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Failover service allows using one PBX as a backup for another one when the latter goes down. This guide describes the supported features and the procedure to set up the service.

WMS version: 3.88/ 4.0X

Created: December 2017

Updated: April October 2019



  • Same as in Hot Standby all the configuration is made on the Primary (Server) PBX (users, devices, lines, Dialplan, call groups)

  • Secondary PBX has no load, no calls, it regularly copies the configuration from the Primary PBX and takes over in case the Primary PBX goes down

  • Configuration sync: all changes must be applied only to Configuration Source PBX

Configuration example provided in the chapter Load Sharing Scenario.


The automatic sync is made every 2 hours.

Supported devices & scenarios


Device configuration and switching timeouttimeout 

DeviceMain SIP serverFailover SIP serverTimeouts (s)(switch to backup / main)
WP4X0 old modelsTCP / 443 (*)TCP / 443(*)60-105 / 60-105
WP2015(only WMS 4.01!)
WP4X0 R2TCP / 443 (*)TCP / 443 (*)30-60 / 10-60

WP480R3, WP490R3, WelcomeConsole

WP4X0 R3, WelcomeConsole  (**)

TLS / 443 (*)TLS / 443 (*)95-145/ 60-105
VisionTCP / 443 (*)TCP / 443 (*)60-180 / 15-45
W24FXSR2TCP / 443 (*)TCP / 443 (*)40-45 / 30-90
W04FXSTLS / 443 (*)TLS / 443 (*)30 / 45-300
W02FXSR2UDP / 5060UDP / 506030-60 / 10-30


TCP / 443 (*)

TLS / 443 (**)

TCP / 443 (*)

TLS / 443 (**)

10 / 30-180 (for both)


TCP / 443 (*)

TLS / 443 (**)

TCP / 443 (*)

TLS / 443 (**)

10-60 / 60-


180 (for both)

W04FX0TLS / 443 (*)TLS / 443 (*)30 / 45-300
WP600AXXTLS / 443 (*)TLS / 443 (*)60-180 / 15-45
Android clientsTLS / 443 (*)TLS / 443 (*)

active: 60-180/ 15-45;

in background: switch immediately

(*) – Alternative or default secure port 443 can be used




 –  TLS support on WMS 4.0X

TLS support is enabled on WP4X0 R3, WelcomeConsole, W0XPRI, W01/02BRI:

  • For remote devices, TLS is used as the default transport
  • For local devices, TLS is used if the option Use TLS / SRTP for local devices ( WMS Settings -> PBX -> SIP-RTP) is enabled, otherwise - TCP
  • If necessary, it is possible to return TCP transport for remote devices using custom provisioning parameters "SIPTransport" / "SIPTransportRemote" (refer to Provisioning Custom Settings)



Note: in case you’ve been using the old Failover, all the configuration previously set up, must be removed!


  • Activate WMS network between the PBXs
  • Set failover PBX in WMS -> Users -> PBXs:
    • Click Failover column near the PBX you wish to set up failover for
    • Failover setup dialog opens
    • Select the failover PBX from the list
    • Click Ok
  • Make all the configuration on the main PBX (devices, Dialplan, call groups etc.)
  • Disable devices sync from WMP on Failover PBX (available starting from WMS version 3.88.41514.30): add “disable_sync_portal=1”, “disable_sync_manual=1” to the config file /rw2/etc/pbx/device_sync.conf
  • Make replication for main PBX configuration:
    • Access the failover PBX via SSH as root
    • Run shell script sync_pbx
    • Select 1 (Configure)
    • Enter IP of the Main PBX
    • Enter the admin password of the Main PBX
  • Set failover PBX as secondary DNS server on unsupported devices


In case all PBXs are of Per-User type, you can enable WMS network license sharing, which means you need to add UC profiles only on the Server PBX and then you can re-use those licenses on the Client PBX. Please consult documentation: Sharing of Share Per User Licenses between PBXs over WMS Network 

Per-Service or Mixed mode

  • Server PBX is of Per-User type: you can can activate X Client PBXs and share those licenses as described in the previous chapter. Additionally you can add standalone PBXs, but each PBXs will have its own licenses of Per-User or Per-Service kind.
  • Server PBX is of Per-Service type: in this case all PBXs must have their own licenses (each PBX handles its own users).

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