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This document describes how to use manage alert notifications on W-AIR handsets.

Admin GuideNurse Call Systems Integration with Wildix W-AIR - Admin Guide.

Created: June 2024


Introduction and requirements




The integration between any Nurse call system and Wildix W-AIR allows healthcare staff to receive and manage alert notifications directly on their W-AIR handsets, ensuring prompt responses to patient needs and improving care quality.

Supported features

  • Emergency calls
  • Distribution of emergency notifications
  • Location of users

Supported devices

  • W-AIR Med
  • W-AIR LifeSaver


  • WMS 6.0X
  • W-AIR firmware version 740B100


Before proceeding, make sure W-AIR Sync Plus base stations have network communication with the Poltys server and add to the Poltys server firewall the W-AIR Text Messaging Port (Default UDP 1300).

W-AIR Setup

  1. Access the Base Station web interface
  2. Navigate to Management menu
  3. Enable Text Messaging feature and set the following parameters:
    1. Text Messaging & Alarm Server: PBX  IP or domain
    2. Text Messaging Port: 9300
    3. Text Messaging Keep Alive (m): 10
    4. Text Messaging Response (s): 30
    5. Text Messaging TTL: 0
      Image Removed
  4. Click Save and Reboot to apply the changes

Poltys Setup

  1. Access DCC EX web interface
  2. Navigate to Connection & Devices
  3. Click + button on the right bottom corner
  4. Choose Wildix Line and click Select button
  5. Set a name, assign Text Messaging Port (Default Port UDP 1300) and click OK button
  6. Click Start detection button to automatically discover W-AIR Handsets that are registered to W-AIR Sync Plus


Receive Text Alarm Notifications


  • Supported devices

    • W-AIR Med
    • W-AIR LifeSaver
    • W-AIR LifeSaver-EX


Receiving text alarm notifications

When alarm notification from a certain room arrives to W-AIR handset:

  1. Caregiver can reject the displayed alarm and receive the next active alarm by pressing . Reject button. If there is no other active alarm, the Caregiver will receive receives the same alarm, if it was not accepted in 15 seconds (configurable in DCC EX).is not accepted at the next escalation time 
  2. Caregiver can stop the displayed alarm and receive the next active alarm by pressing hangup Hangup button. If there is no other active alarm, the Caregiver will receive receives the same alarm at the next escalation time (configurable in DCC EX).Caregivers
  3. Caregiver accepts or calls back the resident corresponding to the displayed alarm notification. Caregiver must go to Room 101 the room to clear the alarm. Finally, caregiver Caregiver is ready to receive new alarm notifications.


Alarm List Navigation: In case the Caregiver accepts/ rejects the alarm, the next alarm (if any, sorted by highest priority)


is received immediately


. If multiple alarms are active when using


Reject button,


W-AIR handset  displays Alarm List with all the active alarms.






Managing alarms

Thefollowingbuttonscan beusedwithDCCEXusingDECT for managing alarms:

  1. OK–whenpressingOkbutton,thealarmwillbe is accepted
  2. Call–whenpressingthecallbackbutton,theDECTphonewillinitiate W-AIR handset initiatesa calltotheresidentnumber,but itwilldoesn't NOTaccept thealarm:
    • Reject– itwillreject rejectsthealarm
    • Hang-upHangup–itwillstop stopsthealarm


Reviewing active alarms

Toaccesstheactivealarms ontheDECTdevice: W-AIR handset

  1. Presson MenubuttononDECTdeviceandselect AlarmListiconorjustpressontherightarrow(i.e.shortcutbutton)
  2. Selectanalarminthelisttogetdetailsaboutit
    1. DateandTime
    2. AlarmDevice
    3. Subject(AlarmTypeorLocationforPendants)
    4. ResidentName(optional,ifconfigured)
    5. PressOKbuttontoaccept thealarm or Callbuttonto
    1.  call backtheresident

    1. Image Modified

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