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x-bees Statistics

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On this page, you can find documentation about x-bees Snalytics which provides all the information you need to keep on top of your business.

Created: May 2022



x-bees statistics is an advanced yet easy-to-use analytics tool, which lets you monitor all the data you need to always stay on top of your business. With x-bees, you are not limited to a predefined set of data tables and charts. On the contrary, you set them up yourself choosing the data you are interested in and customizing tables and charts to your personal liking. This means x-bees statistics tool can perfectly address whatever need you may have.


  • WMS version 5.04 or higher
  • Licenses ? - premium?

How to access

To access x-bees statistics, click on the Statistics button on left-hand part of the screen:  

Here, you can find 4 tabs:

  • x-bees Statistics: the list of saved and trending Liveboards and Answers, metrics watchlist 
  • x-bees Statistics: allows to search for data, configure the view of charts and tables containing the search results, save them to Answers and Liveboards, etc.  
  • x-bees Statistics: the list of saved Answers (the results of your search)
  • x-bees Statistics: a collection of answers in a pinboard (dashboards) that you use most often in your analytics purposes 


On the Home tab, you can see: 

  1. Search field that allows to look for necessary data. Refer to Start a new search sections of this guide for more details. 
  2. Watchlist with personalized set of metrics you choose to monitor
  3. List of saved answers and liveboards, which you created or which were shared with you or with a company you belong to
  4. Trending Liveboards
  5. Trending Answers

Navigate the list of Answers and Liveboards

To easily find the necessary data, you can:

  • Switch between tabs All/ Answers / Liveboards
  • Filter answers and liveboards by tags and authors
  • Click on the star icon next to the necessary answer/ liveboard to add it to favorites
  • Toggle the switch on next to My favorites option to have only favorite answers/ liveboards displayed

Share Answers and Liveboards

If you check the boxes in front of desired answers/ liveboards, the following options appear at the top: Mark as favorite/ Remove from favorites and Share: 

To share reports with others, click Share -> enter name or email of a user or group -> add message if required -> press Share:

Add metrics to watchlist

To always have metrics you constantly monitor within an easy reach on Home tab, click Add metrics to your watchlist: 

On the window that pops up, choose the necessary Liveboard (1), select the metrics you want to add (2) from this liveboard, click Add metrics (3): 

On the Search tab, you can type in the search bar what information you want to explore and x-bees returns the search results in the form of a table or chart.

Data items (columns)

Search is based on the tables that exist in your data. Tables are made of rows and columns, like spreadsheets. You can search by typing in:

  • Name of data item (column): like callee, connect time, talk time 
  • Special keywords: like today, yesterday, >, or contains

Click on the Data button to the left of the search field to see the list of available data items:The list of data items (columns) includes the following options:

  • average duration
  • callee
  • caller
  • connect time
  • conversation id
  • conversations
  • direction (values: inbound, internal, outbound, trunk2trunk)
  • domain 
  • duration
  • email 
  • flags
  • hangup (values: callee, caller)
  • name
  • role (values: agent, client)
  • serial
  • service
  • status (values: answered, unanswered)
  • subject
  • tags
  • talk time
  • time 
  • total duration
  • type (values: call, conference)
  • wait time

Hovering a mouse over any of these items, you can see a tooltip with the following info: name, description, data source (if applicable), and data type: To view available values of a data item, click on the filter icon next to it:

A pop-up window shows up, where you can view all available values of the data item:

You can also choose values by which you want to filter data: tick off necessary values and click Apply and the selected values appear in the search field. 

Start a new search 

  1. Click Search on the top navigation bar.

  2. Start typing your search request, using necessary data items and keywords.
    Alternatively, you can double-click on the preferred data items on the left-side panel and they are automatically added to the Search field. To add multiple items, click on the necessary items to select them and press + Add Columns:

    Note: Typing in your search query, you may notice that search items are of different colours: 

    • blue = attributes: primarily text or date values. Usually, attributes make up the x-axis of your chart. Examples: caller name, call status, etc.
    • green = measures: numeric values, e.g. duration of a call 
    • grey = filters, e.g. outbound, inbound

    3. Once your search query is ready, press Enter on keyboard, or click Go to the right of the search bar:

Your search is given an automatic title based on your search columns, and is displayed as either a table or chart, depending on how it is best represented. You can change display of the search result to fit your needs.


If you type in the search request "caller callee direction status duration today", the system returns a table with total duration of calls including information about caller, callee, direction of calls (inbound/ outbound), and call status:

Edit a search

When you click a search phrase, it is highlighted, and x-bees displays other suggestions from which you can choose to replace the highlighted phrase. If, say, you want the same data to be displayed not for today only, but for last week, for example, click on the "today" filter in the search field and choose the preferred option:

When you hover over a boxed phrase, you can see an x, which you can click to remove it from the search:You can insert a new phrase in the middle of a search, by clicking between phrases and entering the new phrase. Also, you can merge phrases without breaking the search. 

Also, you can add data items to your search request by selecting relevant items on the left (1) and click Add columns (2). Once added, click Go in the Search field. 

Note: In case a table or chart doesn’t seem to contain all the data you expect, try looking in the search bar for filters in gray boxes. Remove unnecessary filters, you get all available data for that search.

View query details

To view details of the query, click on the Query details button (info icon) on the right:

Change display of an answer

Switch between table/ chart view

You can change the view of your answer so it appears as either a table or a chart. To change the view of your answer, toggle between either a table or a chart type: Your search needs at least one attribute and one measure to be presented as a chart. When you display your data as a chart, x-bees automatically selects the type of chart that works best for your data. If you want to use another type, click Change visualization (chart icon) on the right:You can choose from a large number of chart types, each providing a different visualization for your answer. Select the type of chart you want:


  • Some chart types may not be available, depending on the columns in your search. Unavailable chart types are grayed out.
  • Hovering over a chart type icon tells you what columns you require before you can use it:

Edit chart configuration

If you are not fully satisfied with how the chart looks like, you can easily modify it:

  1. Click the Edit chart configuration button on the right
  2. Configure which columns should be presented on X-axis or Y-axis, or modify other parameters presented in the settings:

For example, for better visualization, let's slice the chart with color, for different services to be displayed with different colors on the chart. For this, we drag and from the service box under Slice with color option (1) and the chart changes its view to the following:

Drill down chart item

In the example on the screenshot above, we searched for unanswered incoming calls this month by service and chose the data to be displayed in a stacked column chart. 

If, say, you need a more detailed information regarding any of the service/ group displayed in the chart, right-click on the necessary item on visualization (1) -> choose Drill down (2):

In the Drill down pop-up screen, choose the data you want to explore:For example, if you select the option caller, x-bees returns the list of phone numbers, whose calls were missed by the chosen group, and how many calls were missed by each number:To return to the previous view of the chart, click back to the right of the search field:

Exclude or include data 

You can include or exclude row values from your answer.

To exclude or include row values:

  1. Right-click the necessary item on visualization or table cell
  2. Click Exclude "value" or Only Include "value" if available

Save an answer

An answer is the result of a single search. You can save an answer you want to work more on later, or just keep it for your personal use.

  1. Click on the More (three dots) button at the top and choose Save:

  2. Enter name and description and click Save answer:

    The saved answer is added to the x-bees Statistics tab.

Pin an answer  

  1. To add an answer to Liveboards tab, which contains a collection of answers in a pinboard (dashboards) view, click Pin:

2. Enter name and description (if required)

3. Choose an existing liveboard or create a new one

4. Click Pin:


An answer is the saved result of a search. On the Answers tab, you can see the answers you saved, as well as answers of other users, in case they shared them with you or a company you belong to.

If you tick the checkbox next to an answer, the following buttons appear above the answers list:

  • Share: allows to share the answer with other users or groups
  • Delete (personal answers only): deletes the answer
  • Apply Tag (personal answers only): allows to tag the answer
  • Export TML: uploads the answer in .tml file
  • Edit TML: opens TML editor

Clicking on an answer, it opens in a table/ chart view with the same editing options described in the x-bees Statistics section of this guide:


Liveboards act like dashboards. They are collections of related charts and tables, that you monitor most often. On the Liveboards tab, you can see the liveboards you saved, as well as liveboards of other users, in case they shared them with you or a company you belong to:

View a Liveboard

Click on the necessary Liveboard from the list to see its details: 

Note: The data is updated every ____ ?_____

You can perform the following actions with a Liveboard:

  • Clicking on the Star icon next to Liveboard name, you can add it to favorites. 
  • Lock icon indicates whether you have view only or edit access to the Liveboard.
  • Schedule button allows to configure reports to be sent to email(s) at specified interval
  • If you want to share the Liveboard with a user or group, click Share icon. 
  • Clicking More (three dots) button (1), you get access to the following options (2):
    • Make a copy
    • Add filters
    • Configure filters
    • Copy link
    • Present 
    • Manage schedules
    • Export TML 
    • Update from TML (edit access required)
    • Edit TML (edit access required)
    • Liveboard info

Add visualizations

In case you’ve created a Liveboard, but there are not answers yet, click Add visualizations:A Search field appears and you can start exploring the data you need. The same functionality described in the x-bees Statistics section of this guide is available on Liveboards tab. 

Also, you can add visualizations to a liveboard by clicking Pin when you view an answer on the Search/ Answers/ Home tab: 

Explore answers on Liveboard

To view details of an answer on a liveboard, hover your mouse over the desired answer and click Explore: 

The answer opens and besides viewing its details. Also, using the Explore this data panel on the right, you can modify the answer by applying additional filters, adding/ replacing columns, choose data for comparison:

Keyword reference

Keywords help to define a search.


Note: When using the top or bottom keywords without specifying a number (n), the number defaults to 10.



top n

Generates the top n items from a sorted result.


caller callee direction status duration today top 5

top n measure1 by attribute|measure2

Calculates top n items, then sorts the top items by another measure or attribute.

Contrast with top n (swaps the order of operations).


top 10 caller by conversations this month

bottom n

Generates the bottom n items from a sorted result.


bottom 10 caller by conversations this month

sort by

Sorts the result set by an attribute or measure.


caller callee direction status duration today sort by duration

by <measure>

Treats the measure as an attribute and groups the result set by it.


conversations by day



conversations after 10/31/2022


conversations before 03/01/2022

between ... and ...

conversations between 01/30/2022 and 01/30/2022


conversations monday

day of week

conversations by day of week last 3 months

growth of …​ by ...

growth of conversations by time last month unanswered

growth of …​ by …​ daily

growth of conversations by time daily last month unanswered

growth of …​ by …​ monthly

growth of conversations by time monthly unanswered

growth of …​ by …​ quarterly

growth of conversations by time quarterly unanswered

growth of …​ by …​ weekly

growth of conversations by time weekly last month unanswered

last day by

conversations last day by callee

last month

conversations last month by callee

last month by

conversations last month by day

last n days

conversations last 7 days

last n months

conversations last 10 months by day

last n quarters

conversations last 2 quarters by month by service

last n weeks

conversations last 10 weeks by day

last quarter

conversations last quarter 

last week

conversations last week by service

last year

conversations last year by callee


conversations by month last year


conversations January

month to date

conversations month to date ??  

month year

conversations by service February 2022

n days ago

conversations 2 days ago

last n days for each month

conversations 2 days for each month

last n days for each quarter

conversations last 15 days for each quarter

last n days for each week

conversations last 2 days for each week

last n days for each year

conversations last 300 days for each year

last n hours for each day

conversations last 2 hours for each day

n months

conversations last 6 months

n months ago

conversations 2 months ago by service

last n months for each quarter

conversations last 2 months for each quarter

last n months for each year

conversations last 8 months for each year

n quarters ago

conversations 4 quarters ago by service

n weeks ago

conversations 4 weeks ago by callee

last n weeks for each month

conversations last 3 weeks for each month

last n weeks for each quarter

last 2 weeks for each quarter

quarter to date

sales by product quarter to date

for top 10 products by sales

this day

conversations this day by callee

this month

conversations this month by day
this quarterconversations this quarter by callee
this weekconversations this week by service
this yearconversations this year by callee
todayconversations today by callee
weekconversations by week last quarter
week to datesales by order date week to date for pro-ski200
yearrevenue by product 2014 product name contains snowboard

year to date

sales by product year to date
yesterdaysales yesterday for pro-ski200 by store



conversation time detailed

last hourcount unique conversations last hour
last minutecount conversations last minute
n hourscount conversations [ last ] 12 hours
n hours ago

conversations 2 hours ago

n minutescount conversations [ last ] 30 minutes
n minutes agosum conversations by service 10 minutes ago
this hourconversations this hour
this minuteconversations this minute


begins with

conversations name begins with 'joe' by name

  // returns the list of conversations that have name starting with 'Joe' 


conversations name contains 'bill' by name

ends with

conversations name ends with 'joe'

similar toconversations name similar to 'joseph'
not begins with

conversations name not begins with 'bill'

not contains

conversations name not contains 'joe'

not ends withconversations name not ends with 'joe'
not similar toconversations name not similar to 'hand'


  • When more than one begins with or ends with keyword in a search or formula on the same column is used, results are returned using an OR condition.
  • When you use a combination of begins with and ends with, results are returned using the AND condition.

  • When using multiple begins with on different columns, results are returned using the AND condition.

For example, if you search for state name begins with "V" state name begins with "C", your results are: Virginia, Vermont, California, and Connecticut.

If you search for state name begins with V state name ends with T, your only result is Vermont.


averageconversations average duration by service this month

count service unique count caller by service


max talk time conversations by service 

minmin answer time by service
standard deviation

standard deviation revenue by product by month for date after 10/31/2010


sum revenue

unique countunique count conversation id
variancevariance duration by service



conversations uk_support vs all

Note: The all keyword can only be used as part of a versus phrase.

between... and...

revenue between 0 and 1000

= (equal)

unique count visitor by store purchased products = 3 for last 5 days


conversations uk_support vs everything

Note: The everything keyword can only be used as part of a versus phrase.

> (greater than)sum sale amount by visitor by product for last year sale amount > 2000

>= (greater than or equal)

count calls by employee lastname >= m

< (less than)

unique count visitor by product by store for sale amount < 20

<= (less than or equal)

count shipments by city latitude <= 0

!= (not equal)

caller callee direction status duration today callee !={null}

vs, versus

conversations uk_support vs us_support

You can use special constants for null and empty values with the = and != keywords: {null} and {empty}.

For example: customer name = {empty} or service != {null}.



conversations by day

day of monthconversations day of month by month
day of quarter

conversations day of quarter by year

day of week

conversations by week day of week
day of yearconversations day of year by year
hourconversations by hour weekly
month of quarterconversations month of quarter by year

conversations by quarter

quarter of year

conversations quarter of year 

week of month

conversations week of month

week of quarterconversations week of quarter

week of year

conversations week of year

In / Not in


Query in query search (intersection of two sets). Must match last attribute before keyword with first attribute inside subsearch.


attribute in (attribute subsearch)


store name in (top 10 store name by sales footwear)

product name 2014 product name in (product name 2013) sales

not in

Relative complement of two sets. Must match last attribute before keyword with first attribute inside subsearch.


attribute not in (attribute subsearch)


product name 2014 product name not in (product name 2013) sales
(= Find sales for all products ordered in 2014 that were not ordered in 2013)

Note: Searches with the in keyword do not include {null} values. To include {null} values, create a formula for the relevant attribute in your search, to convert {null} values to 'unknown,' or some similar word.

  • No labels