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This guide will lead you through the process of Salesforce Classic integration usage, starting from a Softphone installation and activation, and ending with practical examples for call receiving.  


  • WMS version: 4.01 or higher
  • Wildix UC-Business or UC-Premium license 
  • Salesforce license with access to the Classic Platform
  • Activated Salesforce Payment Plan to set up Call Center, check the prices here
  • Your salesforce Salesforce domain should be whitelisted on the PBX

Created: June 2019

Updated: April 2021


  • Click-to-call

  • Call History
  • Search Bar for the contacts
  • Auto-detect existing contact and redirect to his page

Table of Contents


  • Choose Advanced User Details subcategory
  • Press the Edit button
  • Scroll down to the Call Center field and press the Magnifier button

Step - 3

You see a popup with only one option. Click on Clear Search Results to get:

  • Wildix Classic Call Center - will work only for Classic interface
  • Wildix Lighten Call Center - will work only for Lightning version

Choose Lighten and click Save.

Application Usage


Keep Collaboration open while working with the app.A WP phone has more priority over Collaboration. This means both devices would ring but the audio would be passed through a phone. 

Once you have ended the setup process you can access the application on the left side of the page from all tabs except Reports and Dashboards.


Main tab of the application

  • Search bar for Contacts
  • Search Results with contacts info and Click-to-call function


This tab is opening automatically if you have a call

  • Shows caller info 
  • Suggest to add in the contact list


List of previous calls with:

  • Phone number
  • Name of contact
  • Data of call
  • Duration of a call

Dialer settings

Application has two checkboxes

  • Enable auto-opening of found contacts
  • Enable auto-opening of found contacts when receiving an incoming call


By default, Google Chrome does not allow pop-ups. Click on the error icon on the Address the Address bar and change it.

Make a Call


Keep the Collaboration open while working with the application.

Currently there is no possibility to select a device from the list of all connected devices. The first device on the list has more priority. For example, if WP phone is the first, it has more priority over Collaboration. This means both devices would ring but the audio would be passed through a phone.

Making a Call by Click-to-Dial

  1. Locate the number that you want to dial in the Contact Page.
  2. Click the the Image Modifiedbutton or the number. The number is automatically dialed in the softphone (Collaboration application).
    • A number that has already been clicked cannot be clicked again for five seconds.
    • The The Image Modified button  button does not appear next to fax numbers.
    •  Image Modified icon displays if you have trouble with connection to collaborationCollaboration

Making a Call by Application

  1. Go to the Menu tab.
  2. Search for the right contact.
    • By using the search bar.
    • By choosing from previous calls.
  3. Call it by pressing.
    • Action icon.
    • Contact name.
    • Contact number

Answer a Call


Keep the Collaboration open while working with the applicationwith the application.

Currently there is no possibility to select a device from the list of all connected devices. The first device on the list has more priority. For example, if WP phone is the first, it has more priority over Collaboration. This means both devices would ring but the audio would be passed through a phone.

For accepting an incoming call you have to open Collaboration. A  A call dialog window is displayed when there is an incoming call: 

  1. To answer a call: click the green green Handset icon icon

  2. To decline a call: click the the Hang up (red) icon

You can set up automatic call forwarding based on user status (available, DND, away) and call type (internal, external, whitelist, blacklist). See chapter: Call Features.