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This Guide describes the process of Microsoft Phone System Setup.

General documentation on teams4Wildix can be found here: teams4Wildix - integration of Microsoft Teams with Wildix PBX - Documentation

Additional documentation be found on teams4Wildix portal -> Services -> Teams -> Documents.

Created: July 2021


Table of Contents


General requirements:

  • WMS version: 5.03.20210623.1 or higher
  • Activated CLASSOUND
  • Wildix UC-ESSENTIAL / UC-BUSINESS / UC-PREMIUM license for each user

Additional requirements for Microsoft Phone System:

  • Monthly subscription fee. The fee is purchased for the entire PBX on WMP (the option for purchasing is coming soon. If you want to activate Mode 2, please contact your Area Manager)
  • Microsoft 365 (Office 365) E5 or Microsoft 365 (Office 365) E3 + Phone system for each user

Step 1: Enable MS Phone System for your customer - instruction for the Wildix Partner


The steps specified in this chapter are carried out by the Wildix Partner.


  1. Once you receive an invitation via email, click Accept Invitatioto access the portal

  2. Access the teams4Wildix portal using your Microsoft 365 credentials. Go to Getting Started -> Prerequisites tab and click Check My Tenant:


  3. Select Microsoft account with admin rights and the required licenses
  4. If the account meets all the requirements, the Tenant check is successful and you can click Next to go to the next step:

Step 2. Create PBX 

You are under PBX tab. To add your PBX, proceed with these steps:


fill out the fields specified below (no need to touch other fields):

  • Start by selecting your PBX from the available templates2 - Select : select Teams4Wildix 
  • Country: select your country from the list
  • 3 - Enter SIP Domain: enter your PBX domain name
  • 4 - Check Calling Policy: check off Manage Teams Calling Policy
  • 5 - Select Teams Voicemail: select Prohibit Voicemail & Call Forwarding under Teams Voicemails6 - Select
  • Music on Hold: select PBX Hold Music under Music On Hold

Click Add PBX

(below an example of a PBX that was already added on teams4Wildix portal)

Step 3. Sync the portal with your MS account

You are under Teams tab. To sync teams4Wildix portal with your Microsoft account, follow these steps:


  • Select the same MS account used in Step 1
  • Once the sync is active, click Next to go to Step 4



Important notes:

  • Use user extension (NOT usernames) as SIP Username and Auth Username
  • Use SIP password (NOT web Web password) as Password. To get SIP passwords, export user's data in WMS -> Users > Users -> Export CSV. In the downloaded file, actual passwords can be found in column SipPassword

You are under Users tab now. To add users, follow these steps:


click Add User


and fill out the fields specified below:

  • Select a User: select user from the list of available users 
  • Phone Number: this should be a unique number, it can be an extension number
  • SIP Username: enter user extension number
  • Auth Username: enter user extension number (again)
  • Password: enter user SIP password (do not mix up with user Web password!)

Click Add to create a user


You can also import users via CSV to create users or update (use the button Import Users located next to Add user).

Microsoft Phone System Usage


Note: This Mode allows also using Collaboration Plugin Mode.Using Microsoft Phone System service enables you to place and receive calls from the Calls dialpad of MS Teams interface. However, with Microsoft Phone System you can still use all the features described in the general teams4Wildix document as well. Consult the guide: teams4Wildix - integration of Microsoft Teams with Wildix PBX - Documentation

To place calls using Teams Dialpad, go to Calls tab and click Dial a number. To tab, enter an internal or an external phone number and start a call. You can control an active call (put it on pause/ resume, transfer, etc) , click More actions (three dots).from the MS Teams call dialog:

When there's an incoming call, there's a popup from MS Teams interface allowing you to accept or reject the call:

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