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This Admin Guide describes how to debug and troubleshoot various issues with Wildix Media Gateways.

Note that BRI/ PRI Media Gateways are EOL.


This Admin Guide describes how to debug and troubleshoot various issues with Wildix Media Gateways.

Note that BRI/ PRI Media Gateways are EOL.

Created: April 2018

Updated: May 2022

Permalink: https://confluencewildix.wildixatlassian.comnet/wiki/x/ygBuAQpw3OAQ

Table of Contents



Troubleshooting of W01/ W02 FXS 2014

Special behavior

Custom encryption is enabled on W01/ W02 FXS for SIP signaling (implemented in WMS version 3.82.32840.35). Starting from WMS version 3.85.35394.9, alternative SIP port for remote registration of W01FXS / W02FXS is used for SIP registration (the first port from RTP range).
In some scenarios, for example, when iptables forwarding is not available, port redirect doesn't work. As a result, W01/ 02 FXS can loss SIP registration. 


Disable the encryption for devices located behind NAT/ Firewall. To implement, you need to apply the following custom parameters to [wildixfxs] section of /rw2/etc/provisioning.conf file:


The following logical scheme demonstrates the procedure. In this case W02BRI is used (in case W01BRI is tested, you need another BRI device, to set up the second port):

To perform the test:

  • Create a user or use an existing one to perform the test. In this example the user “test2” with the extension number 103 is used:

  • Connect the Gateway to the Wildix test PBX and make the provisioning (refer to the online Guide if needed); connect the needed ports using the network cable RJ45:



PCAP tracing feature is available starting from BRI/ PRI firmware v. 43.1.1264.

  • Access the Gateway's web interface -> System -> Packet Capture
  • Fill in the following fields:
    • URL: file://test.pcap, where "file://" is the path to save a file, "test.pcap" - its name
    • Link Name: eth1
  • To start the trace, click Apply & Start Capture -> the status is changed to "Requested"
  • Make a call 
  • After completing it, click Apply & Stop Capture -> the status is changed to "Completed"
