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This Documentation describes how to use Partner Community, starting from lead creation and ending with managing opportunities.

Related documentation: Submit a Case via Wildix Partner Community

Created: December 2021

Updated: April May 2024


Table of Contents

Get Started


  • Home - view news & updates, submit a case, etc.
  • Lead - create and manage Leads
  • Account - create and manage Accounts for companies you plan to sell to
  • Project - create and manage Opportunities that refer to the high probability of generating sales revenue
  • Contact - create and manage Contacts
  • Quote - manage proposed prices of products/ services
  • Order - create and manage orders, order items to stock
  • Task - create and manage business activities 
  • Report  - generate and manage reports

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From the Home page, you can access Statistics, quickly create new Leads and Accounts, submit a case. The Search Field allows you to find any information.


  • Click Save button to create a Project (if you want to create one more Project, click Save & New button)

Manage existing Projects

You can sort Projects out by clicking on List Views: 

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It is also possible to display Projects as a Kanban board by clicking on Display as: 

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  • To open a Project, click on Project Name

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  • From the Options Panel, you can edit the Project, generate a Quote, add Notes, clone it. Follow and Change Owner options allow other colleagues of your company to track the Project and change its Owner

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Once Project is created, the Cost Info is filled out automatically:

  • Expected MRR (Calculated): the value is calculated by the following formula:
    Total Users * (Weighted Average Price for Licenses + Weighted Average Price for HWaaS + Weighed Average Price for CLASSOUND)
    Note: Weighted Average Prices are used in the formula based on the options selected in the “Interested Solution” field.

  • MRR: equals the “Expected MRR (Calculated)”; after the Primary Quote is generated, the value in MRR field equals the actual MRR based on the Primary Quote

  • Weighted Pipeline: the value is calculated by the formula MRR * Probability

  • Pipeline MRR: the MRR on the Demo Date date (used in terms of Bonus Pipeline incentive)

Manage existing Projects

You can sort Projects out by clicking on List Views: 

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It is also possible to display Projects as a Kanban board by clicking on Display as: 

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  • To open a Project, click on Project Name

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  • From the Options Panel, you can edit the Project, generate a Quote, add Notes, clone it. Follow and Change Owner options allow other colleagues of your company to track the Project and change its Owner

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  • From the Related Details and Actions Panel, you have access to all the details connected with the Project: you can view associated Contacts, open Quotes and related Products, you can review Project History, Notes, upload files, create and manage Tasks


  1. Intro/ Qualification - at this stage, you need to determine Users of POC - how many users use Wildix
  2. Demo - at this stage, you need to indicate Amount MRR or Capex
  3. Project Presentation
  4. Proposal - the basic condition to move to the next stage is Verbal Agreement
  5. Contract out (managed automatically)
  6. Order Management (managed automatically)
  7. Closed (managed automatically)


  1. Presentation
  2. Proposal - the basic condition to move to the next stage is Verbal Agreement
  3. Contract out (managed automatically)
  4. Order Management (managed automatically)
  5. Closed (managed automatically)

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There is currently an incentive named Bonus Pipeline, which provides bonuses for proper completion of Demo stage. After moving to the Demo stage, make sure to answer the questions in the “Demo Answers Section”:

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After providing the answers and moving to another stage, the Demo Done & Demo Date are set to TRUE and Today accordingly and the Pipeline MRR is populated based on the MRR field. After the Account Manager sets the field “Approved by AM” as “Yes”, the Bonus Pipeline requirements are considered fully satisfied.


Contacts represent a person who is qualified to do business with you. By “qualified,” it means that the person could really become a paying customer.


  • From the Related Details and Actions Panel, you have access to all the detailed information connected with the Contact: you can review Contact History, Notes, upload files, create Tasks and upload files


Quotes represent proposed prices for products and services. Quotes can be created from and synced with Projects and emailed to customers. 

Create a Quote

  • Select a Project you want to generate a Quote for and click Create Quote button:


Also, make sure to select Shipping Address type (End User Address / Partner Address / Reseller Address):

Once completed, click Next.


When CLASSOUND support agent replies/ posts a question, you should receive an email notification, to easily navigate to the necessary case and reply there. 


Tasks represent business activities such as making calls, sending quotes or other to-do items.


You can also create and manage Tasks in Lead, Account, Project and Contact tabs, under Open Activities or Actions menus.
