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The following Admin Guide describes Trunk Settings and explains how to set up various parameters.

Each trunk is displayed in Trunks menu WMS -> Trunks in the corresponding section (SIP, BRI/PRI, GSM/UMTS, FXO) with real time registration status. For GSM gateways the signal power status is also displayed.

To add a SIP trunk, click the +” icon below the SIP trunk table.

GSM, BRI/PRI and FXO trunks appear in the corresponding tables of the Trunks menu , after you have provisioned the gateways in the Devices menu of the WMS.

Installation Guides: W02/04BRI, W01/02PRI, W01GSM, W04FXO & W04FXO White Paper.

Updated: March 2018


Table of Contents

SIP Trunk Settings


  • Pricelist: associated pricelist for the correct calculation of calls cost (must be configured in WMS -> Trunks -> Pricelists)
  • Title: description of the trunk
  • Trunk name: trunk name
  • Auth Login: provided by the VoIP carrier for authentication
  • From user: forced from number header and used for invite messages and for registration (if “From domain” is not empty), usually the same as “Auth login
  • From domain: forced from domain header and used in register and invite SIP messages
  • Address or Host Name: address or host name of sip proxy; “dynamic” indicates that the trunk is used for incoming registration (incoming invites are allowed)
  • Password: password for authentication provided by the VoIP Carrier
  • Dialplan: Dialplan procedure for routing calls coming from this trunk (usually, “main”)
  • Tone zoneZoneselect the country/ region
  • Country Code: used for number normalization, specify the code of the country where the trunk is used
  • Keep alive: enables -Alive: enables keep alive messages that are sent to the trunk
  • Enable registration: enables outgoing registration (in case of PBXs SIP interconnection, it is enabled on the Client PBX SIP trunk and disabled on Server)
  • Registration proxy (appears after checking off "Enable registration", optional): enter IP address or host name of a proxy server with the port (the default port is 5060) and credentials to access itfor access 

  • Advanced
    • Audio codecs: enables the audio codecs supported by the trunk and the ptime values: 20ms40ms60ms (20ms by default); in case a different priority is needed, use  “Set” -> “Codec” Dialplan application
    • Video codecs: enables the video codecs supported by the trunk
    • T38: special parameters for t38 support and the maxdatagram
    • From number: allows to set an expression to set a dynamic cid number for outgoing calls based on the office number or on the value “Set” -> “cid number” on trunk Dialplan application; works only if the operator allows setting a cid number for outgoing calls
    • From name: allows to set a regular expression to set a dynaic cid name for outgoing calls
    • Cid Header: allows to set an additional header to set the cid number
    • Cid Body: indicates the contents of the cid header
    • Incoming CID: allows to set to a specific sip header from which cid Cid header must be retrieved. Available options: from / p-asserted-identity,from
    • Privacy Header: allows to set up the privacy header content supported by the operator to perform anonymous calls via feature code “Hide number” (92 by default)
    • Diversion Header :/ History-Info Header: allow to indicate the intended recipient of a call forwarding

    • Show original caller number: can be used by operators which support displaying any number as cid, allows displaying original caller number from trunk in case of transfers/mobility calls
    • Support Refer and Hold: allows the trunk to perform transfers and disables hold requests on the PBX
    • Session Timer: enables the check of the session validity to avoid pending calls; if enabled, the value 360secs is used, if disabled – 7200 secs
    • Force static SSRC: enables the source to identify the source of a stream
    • Rport:   select INVITE, REGISTER/INVITE, off options in case PBX isl ocated is located behind NAT


      Limitation: If PBX is behind NAT and uses trunk with rport REGISTER, INVITE, the remote side may drop calls after 30 seconds.

    • Registration Expiry (sec): sets the expiry time for outgoing register messages (default=600 sec / min=0)
    • Custom DNS Server: used to resolve the sip proxy domain name
    • Outbound proxy: all outgoing SIP messages are sent through the indicated host
    • NAT IP: enables the network connection IP
    • 100rel: enables reliable transmission of provisional messages
    • Transport: enables one of the values: UDP/ TCP/ TLS/ auto (dns ptr-srv) 
    • DTMF mode: allows you to select the DTMF transfer mode: info/ rfc2833/ inband and specify the payload


  • Port X. Below you can set up parameters for a single port:
    • Pricelist: the pricelist to calculate the costs for calls through the trunk
    • Local area code: specify the area code
    • End point type: select between TE (Terminal Equipment) (connection to public ISDN) or NT (Network Termination) mode (connection to ISDN phones or other devices in TE mode, e.g. PBXs)
    • Dialplan: Dialplan procedure for routing calls coming from this trunk (usually, “main”)
    • Clock: select between Generate clock and Use provided clock mode; in ISDN network one endpoint acts as a SERVERr, generating the clock signal, and the other endpoints act as CLIENTs, synchronizing on the clock signal received from the SERVER; typically a NT type endpoint acts as clock SERVER, and a TE type endpoint acts as clock CLIENT; set to CLIENT for connection to operators
    • Line Coding: select one of the line coding schemes: B8ZS (Bipolar 8-Zero Substitution), HDB3 (High Density Bipolar 3), AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion)
    • Network type: select the type of the ISDN network
    • Connection type: select the type of ISDN connection between point-to-point and point-to-multipoint
    • Link Establishment: select the connection establishment type between permanent and on demand
    • Signaling Protocol: select the signaling protocol between asymmetric DSS1 (used for connection to public ISDN) and symmetric QSIG (used for trunking between several PBXs)
    • Additional services: enables the gateway to accept Facility messages
    • Overlap dialing (enabled by default): enables the gateway to begin processing a call as soon as it can determine a destination from dialed digits that form only part of a complete number; the feature must be enabled for DID (Direct Inward Dialing) management


      Important: The option may need to be disabled for some VoIP Carriers for make outgoing calls due to the differences in D channel signaling performed for this option.

    • Inband DTMF Dialing: enables recognition of inband DTMF tones
    • Send Restart On Startup: enables sending of restart request to the operator each time the gateway reboots
    • Calling Name Max Length: specify the max length of the calling name

    • Channel Allocation Strategy: select the channel allocation strategy for this port
    • Sending Complete: includes Sending Complete information element into setup message; in this case the remote endpoint does not wait for digits coming in overlap mode
    • Progress Indicator: enables the gateway to provide the tone of progress during the indicated operations; normally these parameters are disabled
    • Maximum Facility Waiting Delay (ms): maximum waiting time of a Facility request
    • Use Implicit Inband Info: enables use of tones coming from endpoints
    • Correct incoming calling numbers: used for correct caller number visualization (adds 0 to national and 00 to international calls)
    • Signal Information Element: enables the use of Signal Information Element field to provide tones during different stages of call processing; this parameter must be enabled in NT mode only
    • Enable CNG / CED Tone Detection: allows voice and fax calls on the same line; enables the gateway to detect calling tone (CNG) generated by a fax machine, and called (answering) tone (CED) to enable T38 protocol
    • Detection Threshold: set up the threshold level for FAX detection

Enbloc signaling for outgoing calls


  • Tone Zone: select the country/ region
  • Country Code: used for number normalization. In case “Custom country” is selected, you can manually enter the country code
  • Impedance:   select one of the impedance values to avoid noise during line connection
  • DC Impedance (disabled by default)

  • Pricelist: the pricelist to calculate the costs for calls through the trunk
  • Local Area Code: specify the area code
  • Dialplan: Dialplan procedure for routing calls coming from this trunk (usually, “main”)
  • Hotline Number: the number corresponding to the line which is present in the associated Dialplan procedure
  • Detect caller ID: enable/disable caller ID detection
  • Caller ID type: select the standard for transmitting the caller ID information
  • Flash time: timeout (in msec) for hookflash detection
  • Dialing answer delay time: interdigit dial timeout (in sec), when terminated, the call is sent to trunk (the value cannot be less than “1”)
  • FAX type: select the mode (T38 or Bypass)
  • Gain RX FXO: adjust incoming audio gain
  • GAIN TX FXO: adjust outgoing audio gain
  • Hang up cause:
    • Polarity reversal detection: enable/ disable this parameter as the cause for disconnecting the call
    • Silence detection: enable/ disable this parameter as the cause for disconnecting the call and specify the timeout in seconds


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