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WMS Settings Menu Guide provides the basic information on the Settings options and explains how to set up various parameters.

Updated: September 2021


Table of Contents





Set up the connection between Server and Client PBXs.


Click Update parameters button to update the parameters after they have been changed.

Server configuration example:

Client configuration example:


  • Auto discover external IP address (Hardware, Virtual PBX): if enabled, uses DynDNS url specified below to discover the external IP
  • DynDNS website url (Hardware, Virtual PBX): url of the service to discover the external IP
  • External IP address (Hardware, Virtual PBX): external IP address manually set up
  • External secure port (Hardware, Virtual PBX): (default 443): option to use a different port for TLS connections
  • Use only https (Hardware, Virtual PBX): If enabled, all http connections are redirected to the port 443 or the alternative https port (if configured) 


    Note: the parameter is enabled for Cloud PBXs by default.

  • Random music on hold: if enabled, music on hold to be played back is selected randomly by the system
  • Default music on hold: select default music on hold 


    Note: Music on hold is selected using different Dialplan applications; in case this option is enabled, files present in the selected Music on hold directory of the Sounds menu, will be played in a random order.

  • RTP start port / RTP end port (Hardware, Virtual PBX): set up the port range out of which the RTP ports are dynamically taken, normally 10 000 : 15 000
  • Outgoing registration timeout (seconds): set up timeout for SIP registrations on the PBX, for stable connections it’s better to augment this value to reduce the network traffic
  • Jitter buffer (min / average / max delay): set up the jitter buffer delay values
  • RTP / T.38 ToS / DSCP and SIP ToS / DSCP: optimal values are set up by default for these parameters and should be changed only if necessary 


    More information: How to set DSCP QoS for Wildix devices and Web Phone.

    Important: after having changed DSCP value, to apply the changes in WMS network, it is necessary to restart WMS network in WMS Settings -> PBX -> WMS Network.

  • Use TLS / SRTP for local devices (Hardware, Virtual PBX) (WMS 4.0X):*  TLS TLS is by default ON for remote devices, here you can enable/disable TLS/SRTP encryption also for local devices 


    Note: The option is no longer supported in WMS 5.0X and will be deleted from the web the interface later.

    All the devices (except GSM trunks W01GSM and DaySaver) connect now via TLS on VM/ HW PBXs (previously it was supported on Cloud PBXs). If you need to set another protocol, use custom provisioning parameter "SIPTransport".

  • Auto add new devices in local networks (for 2 hours) (Hardware, Virtual PBX): when enabled, devices are added and provisioned automatically in local networks. After 2 hours the option is automatically disabled
  • Enable wideband codec usage for all networks: when enabled, codec priority is given to the wideband codecs of the remote devices


    Codec priority is chosen automatically, normally the priority is given to the not compressed codec (G.711 aLaw) in LAN network and compressed (G.729) for remote connections.

  • Enable wideband codec usage in LAN (Hardware, Virtual PBX):* enabled by default, the system uses G.711 codec in local network (IP classes specified in “Network field which must be considered local”)
  • Networks where force usage of wideband codecs:* if the usage of wideband codec is disabled, it’s still possible to force its usage on some networks
  • Custom Direct RTP Subnets: the networks that are considered local by the PBX and on which the wideband codec usage is forced
  • TLS Certificate (*.crt)(Hardware, Virtual PBX): upload a TLS certificate file 


    Generate certificate for SIP-RTP page on LINUX system:

    1. openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 2048
    2. openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.key
    3. openssl req -sha256 -new -key server.key -out server.csr -subj “/C=IT/ST=TN/L=My City/O=My Company/” (use your country instead of IT (Italy) and your region instead of TN (Trento))
    4. openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 3650 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt

    Output: server.crt server.csr server.key

    Upload server.crt and server.key to WMS Settings -> PBX -> SIP-RTP page.

    This certificate serves for all types of connections, including SIP-TLS, HTTPs-TLS, XMPP-TLS.

    LIMITATION: certificate should not be protected by password.

  • TLS Private Key (*.key) (Hardware, Virtual PBX): upload a TLS private key file


Enable integration with Zoho CRM. Refer to Zoho Products integration with Wildix PBX for detailed information.

Microsoft 365

With Microsoft365 integration, you can enable the following synchronizations:  

  • User calendars: syncs calendar events added to Microsoft 365 and updates user status in Collaboration. When the event starts, user status in Collaboration is changed to DND. The name of the event is displayed as a status message by default unless manually changed
  • User phonebooks: syncs phonebooks of users and lets to enable caller name lookup. See more in Import of Contacts and Users - Admin Guide


To activate the sync:

  • Tick off the necessary options (User calendars or User phonebooks, or both)
  • Click Enable -> log into your Microsoft account and click Accept to give the required permissions

To stop the sync, click Disable.


Enable integration with Microsoft 365 including calendars and phonebooks sync. Consult Microsoft 365 Integration Guide for detailed instructions.

Server to Server applications (WMS 5.0X) 


Documentation is available on your PBX: https://<pbx_host>/api/v1/doc/#section/Authentication/oauth2/v1/doc/#section/Authentication/oauth2


Enable x-caracal ACD Stats. Refer to x-caracal Guide for detailed information.

QueueMetrics (Hardware, Virtual PBX)


  • Remote queues logging: enables MySQL remote Queues logging service
  • Hostname: IP or host name of MySQL database
  • User: the user to access to the server
  • Password: the password to access to the server
  • Database name: the name of the database



Allow origin (domain whitelist)Configure domain whitelist to protect PBX from cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.

Refer to Domain Whitelist (Allow Origin) Configuration Instruction for detailed information.


Important: Trusted domains must be added to a domain whitelist! Please note that any Web API / PBX API integration will stop working if the domain is not added.

Configure domain whitelist to protect PBX from cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks.

Refer to Domain Whitelist (Allow Origin) Configuration Instruction for detailed information.

Allow TLS

Enable Allow TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1To option. To ensure better security, Wildix has implemented TLS 1.2, enforcing it by default for newly created systems in WMS 5.03 and right after PBX reset. 


  • Type: select NFS/ Windows share
    For NFS:
    • Host: IP address or host name of the server
    • Path: name of the NFS share created at the host
    • Service: select the service to be saved to the NFS share (Call recording/ Voicemail/ Call generation/ Backups/ Faxes/ CDR CSV) 
    For Windows:
    • Host: IP address or host name of the server
    • Path: name of the Windows share created at the host
    • Domain: domain name of the host machine
    • User name: user name to access to the resource
    • Password: password to access to the resource
    • SMB version: select the Server Message Block version 
    • Service: select the service to be saved to the Windows share (Call recording/ Voicemail/ Call generation/ Backups/ Faxes/ CDR CSV) 




Synchronize the PBX with an external NTP server.



How to perform the upgrade in case the version contains no WMS interface package? In case the page shows that there is no new WMS version is available, but it was announced by Wildix that there is a new version available, it means that you can install additional packages ("additional packages" = Callweaver package, firmwares, sound files, etc) from the repository. Click Upgrade additional packages.

Automatic upgrade


Starting from WMS 5.02.20201207.3, weekly automatic upgrade for the Stable repository is enabled by default. You can disable it, but it is re-enabled again after each new upgrade.

You can enable automatic upgrade to be performed at the specified time.
