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This Quick Start Guide explains how to provision Wizyconf via WMP and access, participate in conferences.

For the installation and connection, consult Wizyconf Installation Documentation.

Created: July 2019

Minimum WMS version: 4.01.44034.20


Table of Contents

Provisioning and configuration


  • Go to WMP -> select a customer
  • Select the PBX -> click Options button (three dots) and choose Devices from the drop-down list:

  • Click + to add Wizyconf:

  • The list of all your available devices opens; select Wizyconf and click Add to assign it to the PBX: 

  • Go to WMS -> Devices: provisioned Wizyconf appears on the list:  


Important: After Wizyconf is provisioned, its status in WMS -> Devices stays gray, no IP and firmware are indicated. The password is used by Wizyconf for PBX authentication. Ongoing upgrade procedures are not displayed in WMS.

Assign Wizyconf to user


Important: Before assigning, make sure that a user has Wizyconf License previously purchased on WMP. If the user doesn't have the correct license, the error notification is displayed on Wizyconf.


  • Go to WMS -> Devices
  • Select Wizyconf and click Assign to user 


    Note: Once  Once the user is assigned, it is impossible to delete him, you can just re-assign Wizyconf to another user. After re-assigning, turn on/ off Wizyconf via Power key on Wizyconf-Core.


Important: 1 Wizyconf account can be used with 1 Wizyconf. 

The first upgrade


Note: You may need to connect a mouse and a keyboard for the upgrading procedure.


  • DHCP Server 
  • Stable internet connection

Upon the first launch, Wizyconf is automatically upgrades its firmware. The notification about the upgrade is displayed. It takes up 10 minutes to complete the upgrading process (depends on the Internet connection). Then Wizyconf is rebooted automatically



  • Wyziconf is upgraded from server
  • Port used by Wizyconf: tcp:443

Note: Wizyconf upgrade is not displayed on WMS interface,  


Accessing the conference 

When Wizyconf is launched, the Conference List can be accessed. If a Wizyconf user has previously participated in conferences, they are displayed here.

To display new conferences in the List, press Refresh after inviting a Wizyconf user.

Appendix 1. Troubleshooting 

Issue 1: The notification "Connection Error" is displayed on Wizyconf.


  • There is no Internet connection
  • The device is not assigned/ provisioned on WMP
  • the The PBX is not reachable 

Note: Please do not press Back, use Retry key! - won't be included, will be improved.

Accessing the conference 

If the procedure is correct, the Conference list is displayed on Wizyconf.


Note: If a user is invited to a conference, press Refresh on Wizyconf to display the conference in the list.

If a wrong user is assigned to Wizyconf, assign the correct user and turn on/ turn off (disconnect and connect) Wizyconf via Power key on Wizyconf-Core

Appendix 1. Troubleshooting 

Issue: After 

Reason: the old password is used

Solution: Autorize Wizycong via CollaborationSolution: Check all the above mentioned points and press Retry to access the Conference List.

Issue 2: After applying a backup on PBX, it is impossible to access Wizyconf.

Reason: The old password is used instead of the new one.

Solution: Authorize Wizyconf via Collaboration.

  • The following notification is displayed on Wizyconf:

An example: Delete the device from WMS Devices and then click Sync from WMP → the device will appear → the notification "Device not assigned to any user" is displayed on Wizyconf.


  • . To authorize the device, enter the code via Collaboration: it can be entered by any user from the


  • PBX to which Wizyconf is assigned:
  • Go to Collaboration -> click on the Videoconference icon in the top menu

  • Click Wizyconf Authentication and enter the code:

  • Press Retry on Wizyconf

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