-2320] - web: enabled public access to x-bees conversations via conversation link, to avoid cases when a guest could not join conversation because of logging in with a different email address

  • Note: In future the logic should be improved to ensure better security


[XBS-168] - android: improved processing of two incoming calls on Android, so that when user answers one of them, the second call doesn’t remain in ringing state

[XBS-2156] - web: improved the logic when user tries to add a member to a conversation without email address, so that a relevant notification about missing email is shown and the rest of members, that have email addresses, are added to the conversation

[XBS-2188] - web + mobile: added possibility to paste a list of emails when creating conversation or when adding users to the existing conversation, to speed up the process

  • Note: Emails can be separated by commas or semicolons (;)

[XBS-2265] - mobile: added possibility to initiate a call by tapping on a phone number/ user name in History


  1. Go to the History tab
  2. Tap on a number/ name
  3.  Select the required option: Call / Send message / Copy number / Info

[XBS-2363] - web: updated x-bees meta title and description on the login page

[WMS-15123] - wizy: introduced some new features and improvements for video conference:

  • Added noise suppression effect, which reduces background noise and echo in cases when several participants are in the same meeting room. To enable the feature, click three dots (More actions) button -> Noise suppression 
  • Introduced Whiteboard feature, that includes a set of tools to draw different shapes, elements or add text. If needed, you can save the created materials in png or svg formats
  • Added the option End meeting for all when PBX user leaves the meeting, which allows to remove all participants and stop the meeting right away 
  • Added possibility to choose how many participants can be pinned on the main screen: Go to More actions -> Settings -> proceed to More tab and set the max number
  • Divided screen sharing and user’s local video, so that when sharing the screen, the user can see local video and screen sharing separately
  • Enabled audio settings menu on the microphone button for Firefox 100 or higher
  • Made some performance improvements 

Web Conference / x-bees conference iOS 1.0.17, Android 1.0.3 Date: 27.11.2022

New Features

  • Added noise suppression effect, which reduces background noise and echo in cases when several participants are in the same meeting room. To
    • to enable the feature, click three dots (More
    • options) button -
    > Noise suppression Introduced Whiteboard feature
    • > Noise suppression
  • Introduced Whiteboard feature, that includes a set of tools to draw different shapes, elements or add text . If and share your ideas with the audience in a visual way
    • if needed, you can save the created materials in png or svg formats
  • Added the option End option End meeting for all when all when PBX user leaves the meeting, which allows to remove all participants and stop the meeting right away away
  • Added possibility to choose how many participants can be pinned on the main screen: Go
    • go to More actions -> Settings -> proceed to More tab and set the max number
  • Divided screen sharing and user’s local video, so that when sharing the screen, the user can see local video and screen sharing separately
  • Enabled audio settings menu on the microphone button for Firefox 100 or higher
  • Made some performance improvements improvements

Web / iOS / Android Date: 18.11.2022


[XBS-2160] - web: added link to Chrome extension to x-bees Settings -> Extensions section


Web / iOS / Android Date: 09.11.2022


[XBS-2251] - web+mobile: improved the display of single images in chat to save their original aspect ratio

Web / iOS / Android Date: 02.11.2022

New Features

[XBS-2142] - web: added possibility to manage sound notifications played when conference starts


  • Sound notifications are enabled by default
  • The option is available only in the web version


[XBS-2114] - web: added possibility to edit subject of a scheduled meeting


Web / iOS / Android Date: 14.10.2022

New Feature

[WMS-13887] - sys: added user presence status sync with Google Calendar


  • The sync works only for "Event" (users status changes to DND) and "Out of office" (user status changes to Away) types
  • An event should be confirmed. Otherwise, user status doesn't change
  • If an event is private, only user status changes, status message and duration are not set
  • After expiration, user status changes to Available


[XBS-2111] - web: added possibility to set up 15/ 30 minutes breaks before/ after a meeting in Kite Meeting Scheduler


  • Remote control of screen shared tab is not supported
  • Firefox browser is not supported

The additional information  you can find  at the news blog

[WMS-15071] - wizy: made some UI/UX improvements in x-bees conference:


Web / iOS / Android Date: 06 October 2022

New Features

[XBS-1797] - wim: added integration with Microsoft 365 as a calendar provider for Kite Meeting Scheduler


Web / iOS / Android Date: 05 October 2022

New Features

[XBS-1542] - web+mobile: added email notification sent to a guest user when the guest is added to a conversation


  • If there are several devices of the same category (e.g. several iOS or Android devices), it is not possible to choose from which device of the chosen category the call will be made on.

The additional information  you can find at the news blog

[XBS-2083] - web: added a sound notification when a conference starts


The additional information  you can find at the news blog


[XBS-2109] - web: made some UI/ UX improvements of Meeting scheduler:

  • added an error message in case time slots overlapped in Calendar Settings
  • made Subject a mandatory field
  • made the notification that meeting details were sent to the user’s email more visible
  • added possibility to limit the dates when a meeting can be booked. For this, the following part should be added to the Schedule link:
    --where “02.10.2022” is the start date, “20.10.2022” is the end date, and “Summit 2023” is the subject 


Web / iOS / Android Date: 26 September 2022

New Feature

[XBS-443] - mobile: improved search logic in x-bees app on mobile, so that it shows consistent results in different sections (for example, in Inbox and Dialpad) and displays similar results in case of search on web and mobile


[XBS-2089] - web: added information about user timezone on the Schedule page of Kite Meeting Scheduler


Web / iOS / Android Date: 13 Sep 2022


[XBS-2029] - web: enabled native Google Calendar email notifications (e.g. invitation email, updated invitation, canceled event) for meetings scheduled via Kite which allows to add events to Google Calendar


Web / iOS / Android Date: 18 Aug 2022

New Features

[XBS-99] - web+mobile: added possibility to upload avatars for conversations


  • added possibility to click on a user and open a conversation with them (currently available for 1-on-1 calls only)
  • if a lead or contact has a match in Salesforce/ HubSpot, there is a relevant icon added and a company name, if available
  • conferences with at least one match in Salesforce/ Hubspot integration are marked with logo of the relevant CRM integration


[XBS-1940] - web+mobile: improved templates of Meeting Scheduler emails to ensure correct display in different email agents

Web / iOS / Android Date: 04 Aug 2022


[XBS-1746] - crm: improved the logic of call logging, so that logged calls are automatically assigned Connected status in HubSpot


Web / iOS / Android Date: 08 Jul 2022

New Features

[XBS-1546] - kite: added possibility to embed Kite widget on website


Documentation: x-bees website widget configuration.

The additional information  you can find at the news blog

[XBS-1616] - kite: added possibility to set up integration with Google Calendar and allow external users to access agent’s calendar and book a meeting with an agent via Kite


More information  you can find at the news blog

[XBS-1726] - web: added Analytics tab in x-bees, an advanced analytics tool which lets to monitor any data you need in a highly customizable manner

Documentation: x-bees Analytics.

More information  you can find at the news blog


[WMS-12588] - app: improved the logic so that x-bees conference app is used for conferences on iOS and Android:


Web / iOS / Android Date: 29 Jun 2022


[XBS-1328] - mobile: improved the logic so that if x-bees app is installed on iOS or Android and user clicks on x-bees link from email, calendar, etc., x-bees mobile app is opened and user is directed to the relevant x-bees tab, conversation or conference


Web / iOS / Android Date: 25 May 2022


[XBS-1482] - web+mobile: improved search functionality by adding possibility to search through all conversations using partial match search queries


Web / iOS / Android Date: 11 May 2022

New Features

[XBS-1457] - web+mobile: added possibility to set a status message


[WMS-13853] - crm: added automatic logging of activities from x-bees to HubSpot (inbound and outbound calls via PBX and conferences):
The additional information  you can find at the news blog.


[XBS-1513] - web: improved the logic of x-bees Chrome extension so that when clicking on the x-bees link, an active x-bees tab is used instead of opening a new tab


Web / iOS / Android Date: 22 April 2022

New Feature

[WMS-13549] - web: added ability to start screensharing from the audio call


Documentation: x-bees Web User Guide.

The additional information  you can find at the news blog


[WMS-13788] - crm: added support for different types of tasks in the Hubspot integration

Web / iOS / Android Date: 18 April 2022


[XBS-1006] - crm: added automatic logging of activities to Salesforce (inbound and outbound calls via PBX)

Documentation: Salesforce Integration.

The additional information  you can find at the news blog

[XBS-1405] - web: added possibility to generate Kite website widgets

Documentation: x-bees website widget configuration.

The additional information  you can find at the news blog

[WMS-13756] - web: added possibility to log events if the Contact has no owner in HubSpot integration, by assigning the Contact to a default owner (the integration’s admin)

Documentation: HubSpot Integration.

The additional information  you can find at the news blog

Web / iOS / Android Date: 21 March 2022


[WMS-12970] - wizy: updated design of the Conference and some functionality which includes:


Web / iOS / Android Date: 14 March 2022

New Feature

[XBS-1395] - web: added support for Hubspot integration


Documentation: HubSpot Integration with x-bees.


[WMS-13062] - x-bees: released x-bees Chrome extension

The additional information  you can find at the news blog

[XBS-1404] - kite: improved email signature creation


Web / iOS / Android Date: 07 March 2022

New Features

[XBS-1001] - web: added possibility to select Caller ID for outbound calls via Dialpad


Documentation: x-bees Web User Guidex-bees Mobile User Guide.

The additional information  you can find at the news blog

[XBS-1404] - kite: added possibility to create email signature


Documentation: x-bees Web User Guide.

The additional information  you can find at the news blog

Web / iOS / Android Date: 28 February 2022


[XBS-90] - web+mobile: status expiration and custom status message set in Collaboration are now displayed in x-bees
