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Wildix Business Intelligence (WBI) is a pure innovation--a set of services that, thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI), allow businesses to significantly automate and streamline their daily processes and communication.

Updated: January 2020October 2023

Permalink: https://confluencewildix.wildixatlassian.comnet/wiki/x/3QM8AQnxTOAQ

Table of Contents

All WBI services, except for Worldwide Phonebook, are available only with:

  • Premium License

  • Monthly / Yearly / Five year subscription on Per User PBXs (not available on Lifetime PBXs and Per Service PBXs)

CNAM (Worldwide Phonebook) service is available only for CLASSOUND-enabled PBXs in the USA and Canada starting from WMS v. 6.02.20230201.1.

More details:

Text-to-speech (TTS)


1 Premium license provides 2 hours of service per system. Need more hours? Add more Premium licenses.

The max number of characters recognised by TTS service:

  • up to 800 chars starting from WMS v. 5.02.20201228.4
  • up to 400 chars before WMS v. 5.02.20201228.4

Personal Assistant - User status reporting


What did you have to do previously, to inform callers of your plans and status? Well, you had to record a dedicated Voicemail greeting in case you are busy or unavailable. From now on, everything you need to do is set your user status and specify the status message and the duration period.

Here is how it works:

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Supported language: en / en-us

Starting from WMS Beta 6.03.20230424.1, the supported languages include: it / de / fr / nl / es / es-us.

The feature is available for internal and external (available starting from WMS 5.02) calls. Additionally, to enable it for


external calls, you need to use Global Dialplan variable REPORT_USER_STATUS_FOR_EXT_CALLS.

Available values:

  • all - the system reports user status, status message and duration if available
  • status - the system reports only user status
  • no - disables the feature

Take these steps to enable the feature:

  • Set Global Dialplan variable REPORT_USER_STATUS_FOR_EXT_CALLS=all in WMS -> Dialplan -> General Settings or in a separate Dialplan procedure
  • Set language En or En-us in Dialplan procedure used for managing external calls 

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Caller name pronounced for calls to user's mobility number


Thanks to Wildix Mobility service, in case you receive an incoming call and you do not answer within a specified timeout, you will receive this call also to your mobile phone number. 


Now there is still one problem: a colleague is calling you and you receive a call to your mobile phone; as soon as you answer, you will hear the extension number and not the caller name. Thanks to TTS service, starting from WMS version 4 you no longer have to remember all the extension numbers, because caller name is pronounced for calls to user's mobility number.


Just write down your text, select the voice and generate the audio file. You can adjust volume , pitch and pitch. Save the file once you are satisfied with the output and use it in Dialplan when you need it.


Note: Starting from WMS 6.04.20231012.1, the following characters are allowed in the audio file name: 0-9, A-Z, a-z, -, _

Watch the video:

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Thanks to support of variables, such as ${CALLERID(name)} you can create interactive voice responses, make a query to a Database, execute a script, etc.

Watch the video: 

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  • It is necessary to first set the language using “Set” application

  • Write a text using “Play sound” / “Play sound and wait for digits” applications

  • To learn more about variables, read the Smart Dialplan guide: Smart Dialplan - use of Custom Applications

  • You can jump to another Dialplan procedure based on TTS result: use “Jump to if” application with Condition "${TTSSTATUS}"!="SUCCESS" ("UNDEFINED"/"FAILURE")

Example of a Dialplan configuration:

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With the help of Speech Synthesis Markup Language, you can make your TTS responses seem more like natural speech. Consult TTS Synthesis Markup Language for details.

CNAM service (Worldwide Phonebook)


System-wide feature: 1 Premium license activates the feature per system.


Starting from WMS v. 6.02.20230201.1, the service is available for CLASSOUND-enabled PBXs in the USA and Canada, regardless WMS licensing. Prior to the mentioned version, it is available for all systems under Premium license.

Important: The service will stop working in June 2023 for non updated PBXs .

With Caller Name Lookup service you will always know who is calling you, showing whether the call is coming from a mobile or fixed network, even if the person is not present in the enterprise phonebooks or is calling from a different phone number or the caller name could not be defined.

If a caller is not found in the colleagues phonebook and in the enterprise’s shared phonebooks, the system searches in online resources.It’s possible to disable the service

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The feature is activated by default on all CLASSOUND-enabled PBXs, but it’s possible to deactivate it by adding the Global Dialplan variable variable EXTCONTACTLOOKUP=no.

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) 



Supported languages:

WMS 3.88: English (en / en-us)

WMS 4.0: English English, Italian, French, German


This service is a real human-computer interaction. Thanks to Automatic speech recognition (ASR) callers can interact with the system using just their voices. Very helpful, especially for visually impaired users! Additionally, thanks to this feature, you can start calls from W-AIR Headset by pressing a button and saying the name of the person or the department you wish to call. 

Dial by name via ASRASR 


If you use FC "Directory" 82, the search is performed only among colleagues and not applied to external contacts!

Automated Attendant invites a caller to say the name of the person he or she is looking for. Callers can interact with the system using voice and decide whether to continue the search or to place a call.


  • IVR_ASR (yes / no, default = yes) for Dialplan application
  • IVR_ASR_SERVICES (yes / no, default = yes) for Feature code

DEMO Video: 

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Starting from WMS 4.0 you You can override the standard audio prompts used in "Dial by name" service via Global Dialplan variable "DIALBYNAME_PROMPT=custom string".


  • Go to WMS -> Dialplan -> General Settings -> Set dialplan variable
  • Insert the variable DIALBYNAME_PROMPT=custom string, for example: DIALBYNAME_PROMPT=Please say the first name of the person you wish to call


IVR via ASR with Directory


Speech recognition in Dialplan with Voice control. You can build your own IVR in Dialplan and enable the callers to call people and departments using just your their voice.

Documentation: How to configure IVR via ASR with Directory in Dialplan

Demo video: 

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Each user who needs access to this service, should be assigned a Premium license (starting from WMS v. 4.03.44842.04)license.

1 Premium license provides 2 hours of service per one user. 

It happens that you are on a meeting and you have no opportunity to listen to an important Voicemail you have just received. From now on you can read Voicemails using Speech To Text service directly in your email and reply easily.

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  • Feature is enabled by default (can be disabled in WMS Dialplan -> General Settings, “Convert Voicemails to text and send by email”)

  • Language of the caller party who recorded the message is used for transcription

  • Transcripts can be created correctly, only if the corresponding language package is installed on the PBX

  • Limitation: 1 min max for each audio file

Call recording & Wizyconf recording transcription (coming later)

*** Coming later! ***

Saving transcripts of all the recorded calls allows for easy lookup of any important information.

In the same way, saving a transcript of a Wizyconf conference allows you to prepare a written summary of the meeting within minutes, easily find some important point or topic and know exactly who said what.


Macrosuite divider macro
emoji{"id":"smile","name":"Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Smiling Eyes","short_names":["smile"],"colons":":smile:","emoticons":["C:","c:",":D",":-D"],"unified":"1f604","skin":null,"native":"😄"}
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emoji{"id":"smile","name":"Smiling Face with Open Mouth and Smiling Eyes","short_names":["smile"],"colons":":smile:","emoticons":["C:","c:",":D",":-D"],"unified":"1f604","skin":null,"native":"😄"}