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This document helps you understand Wildix licensing and explains how to activate a Wildix Per User PBX (Hardware, Virtual, Cloud).

Created: June 2018

Updated: December 2022January 2023


Useful links:

Table of Contents

Other documents related to WMP (Wildix Management Portal):


Details on each user profile:

Per User licensing is available for any PBX type:


  • Connect to PBX via HTTPS to access WMS using credentials admin : wildix

  • Change admin user password:

    • Select admin user and click Set passwords

    • Generate or create a new WEB password, click Ok

  • Upgrade WMS to the latest stable release

    • go to WMS Settings -> Tools and utilities -> Upgrade

    • In case there is a new version available, click Perform Upgrade 

  • Copy PBX key from WMP:


    Only for Virtual and Hardware PBXs. Cloud PBXs are activated automatically (wait for approximately 3 minutes after completing Step 1).

    • go to Customers tab, select your company, then select the PBX that you have created (Step 1), optional: click Options button (Three dots) and select Edit

    • click the Copy icon (Copy PBX key to clipboard):


For more details, please refer to the page


License usage exceeded


Currently in case


Please follow the instruction provided below when you upgrade for the first time to the WMS version that supports assigning of licenses (if your current WMS version is inferior to 4.01.44168.28).

In case of WMS network:

  • All the PBX must be upgraded
  • First upgrade Client PBXs and only then the Server PBX
  • In case you have already updated the Server or only one or several PBXs, proceed with updating all the PBXs in the network as soon as possible

After the upgrade all the users are assigned the maximum license type purchased for this PBX. E.g. if at least one Premium license is present, all users become Premium. It will be necessary to manually set the correct license type for each user.

In case you are using WMS Network Sharing of licenses (described in chapter Share Per User Licenses between PBXs over WMS Network), the number of licenses will be counted only on the "Server" PBX in the WMS network


Note: Starting from WMS 5.0420220819.1, to be able to upgrade to the next major WMS version, e.g. from WMS 5 to WMS 6, WMS Network has to be configured correctly, matching the licences ordered on the Wildix Management Portal.

License usage exceeded


Currently in case the number of licenses used is exceeded, users do the number of licenses used is exceeded, users do not lose access to any functionality. For all exceeding user licenses that exist on the PBX for more than 48 hours, a Delivery note is automatically formed and added to the next invoice.



The "Admin" user is not included into the total count of users. 

Assigning license type to each user

You need to manually assign the correct license type to each user.


to each user

You need to manually assign the correct license type to each user.

Restrictions and privileges of each license type (Basic, Essential, Business, Premium) are applied only after you assign the correct license type to each user. 


  1. Once all user licenses are deleted from a Cloud PBX, it is scheduled for deletion. On the second day notification is sent to the PBX owner (the Partner). 
  2. In five calendar days (since the PBX has been scheduled for deletion) the PBX is stopped. 
  3. In 14 calendar days (since the PBX has been scheduled for deletion) the PBX is irrevocably deleted. 

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Move PBX to Cloud




  1. ) the PBX is irrevocably deleted. 

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Move PBX to Cloud



  • DB size for migration is limited by the root partition size on Cloud PBX: about ~6-7G


  1. Access WMP using your credentials
  2. Select your company and your customer
  3. Click Options button (Three dots) and select Edit
  4. Click Advanced features
  5. Click Migrate to new WCloud PBX

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Step 2 - Run the script on old PBX to move all the data 


Min supported WMS version (make sure your PBX is updated to this version before proceeding):


  1. WCloud PBX

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Step 2 - Run the script on old PBX to move all the data 

Now when you've created a new Cloud instance for your HW/ VM PBX, you need to launch the script on your old PBX that will move all the data from your old PBX to the new one.


  1. Access WMS, Open Terminal on the PBX, select the option 10 (Shell), access as root (su - wildix)

    Only for 3.88 PBXs! Run these 2 commands:

    Code Blockrm -rf /usr/sbin/migrate2cloud wget -P /usr/sbin/(su - wildix)
  2. Run the following command: 

    Code Block
    chmod +x /usr/sbin/migrate2cloud

  3. Run the command: 

    Code Block



Limitation for 3.88 PBXs: chat history is not moved!

Min supported WMS version (make sure your PBX is updated to this version before proceeding):


Move a Per-Service or a LifeTime PBX to Cloud 


a LifeTime PBX to Cloud 

Step 1 - Create a new Cloud instance on WMP 


  1. Access WMS, Open Terminal on the PBX, select the option 10 (Shell), access as root (su - wildix)

    Only for 3.88 PBXs! Run these 2 commands:

    Code Blockrm -rf /usr/sbin/migrate2cloud wget -P /usr/sbin/
  2. Run the following command: 

    Code Block
    chmod +x /usr/sbin/migrate2cloud

  3. Run the command: 

    Code Block
    migrate2cloud -d <cloud pbx domain> 

You will be prompted to enter the password of your new cloud PBX. During the script execution you will be prompted to confirm, which data you would like to be moved. As soon as the script finishes its execution, the data will be moved and you will be able to access the Cloud PBX using the password of your old PBX. 


Enable SSH port on Cloud PBXs (optional) 

Direct access to SSH port on Cloud PBXs is blocked for security reasons. Now it’s up to you to temporarily enable/ disable SSH port 2222 via WMP:
