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This Guide explains how to edit the strategy of call distribution in Call groups and provides the information on dynamic login to Call groups via Collaboration.

Updated: April August 2021



- Priority: if you have two call groups with differing priorities (e.g., support and support-vip), agents present in both call groups receive the calls from the higher-priority queue comparing to calls from the lower-priority queue. Those agents will not receive any calls from the lower-priority queue unless there are no more calls in the higher-priority queue. (Normally, there will be some agents who are present only in the lower-priority call group, to make sure that those calls are also answered in a timely manner).  


Note: To activate the priority, enable Call waiting option.


Note: By "higher-priority" the larger value is meant: 2 has priority over 1.


Consult this Article for the detailed information on how disable updates for early call statutes for BLF "Colleague" configured for call group members with “Call All 10/ 32” strategy on WelcomeConsole/ WP490.
