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This Quick Start Guide explains how to provision Wizyconf via WMP and access, participate in conferences.

Before proceeding to this guide, please make sure you have assembled Wizyconf-Stand, installed Wizyconf and connected all the hardware components. Find the guides on this page: Wizyconf Installation Documentation.

Created: September 2019

Updated: March 2020

Minimum WMS version: 4.01.44034.20


Table of Contents


Refer to the Wizyconf Installation Documentation to install the Wizyconf-Stand and connect all the components to the Wizyconf-Core.


Provisioning and configuration


Starting from Wizyconf App v. 1.1.2 there is a possibility to re-provision the device to a different PBX. Follow the steps from How to re-provision Wizyconf to a different PBX to complete the procedure.

WMP Provisioning

Prerequisite: you must have an available Wizyconf which you had previously ordered and had it shipped to you.


For more information about conference controls, refer to Ubiconf Videoconference - User Guide.

  • To access the Conference control bar, use Navigation keys on the Remote control or the keyboard Arrow keys
  • To close any dialog window from Conference control bar, press Back key on the Remote control or Esc key on the keyboard


If DHCP is not available, it's possible to set up Static IP:

  1. Press Home button; Press Google chrome icon → tap on three dots in the upper right part of the screen → tap Settings
  2. Tap arrow down icon near Network 
  3. Disable the switch "Configure IP address automatically" and then specify the IP address, the Routing prefix (the subnet mask) and the Gateway (the IP address of your router)

Notification "Connection Error" is displayed on Wizyconf


  • Press Home key to exit the conference
  • Enter the conference one more time

How to grab logs from Wizyconf 


Available only for the stable version.


  1. Start Wizyconf as usual
  2. Press the shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+F2
  3. Type the login: chronos
  4. Type the password: wiz19chrom

  5. Type the command: sudo tar -zcvf ~/Downloads/logs.tar.gz /var/log/ and press Enter
  6. Type the password: wiz19chrom and press Enter:

  7. Type the command: tar -zcvf ~/Downloads/chrome.tar.gz ~/log/chrome and press Enter:

  8. Type the command: ls -lah ~/Downloads/ and press Enter:

  9. Press the shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+F1
  10. Press button Windows and open the app Files
  11. You can see the folder Downloads with two files, named “chrome.tar.gz” and “logs.tar.gz"
  12. Insert the USB flash drive into the USB port of your Wizyconf-Core
  13. Copy both files and eject the USB flash drive
  14. Insert the USB flash drive into the USB port on your computer
  15. Send an email to and attach both files to it

How to re-provision Wizyconf to a different



  1. Go to WMS -> Devices and delete Wizyconf from PBX:

  2. Go Then go to WMP -> select PBX from which you have previously deleted Wizyconf -> click Options button (three dots) and choose Devices from the drop-down list: 

  3. Delete the device from WMP:

  4. Select a new customer and PBX: go to PBX Devices and add Wizyconf back 
  5. Turn off/ on Wizyconf via Power key 
  6. Wizyconf is ready to be provisioned to re-provisioned to a new PBX

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