Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

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On this page, you can find documentation about x-bees Snalytics which provides all the information you need to keep on top of your business.

Created: May 2022


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Edit answer - answer is not saved automatically - should pin?

Keyword reference

Keywords help to define a search.

  • Keywords - other languages - not all are present
  • which version



Note: When using the top or bottom keywords without specifying a number (n), the number defaults to 10.

Keyword Description
top n

Generates the top n items from a sorted result.


caller callee direction status duration today top 5

top n measure1 by attribute|measure2

Calculates top n items, then sorts the top items by another measure or attribute.

Contrast with top n (swaps the order of operations).


top 10 caller by conversations this month

bottom n

Generates the bottom n items from a sorted result.


bottom 10 caller by conversations this month

sort by

Sorts the result set by an attribute or measure.


caller callee direction status duration today sort by duration

by <measure>

Treats the measure as an attribute and groups the result set by it.


conversations by day



conversations after 10/31/2022


conversations before 03/01/2022

between ... and ...

conversations between 01/30/2022 and 01/30/2022


conversations monday

day of week

conversations by day of week last 3 months

growth of …​ by ...

growth of conversations by time last month unanswered

growth of …​ by …​ daily

growth of conversations by time daily last month unanswered

growth of …​ by …​ monthly

growth of conversations by time monthly unanswered

growth of …​ by …​ quarterly

growth of conversations by time quarterly unanswered

growth of …​ by …​ weekly

growth of conversations by time weekly last month unanswered

last day by

conversations last day by callee

last month

conversations last month by callee

last month by

conversations last month by day

last n days

conversations last 7 days

last n months

conversations last 10 months by day

last n quarters

conversations last 2 quarters by month by service

last n weeks

conversations last 10 weeks by day

last quarter

conversations last quarter 

last week

conversations last week by service

last year

conversations last year by callee


conversations by month last year


conversations January

month to date

conversations month to date ??  

month year

conversations by service February 2022

n days ago

conversations 2 days ago

last n days for each month

conversations 2 days for each month

last n days for each quarter

conversations last 15 days for each quarter

last n days for each week

conversations last 2 days for each week

last n days for each year

conversations last 300 days for each year

last n hours for each day

conversations last 2 hours for each day

n months

conversations last 6 months

n months ago

conversations 2 months ago by service

last n months for each quarter

conversations last 2 months for each quarter

last n months for each year

conversations last 8 months for each year

n quarters ago

conversations 4 quarters ago by service

n weeks ago

conversations 4 weeks ago by callee

last n weeks for each month

conversations last 3 weeks for each month

last n weeks for each quarter

last 2 weeks for each quarter

quarter to date

sales by product quarter to date

for top 10 products by sales

this day

conversations this day by callee

this month

conversations this month by day
this quarterconversations this quarter by callee
this weekconversations this week by service
this yearconversations this year by callee
todayconversations today by callee
weekconversations by week last quarter
week to datesales by order date week to date for pro-ski200
yearrevenue by product 2014 product name contains snowboard

year to date

sales by product year to date
yesterdaysales yesterday for pro-ski200 by store




conversations uk_support vs all


Note: The all keyword can only be used as part of a versus phrase.

between... and...

revenue between 0 and 1000

= (equal)

unique count visitor by store purchased products = 3 for last 5 days


conversations uk_support vs everything


Note: The everything keyword can only be used as part of a versus phrase.

> (greater than)sum sale amount by visitor by product for last year sale amount > 2000

>= (greater than or equal)

count calls by employee lastname >= m

< (less than)

unique count visitor by product by store for sale amount < 20

<= (less than or equal)

count shipments by city latitude <= 0

!= (not equal)

caller callee direction status duration today callee !={null}

vs, versus

conversations uk_support vs us_support


In / Not in


Query in query search (intersection of two sets). Must match last attribute before keyword with first attribute inside subsearch.


attribute in (attribute subsearch)


store name in (top 10 store name by sales footwear)

product name 2014 product name in (product name 2013) sales

not in

Relative complement of two sets. Must match last attribute before keyword with first attribute inside subsearch.


attribute not in (attribute subsearch)


product name 2014 product name not in (product name 2013) sales
(= Find sales for all products ordered in 2014 that were not ordered in 2013)
