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The Article describes how to configure IVR with voice control using ASR in Dialplan.

Created: October 2018

WMS version: 4.0


This feature is a part of WBI set: Wildix Business Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence services

Table of Contents

IVR via ASR in Dialplan



Currently available languages in "Set" - "Language" application: en, en-us, it, fr, de.

Demo video with W-AIR Headset


<iframe src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

Configuration tips to start calls from W-AIR Headset using Automatic Speech Recognition

  1. Make sure the procedure for calling Feature Codes is present in the "Included procedures" of the Dialplan used for outgoing calls (it is present by default in the "users" procedure), e.g. "pbxinternal". This enables you to place calls from W-AIR Headset via "Dial by name" service, by pressing the "Call" button in case there is no active call.
  2. Take into consideration that feature is available in different languages only on WMS 4.0 and only in English, Italian, French and German.
  3. You can override custom voice prompts used in "Dial by name" service via Custom Dialplan variable DIALBYNAME_PROMPT=custom string, more information: Wildix Business Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence services
  4. If, for some reason, you would like to use the feature described in this document (IVR via ASR) from W-AIR Headset, you can modify the procedure used for outgoing calls to route the calls to the "IVR" procedure, e.g.:


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