Versions Compared


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Outlook integration supports: Calendar Sync, Presence, User pictures, Click2call, IM, Call popup, Caller name lookup, live search in Outlook contacts, URL to create / edit contact during an incoming call.

Updated: June 2021January 2022


Table of Contents




Current limitation: Android Collaboration App vs Outlook Calendar

  • It is not recommended to enable option “User status when talking on mobile” on Android Collaboration App (Advanced Settings) in case of using Outlook Calendar Integration: after completing a mobile call, user status might not be able to go back to its previous state due to the Outlook Calendar sync, and might remain incorrect.




  • Go to Collaboration Settings > Extensions and install Outlook integration:



Outlook integration is part of the WIService starting from WIService v. 3.5.1. So, to enable Outlook integration, WIService should be installed:

  • Go Collaboration Settings -> Extensions -> install Integration service:

For detailed instructions on how to install WIService, check this guide: What is WIService: Installation

Activate Outlook Integration

Once WIService is installed, you need to activate Outlook integration in WIService settings:

  • Go to Quick Launch Toolbar -> right-click on Wildix Integration Service icon -> select Settings
  • Activate the option Enable Outlook Integration:

  • After the activation, Wildix Outlook Integration is available in Outlook Calendar:
    • click Settings to choose calendars to be synced with Collaboration
    • click About  to check the integration version and open logs if needed
