Versions Compared


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This Article explains how to debug Wildix Integration Service and related components.


Table of Contents

Check the Integration version 

All integrations/ components can be installed from Collaboration - > Settings - > Extensions:

Image Added

If an integration/ a component is not yet installed, click INSTALL to download a package and launch the installation.

If a new version is available, click UPDATE  to get the latest one.  

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If the latest version is installed, RE-INSTALL option is displayed.

How to collect logs from Wildix integrations - MacOS

Collect WIService logs

  • Open "Go to Folder" window by pressing Shift+Cmd+G
  • Insert the path of the folder: ~/Library/Application Support/com.wildix.wiservice 
  • Сlick Go


  • Go to macOS status menu
  • Click on Wildix Integration Service icon 
  • Select About and click Logs

Image Added

To view logs, open wislog.txt file.

Collect Screen Share logs

  • Open "Go to Folder" window by pressing Shift+Cmd+G
  • Insert the path of the folder: ~/Library/Application Support/com.wildix.screenshare
  • Сlick Go


  • Go to macOS status menu
  • Click on Screen Share icon 
  • Select About and click Logs

Image Added

To view logs, open vnclog.txt file.

Collect Headset Integration logs

  • Open "Go to Folder" window by pressing Shift+Cmd+G
  • Insert the path of the folder: ~/Library/Application Support/hilog.txt
  • Сlick Go


  • Go macOS status menu 
  • Click on Headset Integration icon
  • Select About and click Logs

Image Added

To view logs, open hilog.txt file.



to collect logs from Wildix integrations - Windows

Collect WIService logs

  • Open Windows Explorer (File Explorer)
  • Insert the path of the folder: %APPDATA%\Wildix\WIService


  • Go to Windows Quick Launch toolbar
  • Click on Wildix Integration service icon
  • Select About and click Logs

Image Added

To view logs, open uilog.txt and wislog.txt files.

Collect Outlook Integration logs

  • Open Windows Explorer (File Explorer)
  • Insert the path of the folder: %APPDATA%\Wildix\OutlookIntegration


  • Go to Windows Quick Launch toolbar 
  • Click on Outlook Integration icon
  • Select About and click Logs 

Image Added

To view logs, open log.txt file.

Collect Screen Share logs

  • Open Windows Explorer (File Explorer)
  • Insert the path of the folder: %APPDATA%\Wildix\SS


  • Go to Windows Quick Launch toolbar
  • Click on Screen Share  icon 
  • Select About and click Logs 

Image AddedTo view logs, open vnclog.txt file.

Collect Headset Integration logs

  • Open Windows Explorer (File Explorer)
  • Insert the path of the folder: %APPDATA%\Wildix\HI


  • Go to Windows Quick Launch toolbar 
  • Click on Headset Integration icon
  • Select About and click Logs 

Image Added

To view logs, open hilog.txt file.

Restart WIService - MacOS

To restart Wildix Integration Service, run the following commands:

Code Block
launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.wildix.WIService-wd.plist


Code Block
su -l wildix -c '/bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.wildix.WIService.plist'


Uninstall WIService - MacOS

To delete Wildix Integration Service, run the following commands:

Code Block
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.wildix.WIService-wd.plist
/bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.wildix.MenuIntegration.plist
/bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.wildix.WIService.plist
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.wildix.WIService-wd.plist
sudo rm /Library/LaunchAgents/com.wildix.MenuIntegration.plist
sudo rm /Library/LaunchAgents/com.wildix.WIService.plist
sudo rm -r /Library/Services/WIService


Uninstall Fax Printer - MacOS

To delete Fax Printer component, run the following commands:

Code Block
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.wildix.WIService-wd.plist
/bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.wildix.MenuIntegration.plist
/bin/launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.wildix.WIService.plist
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.wildix.WIService-wd.plist
sudo rm /Library/LaunchAgents/com.wildix.MenuIntegration.plist
sudo rm /Library/LaunchAgents/com.wildix.WIService.plist
sudo rm -r /Library/Services/WIService
sudo rm r /Library/PDF\ Services/Wildix\ Fax

WIService Log files 


/Users/<your user>/Library/Application\ Support/com.wildix.wiservice/wislog.txt 



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