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The Article describes how to transfer forwarded external and parked calls to a receptionist in case such calls are not answered by a transferee.

Created: December 2018


We have 2 types of call transfer, under which the call can be lost - blind transfer and semi-attended transfer. If, after transferring the call, the called party does not pick up the phone, "return from transfer" will be executed. If after transferring the call, the called party doesn't pick up the phone "Return from transfer" will be executed. If, when the call is returned, the user to whom the call returns is not answered or will be busy/unavailable - the call may be lost. In this case, the transfer of the call to the receptionist can be used. Also, the feature can be used for calls returning from the parking.


Important: "Return form transfer" feature is disabled by default for PBXs with "USA" country code (except calls returning from parking).

The behavior can be changed via custom global variable "RETURNFROMTRANSFER=yes". Consult Custom Global Dialplan Variables List for details.


To transfer a call to a receptionist, you need to create a context named new Dialplan procedure "receptionist" and specify the destination for the "default" extension.Limitation:
"Return from transfer" is disabled for pbxes with the country code "USA" (but transfer to the receptionist will work for calls returning from parking):

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