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This Guide explains how to edit the strategy of call distribution in Call groups and provides the information on dynamic login to Call groups via Collaboration.

Updated: August October 2020



  • Go to WMS -> Dialplan -> Call Groups
  • Select the group and click Edit strategy:


1 - Timeout: the maximum period of time in seconds, during Missed calls manager (available starting from WMS 5.02): specify a dedicated user that receives missed calls notifications and subscribe for that user via BLF "Voicemail" to view the notifications. Details described in Missed calls notification chapter

2 - Timeout: the maximum period of time in seconds, during which the system tries to connect the caller to a Call group member; after the timeout is reached, timeout set up in Seconds before recalling all the members again field is applied; after which the system will try to connect the caller to a Call group member again

Timeout set up in Dialplan application “Call group” = 30 seconds

Timeout set up for the Call group in Edit stategy -> Timeout = 15 seconds
Timeout set up in Edit strategy -> Seconds before recalling all the members again = 10 seconds
System tries to connect the caller for 15 seconds, after 10 seconds of silence, the system tries again to connect the caller for 15 seconds, after 10 seconds of silence the Dialplan execution proceeds to the next step, since the timeout set up in the Dialplan (30 seconds) has been reached.

2 3 - Announce frequency: enable notification of the position in the queue to the caller

3 4 - Announce hold time: if enabled, other than notification of position in the queue, notifies the caller of the estimated time limit before the response


Note: Additionally, to enable Announce frequency and Announce hold time options, select Music on hold class in the Dialplan used for managing calls of the Call group. For this purpose, you can configure a special directory in Sounds menu of WMS: go to MusicOnHold folder, click + Directory to add a new directory and upload audio files:

It is also possible to play random music on hold. To enable the option, go to WMS -> Settings -> PBX -> SIP-RTP add check off "Random music on hold".

4 - Priority: if you have two call groups with differing priorities (e.g., support and support-vip), agents present in both call groups receive the calls from the higher-priority queue comparing to calls from the lower-priority queue. Those agents will not receive any calls from the lower-priority queue unless there are no more calls in the higher-priority queue. (Normally, there will be some agents who are present only in the lower-priority call group, to make sure that those calls are also answered in a timely manner).  



Note: By "higher-priority" the larger value is meant: 2 has priority over 1.

5 6 - Seconds before recalling all the members again: enter the number of seconds

7 - Wrap up time: set up the timeout between the calls for one operator after this operator completes a call. Calls are not distributed to the operator for the period of this timeout


Wrap up time = 12 seconds. An operator answers a call from the queue. After the call is completed, the operator is put on pause for the duration of 12 seconds. 

7 8 - Call waiting: if enabled, a Call group member can receive more than one call at a time. By default, the option is disabled for newly created Call groups. It is recommended to keep this option disabled in case you are using Round Robin or Longest Idle strategies, otherwise there is a risk that some callers could be stuck in a queue because calls would continue to arrive to those agents who are already busy in a conversation



  • The option cannot be enabled in case Auto pause on no answer is enabled
  • The option cannot be enabled for call strategy Call all 32 in WMS 4.0X and can be enabled in WMS 5.0X
  • After upgrade, you need to re-save the settings of existing Call groups in order to enable Call waiting functionality

9 - Auto pause on no answer: if enabled, a Call group member is automatically paused for the duration period of Auto pause on no answer timeout (no, only this queue, for all queues):


  • Queues with Call all 32 strategy do not support this feature!
  • If Auto pause on no answer is enabled in WMS -> Dialplan -> Call Groups -> Edit strategy, it is necessary to specify Auto pause on no answer timeout 


    Important: Auto pause on no answer timeout must be different from 0!

9 10 - Auto pause on no answer timeout (default = 5 seconds): the timeout for the duration of which a Call group members are auto-paused in case they don't answer a call, they are offline or have unregistered devices

10 11 - Auto pause delay: delay in seconds before auto-pausing in case a Call group member did not answer a queue call after the last call was answered. For example, Auto pause delay is set to 3 minutes and a Call group member receives a new call after 2 minutes. In case a Call group member doesn't answer the call, he/ she will not be auto-paused. If the next call is received within 3 minutes or more after answering the last one, a Call group member will be auto paused

11 12 - Max length: maximum number of calls in queue, when the number is exceeded, other calls are not put to the queue but are routed according to the next step of the Dialplan

12 13 - Dialplan: you can specify the Diaplan procedure here, allowing the caller to leave the queue by pressing a digit (a corresponding match must be present in this Dialplan procedure as "Called number") for further actions. For example, add Diaplan procedure with Called Number "1" and application "Dial the phone". The caller can leave the queue by pressing 1 and that call will be forwarded to the number specified in the application "Dial the phone



Note: You can activate Callback feature for Call groups by configuring special Dialplan procedures. Consult How to enable Callback feature for Call groups for detailed information.

13 14 - Strategy: set up the way the calls are distributed to the members of the Call group (Call AllRound RobinLongest IdleFewest CallsLinear)

  • Call All 10: agents are called by groups of 10 (10+10+10+X) until one answers
    • dynamically added users in this case receive the call together with the first 10 members
    • Timeout specified in the first field is applied to each group of members


  • Call All 32: all available agents are called simultaneously until one answers (no user features processed)



    • Available for all devices including Web ZD and mobile apps (it is possible to disable push notifications for mobile apps, see details in the Example of the Dialplan procedure for managing Call group calls)
    • This strategy supports up to 32 users (previously it supported up to 32 devices and each device of CG member was counted)
    • The current delay between CG members equals 20ms to achieve almost simultaneous ringing



    • Feature “Contact Center” (Collaboration -> Settings -> Contact center) doesn’t work for this strategy
    • User preferences (call forwarding etc) are not processed when this strategy is used (they are turned off)
    • Feature is not available on old HW PBX

  • Round Robin: the next agent is selected on the list following the individual that received the last incoming call
  • Longest Idle: the agent who answered the call the longest time ago is called
  • Fewest Calls: call the agent who has the lowest number of answered calls
  • Linear: agents are called sequentially starting from the first member on the list until an earlier person is no longer on the phone
    • dynamically added users are called in the order in which they are added

14 15 - Exit if all members (WMS 4.0X/ WMS 5.0X): if all Call : if all Call group members are unavailable (busy, paused/wrap up, ringing) at the time when a new incoming call is placed to the queue, the system proceeds to execution of the next application of Dialplan procedure used for managing Call group calls  


Example: according to the licenses, the number of concurrent calls is 42244. This means that the maximum number of Call group members is 42446:


Note: limitation does not apply for dynamically added call group members (see the chapter below).


  • No sync between dynamic users added via WebAPI and via Contact Center (which means, users added via WebAPI cannot see that they are present in the group from Collaboration Contact center menu)

BLF "Contact center" on VoIP



Supported models: WP410, WP480G, WP490G R2/ R3; WorkForce, WelcomeConsole.


Additionally, Call group manager can monitor in real time the call activity using CDR-View (check CDR-View User Guide) or Call Center Wallboard (read the chapter "Wallboard" of Collaboration WebAPI Guide).

Missed calls notifications 


Requirements and supported devices: 

  • Support starts from WMS 5.02.20201015.2
  • At least UC-Basic License is required for a dedicated user that receives missed calls notifications
  • Available on WP480G, WorkForce, WelcomeConsole

With the help of the feature, all Call group members including dynamic ones can view missed calls (previously only Call group manager received them). For this purpose, you need to create a dedicated user that receives missed calls notifications and subscribe for that user via BLF "Voicemail" to view the notifications.

Take the following steps to configure the feature:

  • Step 1: Create a dedicated user. Make sure you assign at least UC-Basic license

  • Step 2: Select the user as Missed calls manager for a specific Call group (the option is located under Edit strategy settings)

  • Step 3: All Call group members who want to view missed calls notifications need to subscribe for the Missed calls manager via BLF "Voicemail". The detailed information about the BLF configuration is present iVoicemail Guide


  • Once there is a missed call, the BLF starts blinking 
  • To view missed calls notifications, press BLF Voicemail
  • To mark a missed call as seen, press Info -> Read
  • After it is marked, the BLF stops blinking also on other phones subscribed for the Missed calls Manager

 The same way, it works also for voicemail messages.


Note: Even if you dial a contact from which a call was missed, it still will be marked as missed. To mark it as seen, press Read option.


Example of the Dialplan procedure for managing Call group calls 
