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Feature codes are useful for IP phone users and web users as they provide such features as call recording, call intrusion, switch active device during a call and many others. They are also helpful for analog phone users as they allow performing call transfers, set up user status, call forwarding etc. Feature codes can be changed, on this page you can find the default settings with examples.

Pre answer services allow users to interact with the system in case the dialed extension cannot answer a call right away.

WMS Version: 3.88/ 4.01

Updated: April 2019


Go to WMS -> Dialplan -> Feature Codes to access all the feature codes described in the Guide.



Some of these call features can be also activated in Collaboration -> Settings -> Features and in WP Features menu. For more information refer to /wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/30285992 and WP4X0 User Guide.

Status (DND/Away)

Default code: 60
Description: Status (DND/Away)
Options: 0 for available / 1 for DND / 2 for Away


  • Press *1 during a call to start call recording; press it again to stop the call recording

WMS version 4.01: users are no longer allowed stopping/ starting a personal call recording if a system recording (started in Dialplan) is running

Pause recording (WMS 4.01)


  • Press *2 during a call to pause call recording; press it again to resume the call recording

 With Dialplan variable USER_CAN_PAUSE_RECORDING it is possible to restrict users from being able use Feature Code "Pause recording" *2 

By default, users are allowed pausing/ resuming personal recording.

To add a restriction, use variable:

  • as Global Dialplan variable: go to WMS -> Dialplan -> General Settings -> Set dialplan variables and add "USER_CAN_PAUSE_RECORDING=no"
  • via Dialplan apllication "Set" -> USER_CAN_PAUSE_RECORDING -> no
  • via Dialplan application Custom application -> Set(USER_CAN_PAUSE_RECORDING=no) 



Default code: *5
Description: Code to switch a call to another device
Usage: Press *5 during a call: other devices registered to your account start ringing allowing you to pick up the call from another device 


Default code: 82
Description: Dial by name feature allows you to enter a part of the name or surname for the search.
This feature is also available via Dialplan application “Dial by name”. Users can record their names via Service code Feature Codes and Pre answer Services Admin Guide 81 (call 81, press 0 for mailbox options, then press 3 to record your name)


Default code: 91
Description: Call a Paging group (paging group is a group of devices that answer in speakerphone mode, allowing you to transmit an important message to a number of extensions simultaneously. Check the online Guide for detailed information).



Starting from WMS 3.86 calls are no longer interrupted by Paging / Intercom; a user who is already on the phone, receives Paging / Intercom calls as a normal second incoming call. This behavior can be changed via Dialplan Custom application. Check Dialplan applications Admin Guide for more information.

Pick up a dropped paging call



Starting from WMS 3.86 calls are no longer interrupted by Paging / Intercom; a user who is already on the phone, receives Paging / Intercom calls as a normal second incoming call. This behavior can be changed via Dialplan Custom application. Check Dialplan applications Admin Guide for more information.

Speed Dial



How to enable external users to participate in the audio conference (not WebRTC-based): Dialplan applications User Guide (see Dialplan application Play sound and wait for digits).

How to create conference rooms via Dialplan: Dialplan applications User Guide (see Dialplan application Conference).


Default code: 76
Description: Code to generate a call with the echo on the audio
Usage: Call 76 to make an audio test.



Note: Appliance of pre answer services can be allowed/ forbidden via ACLs "Can (cannot) use pre answer services" and "Can (cannot) use pre answer services & messages". Detailed information about ACL rules: ACL rules Admin Guide.

Pre answer services are options that allow users to interact with the system in case the dialed extension cannot answer a call right away.



Note: The option appears only if it is allowed via ACL "Can Intrusion". More details: ACL rules Admin Guide.

The system announces "Press 2 for Intrusion" and you are allowed  to intrude into a call. 



Note: The option appears only if it is allowed ACL "Can Intercom". More details: ACL rules Admin Guide.

The system announces "Press 4 for Intercom" and you can talk to a user as user's phone automatically answers in speakerphone mode.
