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This document is a complete guide explaining how you can enable access to Wizywebinar and use it to schedule and run your webinars. 

Created: January 2021

Updated: November 2021


Table of Contents

Requirements and features 


  • Check the box Invite Participants
  • Enter First Name, Last Name, Email, choose role(Audience or Speaker) and click Add. Detailed information about adding participants is described in the Participants section

  • Click Save in the lower part of the screen


Click on the Audio & Video tab. In this menu, you can decide whether other speakers or broadcasters should join a webinar session with the possibility to automatically enable audio and video video:

Registration: allowing participants to register for a session

Click on the Registration tab. In this menu, you can activate a registration page for participants. To activate it, check off Allow registration or Require registration. There are predefined fields, but you can customize the way the registration page should look like:

  • Custom fields (1): Here here you can add your own custom form fields and decide if you want to make any of these fields mandatory during the registration process. If you you have several custom fields, you can drag and drop them to change the order.

  • Friendly URL(2): customize your registration URL rather than use the randomly generated characters to identify your event registration page
  • Require password (3): Optionally optionally require a password before a participant can complete registration
  • Limit registrants  (4): You may want to cap limit the amount of people who can register for your event
  • Show message  (5): Once once someone has completed the the registration process – process, you can modify the message that is shown or redirect them to a webpage of your choice
  • Registration period (6): Set set a time limit after which participants will are no longer be allowed to register for your event
  • Event Photo (7): The upload the image that represents your event. This can be a logo, a picture of the speaker, etc. 

Example of the registration page:


  • Send a reminder email/ second reminder email (2): here you can decide when the first and the second reminder emails should be sent, as well as the content of these emails
  • Send a follow-up email to attendees/ absentees (3): customize emails to be sent out to those who attended the webinar, and to those who were invited but didn't attend
    When configuring reminder and follow-up emails, you also have an option to attach files and send a copy of the emails to yourself
  • Send a list of invitee join links to myself (4): tick it off if you want to receive a CSV file with the join links of all invitees to your account email
  • Email Header/ Footer (5): upload a custom image that should be used as a header or footer.
    Requirements to the image: 
    • Recommended dimensions: 200px wide, 50px high (Maximum: 600px wide, 600px high)
    • Format: png is preferred. gif and jpg will be auto-converted to png. png 
    • Filesize: Max 512 KB

Address Book

Click on the Address Book menu on the left-hand panel to access and manage your list of contacts. To  To add a user to the Address Book, click Add Contact, provide the necessary details, and click Save.  

You may also add groups and indicate which groups your contacts they belong to. To create groups, either use the Add Group button or use the Groups section when creating/ editing contacts. 

The list of contacts can be filtered by groups or by list, and by First or Last name. You can also use the Search field to find the contact you need. 

If you want to export the list of contacts, click on the Export to CSV or Export to Excel button, depending on the preferred file format. 

Run a webinar session

Wizywebinar Video Tutorial - Manage a webinar


You can additionally activate HD video and reduce screenshare bandwidth  bandwidth in Video and audio settings (see below).


A Speaker has the ability to mute all other participants including other speakers. Tick off Mute newcomers if if you want to mute new participants as they join a session:

  1. Click on the Participants icon
  2. Click Mute all located in the lower left-hand part of the screen

  3. A new dialog opens, confirm by clicking Mute all:


Click on the Message icon on the left panel to open the Conversations panel:

In here, Speakers will see two channels:

  • Everyone: this is a channel for chatting with everyone in the meeting
  • Speakers: this is a private channel for Speakers only. Audience members will do not have access to Speakers channel


When inside a meeting, you have the option to ask questions as Audience and Speakers will are be able to answer them.

To ask a question, click on the Question icon on the left panel (1), type your question in the field below (2), and click Ask (3). If you want to ask a question anonymously, tick off the option Ask anonymously (4). 


  • Queue for live answer
  • Request public vote
  • Edit 
  • Delete

Live answer


Speakers can also clear questions and answers history and make all questions public and both Speakers and Audience can export history by clicking on the three dots in the upper part of the Questions & Answers panel.

Live answer

This option allows you to show the message to everyone on the main screen and to answer it live.


To stop sharing the file,  click the click the button at the top right of the screen: 


The shared file or folder is then marked as shared and is added to the Shared files folder:

The speakers you’ve shared the file/ folder with, can access them in the Shared files folder, download, and show to the audience.

To unshare the file/ folder, click on the three dots -> Unshare:


  1. Click on the Polls tab from the Content library panel. Click on Create new poll
  2. Type your question into the field Add question. Click the + Add option and type your answer option into the field. You can add more answer options:When finished, click Save to save the poll in the Content library. Click Save and open to save the poll in the Content library and open it for your audience to vote:answer options by clicking the Multiple answers check box

  3. When finished, click Save to save the poll in the Content library. Click Save and open to save the poll in the Content library and open it for your audience to vote: 

  4. To finish voting, click Close poll 

After you close the poll, you have some other options by clicking on the three dots icon next to the question:

  • Share Results: share the results of the poll with everyone in your meeting
  • Add to group: you can create folders and organize your polls into groups
  • Remove from group: allows you to remove a poll from the group
  • Edit: allows you to edit the poll. You should Clear and Re-open the poll if new options have been added so that the audience can re-vote with the new options
  • Clear results: delete all previous votes in your poll
  • Export: export poll results in .txt.pdf or .csv format. We recommend exporting the poll results before ending the session
  • Delete: delete the poll 


Through Livestream you can broadcast your meeting to a larger audience via Facebook Live or YouTube.


  1. Click on the Schedule tab from the left panel and then hit history tab. In this menu you can view all the past webinar sessions 
  2. Hover the mouse cursor over a webinar and then click on the Pencil icon
  3. Click Advanced options:

  4. Open the Reports tabHere you can see a short Summary Report and download it in CSV or Excel:

    In the report, you can find information about attendees: whether they were invited, registered, or joined as guests, whether they attended or missed the webinar, as well as the details they provided when registering or joining the webinar. 

    Also, if Questions & Answers and Answers /or Polls were used during the webinar, the relevant report reports with QAs and Polls results will are also be available for download in CSV or Excel format. It includes They include the following information: the questionquestions, the answers, the date and time asked, users who asked and answered the question, public vote details if any, etc. 


Integration with Wizyconf HW Station

Starting from Wizyconf App v 1.2.16, Wizyconf Station integrates with Wizywebinar, consult this documentation for details.