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x-bees Changelog contains all the latest features and improvements.

x-bees docs: x-bees partner program documentation.

Link for sharing:


[XBS-2171] - web: improved the behaviour of Kite Meeting Scheduler: now time slots and Subject field are not blocked if user returns to the scheduling tab after some time



11165] - wizy:


  • Fixed an issue in which elements at the top of the conference (e.g. title and users count) overlapped the info button in case of small x-bees window size (Note: On small screens, the title of the conference is hidden)
  • Improved the logic so that x-bees chat automatically gets hidden when a modal window pops up

Web / iOS / Android Date: 06 October 2022

New Features

[XBS-1797] - wim: added integration with Microsoft 365 as a calendar provider for Kite Meeting Scheduler

To activate:

  1. Go to WMS -> Settings -> PBX -> Integrations
  2. Proceed to x-bees tab
  3. Click on Microsoft 365 option -> press Install button
  4. Log in to your Microsoft account and confirm requested permissions. 
    Note: User should have organization account type and Global administrator role (Azure AD)
  5. After successful authorization, Microsoft 365 integration gets installed.


  • Sync of users from Azure AD is performed basing on the Primary email address: user’s primary email in Azure AD and in WMS should match. User’s primary email address can be changed by an administrator.
  • Users should have a valid license allowing them to use Outlook and mailbox.
  • Calendars added via Outlook -> Settings -> Add personal calendars / Add from directory are not synced.
  • New custom calendars are added once a day at night when fully synced or as soon as they are updated (e.g. renamed).
  • In order for avatars and icons to be displayed in emails about calendar events in Outlook, the user must confirm that they trust the address (this can be done directly through the notification from Outlook, displayed in the header of the mail).
  • On the Kite Settings -> Calendar Settings page, working hours correspond to the settings from Outlook. A lunch break from 1 pm to 2 pm is available. Time zone value is also synced, but time zone name may differ.

Web / iOS / Android Date: 05 October 2022

New Features

[XBS-1542] - web+mobile: added email notification sent to a guest user when the guest is added to a conversation

  • Note: In case the guest is added to an existing conversation, the creator of the conversation is displayed as the inviter in the email notification, even if the invitation was sent by another agent.

[XBS-1634] - web+mobile: added possibility to select a device for making outgoing calls How-to:

  • Click on the Dialpad
  • To the left of the green Call button, click “This device”
  • Select the preferred option from the list (e.g. Android x-bees, iOS x-bees, etc.)


  • The settings are global, which means they are applied to all outbound calls, regardless from where they are initiated (e.g. from History, from conversation). When hovering a mouse over the call button, e.g. in History, a tooltip is displayed, informing from which device the call will be made.
  • The device selection is available both on web and mobile.
  • In case the chosen device becomes inactive (loses SIP connection), the device is automatically switched to the current one (the grey “This device” button is displayed in this case).
  • Initiated call is displayed and managed as a remote call.
  • There is “Callback on mobile” option available only if there is mobile number indicated in user settings.
  • On mobile devices there is an option Mobile, which allows to make a call via GSM.


  • If there are several devices of the same category (e.g. several iOS or Android devices), it is not possible to choose from which device of the chosen category the call will be made on.

[XBS-2083] - web: added a sound notification when a conference starts


  • Notification is played once, for 7 seconds, unless user opens Inbox. Notification is played even to users with DND/ Away presence status.
  • Notification is not played if: a) user has an active call or conference; b) user is on the Inbox tab; c) x-bees tab is closed.
  • If there are several simultaneous calls, the notification is played one time.
  • Sound notifications on mobile and for Kite are currently not supported.


[XBS-2109] - web: made some UI/ UX improvements of Meeting scheduler:

  • added an error message in case time slots overlapped in Calendar Settings
  • made Subject a mandatory field
  • made the notification that meeting details were sent to the user’s email more visible
  • added possibility to limit the dates when a meeting can be booked. For this, the following part should be added to the Schedule link:
    --where “02.10.2022” is the start date, “20.10.2022” is the end date, and “Summit 2023” is the subject.

[XBS-2123] - web: removed user presence indicators in Kite group widgets

[WMS-15037] - int: made some UI/ UX improvements of Salesforce integration related to x-bees support, for example:

  • updated alerts to include x-bees
  • added “Open x-bees” button
  • improved wording of some buttons and notifications

Web / iOS / Android Date: 26 September 2022

New Feature

[XBS-443] - mobile: improved search logic in x-bees app on mobile, so that it shows consistent results in different sections (for example, in Inbox and Dialpad) and displays similar results in case of search on web and mobile


[XBS-2089] - web: added information about user timezone on the Schedule page of Kite Meeting Scheduler

[WMS-14410] - wms: updated design of x-bees invitation email

[WMS-14822] - wda: improved analytics logic so that calls that come through one PBX and get automatic answer by the system (e.g. IVR) on another PBX in WMS Network, with no agent’s reply, are not considered answered and the system message is not counted as talk time

Web / iOS / Android Date: 13 Sep 2022



 added possibility to provide/ request remote control during screen sharing in video conferences


  • Remote control is available only if users have WIService version 3.10.4 or higher
  • WIService should be run on the side of the user whose laptop is being controlled
  • To run Remote control, user should share Entire screen or Window
  • If the original screen shared is removed from the screen (e.g. if another user started screen sharing), remote control is disabled till the original screen is back 


  • Remote control of screen shared tab is not supported
  • Firefox browser is not supported

[WMS-15071] - wizy: made some UI/UX improvements in x-bees conference:

  • Fixed an issue in which elements at the top of the conference (e.g. title and users count) overlapped the info button in case of small x-bees window size (Note: On small screens, the title of the conference is hidden)
  • Improved the logic so that x-bees chat automatically gets hidden when a modal window pops up

Web / iOS / Android Date: 06 October 2022

New Features

[XBS-1797] - wim: added integration with Microsoft 365 as a calendar provider for Kite Meeting Scheduler

To activate:

  1. Go to WMS -> Settings -> PBX -> Integrations
  2. Proceed to x-bees tab
  3. Click on Microsoft 365 option -> press Install button
  4. Log in to your Microsoft account and confirm requested permissions. 
    Note: User should have organization account type and Global administrator role (Azure AD)
  5. After successful authorization, Microsoft 365 integration gets installed.


  • Sync of users from Azure AD is performed basing on the Primary email address: user’s primary email in Azure AD and in WMS should match. User’s primary email address can be changed by an administrator.
  • Users should have a valid license allowing them to use Outlook and mailbox.
  • Calendars added via Outlook -> Settings -> Add personal calendars / Add from directory are not synced.
  • New custom calendars are added once a day at night when fully synced or as soon as they are updated (e.g. renamed).
  • In order for avatars and icons to be displayed in emails about calendar events in Outlook, the user must confirm that they trust the address (this can be done directly through the notification from Outlook, displayed in the header of the mail).
  • On the Kite Settings -> Calendar Settings page, working hours correspond to the settings from Outlook. A lunch break from 1 pm to 2 pm is available. Time zone value is also synced, but time zone name may differ.

Web / iOS / Android Date: 05 October 2022

New Features

[XBS-1542] - web+mobile: added email notification sent to a guest user when the guest is added to a conversation

  • Note: In case the guest is added to an existing conversation, the creator of the conversation is displayed as the inviter in the email notification, even if the invitation was sent by another agent.

[XBS-1634] - web+mobile: added possibility to select a device for making outgoing calls How-to:

  • Click on the Dialpad
  • To the left of the green Call button, click “This device”
  • Select the preferred option from the list (e.g. Android x-bees, iOS x-bees, etc.)


  • The settings are global, which means they are applied to all outbound calls, regardless from where they are initiated (e.g. from History, from conversation). When hovering a mouse over the call button, e.g. in History, a tooltip is displayed, informing from which device the call will be made.
  • The device selection is available both on web and mobile.
  • In case the chosen device becomes inactive (loses SIP connection), the device is automatically switched to the current one (the grey “This device” button is displayed in this case).
  • Initiated call is displayed and managed as a remote call.
  • There is “Callback on mobile” option available only if there is mobile number indicated in user settings.
  • On mobile devices there is an option Mobile, which allows to make a call via GSM.


  • If there are several devices of the same category (e.g. several iOS or Android devices), it is not possible to choose from which device of the chosen category the call will be made on.

[XBS-2083] - web: added a sound notification when a conference starts


  • Notification is played once, for 7 seconds, unless user opens Inbox. Notification is played even to users with DND/ Away presence status.
  • Notification is not played if: a) user has an active call or conference; b) user is on the Inbox tab; c) x-bees tab is closed.
  • If there are several simultaneous calls, the notification is played one time.
  • Sound notifications on mobile and for Kite are currently not supported.


[XBS-2109] - web: made some UI/ UX improvements of Meeting scheduler:

  • added an error message in case time slots overlapped in Calendar Settings
  • made Subject a mandatory field
  • made the notification that meeting details were sent to the user’s email more visible
  • added possibility to limit the dates when a meeting can be booked. For this, the following part should be added to the Schedule link:
    --where “02.10.2022” is the start date, “20.10.2022” is the end date, and “Summit 2023” is the subject.

[XBS-2123] - web: removed user presence indicators in Kite group widgets

[WMS-15037] - int: made some UI/ UX improvements of Salesforce integration related to x-bees support, for example:

  • updated alerts to include x-bees
  • added “Open x-bees” button
  • improved wording of some buttons and notifications

Web / iOS / Android Date: 26 September 2022

New Feature

[XBS-443] - mobile: improved search logic in x-bees app on mobile, so that it shows consistent results in different sections (for example, in Inbox and Dialpad) and displays similar results in case of search on web and mobile


[XBS-2089] - web: added information about user timezone on the Schedule page of Kite Meeting Scheduler

[WMS-14410] - wms: updated design of x-bees invitation email

[WMS-14822] - wda: improved analytics logic so that calls that come through one PBX and get automatic answer by the system (e.g. IVR) on another PBX in WMS Network, with no agent’s reply, are not considered answered and the system message is not counted as talk time

Web / iOS / Android Date: 13 Sep 2022


[XBS-2029] - web: enabled native Google Calendar email notifications (e.g. invitation email, updated invitation, canceled event) for meetings scheduled via Kite which allows to add events to Google Calendar

[WMS-14236] - wizy: added Tutorials and updates functionality which guides through Wizyconf features and informs when there is new functionality available 


  1. Click More options (three dots) button -> Tutorials and updates 
  2. See the list of latest features and click Show to play tutorial

Note: When there are new features available, a yellow dot appears next to More options in the bottom menu and you can see Tutorials and updates, highlighted in yellow.

[WMS-14529] - wizy: added dial-in numbers to the calendar description of meetings scheduled via x-bees and Kite meeting scheduler


Documentation: x-bees Kite Meeting Scheduler.

[XBS-1726] - web: added Analytics tab in x-bees, an advanced analytics tool which lets to monitor any data you need in a highly customizable manner

Documentation: x-bees Analytics.


[WMS-12588] - app: improved the logic so that x-bees conference app is used for conferences on iOS and Android:
