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Feature codes are useful for IP phone users and web users as they provide such features as call recording, call intrusion, switch active device during a call and many others. They are also helpful for analog phone users as they allow performing call transfers, set up user status, call forwarding etc. Feature codes can be changed, on this page you can find the default settings with examples.

Pre answer services allow users to interact with the system in case the dialed extension cannot answer a call right away.

WMS Version: 3.88/ 4.01

Updated: April 2019


Go to WMS -> Dialplan -> Feature Codes to access all the feature codes described in the Guide.

Table of Contents



You can enter the prefix which is automatically prepended to all feature and service codes, e.g. "*".



Some of these call features can be also activated in Collaboration -> Settings -> Features and in WP Features menu. For more information refer to /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992 and WP4X0 User Guide.

Status (DND/Away)

Default code: 60
Description: Status (DND/Away)
Options: 0 for available / 1 for DND / 2 for Away


Example: enter the string 60*1 and send the call, where “1” is the option to enable DND status.

Busy call forward (BCF) / Unavailable Call forward (UCF) / Force call forward (FCF)

Default codes: 61 / 62 / 63
Descriptions: Forward calls when user is busy in another conversation / Forward calls when there is no answer within call timeout / Forward all calls
Options: 0 to deactivate / 1 to activate / 2 to set the destination number / 3 to auto-switch
Call classes: 1=external; 2=blacklist; 3=whitelist



Note: for WP pre 2015, add asterisk * in the end of the string.

Example: 61*2*100*1*.

Call waiting

Default code: 64
Description: Receive more than one call at a time
Options: 0 to deactivate / 1 to activate / 3 to auto-switch
Call classes: 1=external; 2=blacklist; 3=whitelist


Examples: 64*1*2 – activate the feature for blacklist; 64*3*1 – auto-switch the feature status for external class.

Mobility extension management

Default code: 75
Description: Forward calls also to the mobile number after the timeout
Options: 0 to deactivate / 1 to activate / 2 to set the timeout / 3 to auto-switch
Call classes: 1=external; 2=blacklist; 3=whitelist



Note: for WP pre 2015, add asterisk * in the end of the string.

Example: 75*2*10*1*.

Call timeout

Default code: 65
Description: Ringing time for phones; after timeout, the call is disconnected or forwarded to the number specified in Unavailable call forward
Options: 0 to deactivate / 1 to activate / 2 to set the timeout
Call classes: 1=external; 2=blacklist; 3=whitelist



Note: for WP pre 2015, add asterisk * in the end of the string.0

Example: 65*2*10*1*.

Telephone blocked

Default code: 72
Description: Disables outgoing external calls
Options: 0 to deactivate / 1 to activate / 3 to auto-switch



Note: in order to deactivate “Telephone blocked”, you must enter the user password.

It is sufficient to enter first five symbols of user WEB password.

How to enter the password:

  • To enter any lowercase and uppercase letter: press ONCE a corresponding digit

  • To enter special characters (%, ^, &, etc): press the star key (*)

Example: if user password is 4Ag7$Zl@, then you have to dial 4247*.

Ring only active device

Default code: 68
Description: If activated, only the active device rings (ringer is disabled on other devices)


Example: 68*1 – enable the feature; 68*3 – enables feature if it was previously disabled / disables the feature if it was previously enabled.

Mobility confirmation

Default code: 69
Description: If activated, the user is informed on who the caller is, when answering a call from the mobility extension
Options: 0 to deactivate / 1 to activate / 3 to auto-switch
Call classes: 1=external; 2=blacklist; 3=whitelist


Examples: 69*1*2 – activate the feature for blacklist; 69*3*1 – auto-switch the feature status for external class.

Incall features

These actions can be performed during a call.

Blind transfer

Default code: #9
Description: Code to transfer calls without notifying the receiver
Usage: Enter #9 during a call, then enter the destination number followed by pound

Attended transfer

Default code: #8
Description: Code to transfer calls with notification
Usage: Enter #8 during a call, then enter the destination number followed by pound

Cancel the transfer

Default code: #1
Description: Code that cancels an attended transfer (made via feature code #8 by default) and allows the caller to return to the previous call
Usage: First make an attended transfer via feature code, then press #1


Default code: *1
Description: Code to start or stop call recording during the call



WMS version 4.01: users are no longer allowed stopping/ starting a personal call recording if a system recording (started in Dialplan) is running

Pause recording (WMS 4.01)

Default code: *2
Description: Code to pause/ unpause call recording during a call


  • Press *2 during a call to pause call recording; press it again to resume the call recording

 With Dialplan variable USER_CAN_PAUSE_RECORDING it is possible to restrict users from being able use Feature Code "Pause recording" *2 

By default, users are allowed pausing/ resuming personal recording.

To add a restriction, use variable:

  • as Global Dialplan variable: go to WMS -> Dialplan -> General Settings -> Set dialplan variables and add "USER_CAN_PAUSE_RECORDING=no"
  • via Dialplan apllication "Set" -> USER_CAN_PAUSE_RECORDING -> no
  • via Dialplan application Custom application -> Set(USER_CAN_PAUSE_RECORDING=no) 



Default code: *5
Description: Code to switch a call to another device
Usage: Press *5 during a call: other devices registered to your account start ringing allowing you to pick up the call from another device 


Note: it is also possible to dial *5 on one of the devices registered to your account to continue the conversation from that device, see Continuity service code in Feature Codes and Pre answer Services Admin Guide section of this Guide.


Access to different Wildix Unified Communications services.


Default code: 81
Description: Access code to the voicemail


  • Call 81, press 0 for mailbox options, then:
    • press 1 to record your unavailable message and follow the audio instructions
    • press 2 to record your busy message and follow the audio instructions
    • press 3 to record your name and follow the audio instructions


Default code: 82
Description: Dial by name feature allows you to enter a part of the name or surname for the search.
This feature is also available via Dialplan application “Dial by name”. Users can record their names via Service code Feature Codes and Pre answer Services Admin Guide Voicemail 81 (call 81, press 0 for mailbox options, then press 3 to record your name)



Note: Sarting from WMS version 3.86, the feature is available for EN/ IT/ FR/ DE/ NL sound packages. So make sure one the sound packages is installed and the corresponding language selected as user language.


Default code: 99
Description: Code for phones login service



On WP4X0 and W-AIR devices you can also use super admin password for phones login.

Personal record / Shared record

Default codes: 84 / 74
Descriptions: Personal record service code allows you to create a new personal voice recording or to delete / rewrite / playback an existing personal call recording; user who has an email address associated to his / her account receives the recording file by email. Shared record service code allows you to create a new shared voice recording or to delete / rewrite / playback an existing shared call recording (the call recording is then available in the WMS -> Sounds menu).


Example: enter the string 74*111*2 and then send the call, where “111” is the the number of the existing file, “2” is the option to playback the file.

Silent intrusion / Partial intrusion / Conference intrusion

Default codes: 86 / 87 / 85
Description: Use Silent intrusion code for secret intrusion (members of the call are not notified); Partial intrusion code – for partial intrusion (only one party can hear you); Conference intrusion code – for complete conference intrusion (all the parties can hear you)


Example: enter the string 86*100 or 86100 and then send the call, to do a silent intrusion into the conversation of user 100.

Virtual scanner

Default code: 89
Description: Code to send by mail a file from a fax machine to a user with an associated email in LDAP (code to digitize a fax). This service code is dialed from the fax machine (fxs user) and allows you to convert the fax into the digital format;
Prerequisite: the user who receives the fax must have an email address associated to his / her account


Example: enter the string 89*100 or 89100 and then send the call, where “100” is the extension number of user who receives the fax user 100 receives fax to email; fax is also saved to call history; fax sender and recipient can be the same user or different users.

Fax relay

Default code: 90
Description: Code to send a file from a fax machine to a user which is another fax machine and also to his email address, if present in LDAP. Send fax from fax machine (fxs user) to the indicated fax number with the possibility to save fax in the digital format / send a fax to fax machine (fxs user) with the possibility to save fax in the digital format / send a fax from fxs user to trunk.


Example: enter the custom number 90*100*101, where “100” is another user who receives fax report to email, “101” is fxs user who receives fax; fax is received by fxs user 101, fax report is sent to email of user 100, and saved to call history of both fxs user 101 and user 100. 


Default code: 91
Description: Call a Paging group (paging group is a group of devices that answer in speakerphone mode, allowing you to transmit an important message to a number of extensions simultaneously. Check the online Guide for detailed information).


Example: you hung up a paging call. Dial 91 to pick up that call.

Hide number

Default code: 92
Description: Code to disable the visualization of the caller ID for outgoing trunk calls
Pre-requisites: the option “Privacy Header -> id,user” and “Cid Header -> P-Asserted-Identity” must be enabled in SIP trunk settings (WMS -> Trunks)
Options: 1 to activate / 0 to deactivate / 3 for auto-switch


Example: enter the string 92*04611715111 or 9204611715111 and then send the call, where “04611715111” is the number you wish to call.

Switch / 3 state switch / Timetable

Default codes: 93 / 94 / 95
Descriptions: Code to change a switch / 3 state switch status / timetable status


Example: enter the string 93*10*1 and then send the call, where “10” is the Switch ID, “1” is the option allowing you to change the switch status.


Default code: 88
Description: Code to pick up a ringing call of another user or a call group (users must be registered to the same PBX as you)



Note: "Call group" Feature Code on new systems is 79.


Default code: *5
Description: Code to switch a call to another device
Usage: Press *5 during a call on one of the devices registered to your account and continue the call on that device.

Call group

Default code: 59 


Note: the Feature code after the system reset and for new systems is 79.


Pick up a ringing call of a call group:

Call group management

Default code: 97
Description: Call group login/logout management. The feature code allows you to dynamically log in to / log out from a call group; you can also add other users to call groups, in case it is not restricted by the ACL “Can / cannot” “manage the callcenter”
Options: 1 to log in / 0 to log out / 2 to auto-switch


Example: enter the string 97*1*10*100 and send a call, where “1” is the option for login to call group, “10” is the call group ID, “100” is the extension you wish to add to this call group.


Default code: 96
Description: Make an announcement to a user; phone of this user automatically answers in speakerphone mode



Starting from WMS 3.86 calls are no longer interrupted by Paging / Intercom; a user who is already on the phone, receives Paging / Intercom calls as a normal second incoming call. This behavior can be changed via Dialplan Custom application. Check Dialplan applications Admin Guide for more information.

Speed Dial

Default code: 80
Description: Code to call phonebook Speed Dial numbers


Example: enter the string 80*100 or 80100 and then send the call, where “100” is the “Speed Dial” number of the phonebook contact.


Default code: 98
Description: Code to access a conference
Usage: The code can be used to access conferences created via Dialplan or via Collaboration (Audio conferences or WebRTC Kite videoconferences):


Default code: 76
Description: Code to generate a call with the echo on the audio
Usage: Call 76 to make an audio test.

Wake up call/ Make Up Room/ Room Inspecting/ Minibar

Default codes: 773/ 771/ 774/ 771


Refer to Hotel Feauture Codes Chapter of Hotel Integration Guide for detailed information.

Pre answer services


Note: Appliance of pre answer services can be allowed/ forbidden via ACLs "Can (cannot) use pre answer services" and "Can (cannot) use pre answer services & messages". Detailed information about ACL rules: ACL rules Admin Guide.


In case the call was rejected by a user, Call completion request will be processed only after the dialed extension places another outgoing call and finishes it.

Pre answer services based on user's status

User is busy

When a user is busy, the following pre answer options are available:
