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In this Guide you will find information about integration with Oracle / Fidelio PMS and other hotel management systems that support FIAS protocol.

Wildix communication system integrates with FIAS protocol (Fidelio Interface Application Specification). Thanks to this integration, the PBX can interact with the hotel management software and exchange the information about such events as check-ins, check-outs, wake up calls, room status, charging of services.

In addition to this, Wildix PBX can interact with XOpen software which enables the integration with Bticino / Legrand hardware such as key card programmers and “do not disturb” / “make up room” indicators.

WMS Version: 3.8887

Updated: March 2018


Table of Contents



and other hotel management systems that support the FIAS protocol.




: the following Guide refers to the integration with Oracle / Fidelio PMS which fully integrates all the services described in this




Other PMSs which support FIAS might require some additional steps for installation and configuration or might not support some features.

Integration consists of two parts.

Part 1: FIAS module

FIAS module or FIAS connector is used to connect to FIAS PMS (Property Management System), also known as Hotel Operating System (Hotel OS). Thanks to this module, it is possible to sync the following events between the Wildix PBX and the FIAS PMS:

  • Room Inspecting; MuR – make up the room; DND – do not disturb
  • Minibar
  • Wake-up service
  • Call billing
  • Check-in / Check-out / call barring

Part 2 (optional): Bticino / Legrand hardware with xOpen software

Additionally, it is possible to enable xOpen integration for interaction with Bticino / Legrand hardware used in the hotel, such as guest keycard room access and power switches, and “DND / MUR” indicators. In this case it will be possible to sync the following events received from Bticino / Legrand terminals with Wildix PBX:

  • DND
  • MuR and Room inspecting
  • Guest keycard service integration


FIAS module

Step 1. Enable Hotel Integration:

  • Go to WMS Settings -> PBX -> Hotel Integration
  • Select FIAS PMS Integration -> click Install

  • After installtion, there appear four three new tabs: Rooms / FIAS-PMS / PBX Services/ General:

Step 2. Auto generate rooms

Autogeneration is based on WMS -> Users configuration

  • Go to Rooms tab


  • Click Sync rooms to auto-recreate rooms configuration based on users data (like extension)


Note: users created on WMS -> Users page will be duplicated on this page; when guests check in / check out / change info, their names will be updated on WMS -> Users page; to differentiate normal uses from rooms, PBX administrator can create users with type “room” in WMS -> Users.

FieldsExplanation of fields:

    1. FIAS RN – room number identificator used in commands from FIAS interface

    2. Extension – internal extension number inside the PBX, shown on the phone

    3. Description / Building / Floor / Category – room description, location and category for hotel staff

    4. ID – identificator used by XOpen interface (described in the next chapter)

  • Click Apply to save and confirm changes.

Step 3. Set up connection to Fidelio software (FIAS interface)

  • Go to FIAS-PMS tab and enable "Telephony interface" option
  • and enter the data.

On this page you enable the integration with Fidelios software for all the commands, except for key / badge commands.fias_conn.jpegImage Removed

  • Go to FIAS-PMS tab and enable "Telephony interface" option
  • Enter the configuration parameters:

Configuration parameters:

  • PMS Status – status of connection to Fidelio software
  • Host – address for connection to software
  • Port – port for connection to software
  • Delimiter – delimiter used inside commands from FIAS interface
  • Billing Type – billing type used:


  • Duration Only /


  • Duration and cost (see the chapter Call Billing)
  • Minibar Type – minibar charging by


  • Cost only /


Step 4. Wake up service settings (optional)

Go to tab PBX Services and enter the datafollowing parameters:

wakeup_conf.jpegImage Removed


  • Timeout – period of time during which the wake up call must be answered (in seconds)
  • Number of tries – number of repetitive calls in case wake up call was not answered
  • Sound – audio file to be played to the guest who answered a wake up call

(See the chapter Wake Up Call for more information).

Step 5. Restart WHotel daemon

  • Go to 


  • General tab 
  • Select "Service" option and click Restart

XOpen SW for integration with Bticino / Legrand HW

For processing of key / badge programming and sync of events from Bticino/Legrand terminals, such as DND / MuR statuses, it is necessary to enable XOpen integration.

Step 1. Enable xOpen integration

Go to General tab -> xOpen integration, click Enable.

In Hotel Integration menu there appear additional tabs which serve to enable connection to Legrand software by XOpen protocol:

  • Common Areas
  • Workstations
  • Xopen

Step 2. Enable connection to the software

Go to Xopen tab and enter the related data:

xopen.jpegImage Removed

Configuration parameters:

  • Status – the status of the connection to Hotel Supervision Server
  • Host


  • –  address for connection to software
  • Port – a port for connection to software
  • FC – function code as parameter for Hotel Supervision Client
  • UC – univocal code as parameter for Hotel Supervision Client
  • Secret – the secret for authorization with Hotel Supervision Server
  • Badges control – enable/disable badges processing

Step 3. Upload XOpen project file

  • Go


  • to Rooms


  • tab
  • Click Choose file to load a config file from Hotel Supervision software (file with extension *.hsprj) with actual information about device identifier


config_rooms.jpegImage Removed

(tab Common Areas)


  • Common areas data (Common Areas tabcan be loaded from described above config from Hotel Supervision software:


Step 3. Set up the mapping between PMS key generators and XOpen key generators.

  • Go


  • to Workstations tab
  • Add workstation instance (like Hotel Supervision GUI) with following data:
    1. FIAS WS – an identifier on the FIAS side

    2. Client UC – an identifier on the XOpen side (retrieved from HS Client)

    3. Client IP – an IP address of the workstation PC


    1. :

Step 4. Extend configuration for Fidelio software by data for key service client (FIAS PMS Automation interface)

  • Go to


  • FIAS-PMS tab


There appears an additional section Automation interface.

Now it is possible to set up two FIAS-PMS interfaces:


  • Telephony interface (PBX)
  • Automation interface (DLS – door-lock system)


Step 5. Restart WHotel daemon.

  • Go to 


  • General tab 
  • Select "Service" option and click Restart

Hotel ACLs (CoS) and call barring for vacant room

There are two types of ACL in the of Wildix Hotel Integration:


  • Standard PBX ACL settings
  • ACL (CoS – Class of Service) from FIAS (PMS) interface (they have the effect only for outgoing external calls)

They are processed in the following way:

  • Room state “vacant”: standard PBX ACLs are applied
  • Room state “occupied”: calls are processed based on ALCs set up on PMS side. Emergency call class is managed by Wildix PBX ACL


To realize the scenario of call barring for vacant room it is necessary to restrict possibility to call externally for the ACL group to which rooms belong: when the room is in “occupied” state, CoS from PMS are applied, when the room is in “vacant” state, the possibility to call externally is disabled.

It is recommended to create a separate ACL group "WHotel" in WMS Users -> Users -> Groups, WHotel with default permissions set up as such:


You can add additional restrictions to manage call barring for room in status “vacant”, for example, add such rules:

  • “Cannot call” Cannot call-> “All”“Can call” All
  • Can call” -> “Internal” “Internal

In this case it will be possible to make only internal calls from room with status “vacant”.

After you have created a dedicated ACL group for managing rooms permissions, go to Users page and assign this ACL group to all the rooms:Image Removed

It is possible to skip CoS (Hotel ACLs) via authentication, which can be useful to allow some authorized hotel staff to make calls from the rooms which are vacant. Read the next chapter for more info.

To disable ACL checking on the PMS side and always use standard PBX ACL: set up Global Dialplan variable (WMS Dialplan -> General Settings): CHECKFIASACL = NO.




: some PMSs do not support CoS (for example, Hoist group – HOTSOFT PMS), so for such PMS it is impossible to manage call barring for vacant room as described above.

Depending on the CoS, the PBX can correctly process external calls.

In PMS room can be assigned to one of the following CoS:


While in PBX there are many call classes; in the table below it is explained , how they are related:

Trunk Group ClassClass of Service
Internalblock external calls
EmergencyBarred/hotel internal only
North AmericaNo restrictions
AfricaNo restrictions
Europe1No restrictions
Europe2No restrictions
South AmericaNo restrictions
OceaniaNo restrictions
RussiaNo restrictions
Asia1No restrictions
Asia2No restrictions

In a normal scenario, rooms follow the procedure “users” or some other dedicated Dialplan procedure (indicated in WMS -> Users, Dialplan). Usually in this Dialplan procedure “Trunk group” or “Dial the trunk” Trunk group” or “Dial the trunkapplication is used for processing external calls. Note than in both applications, call class is detected by the system automatically, however, it is possible to set up the call class manually.

Take into consideration, that you can set up caller ID name to some static value, otherwise real guest’s name is displayed while making a call through trunk. Example:Image Removed

Skip call barring via authentication


In our example we will see how to skip hotel ACL just for one call:Image Removed

In this example an authorized staff, suppose, a housekeeper, can call any destination by:

  • Calling an extension 55 <housekeeper account> <destination number>
  • Enter the password for housekeeper account

Call will be processed without checking hotel ACL for current room and without billing.


Limitation: account length must be the same for all the staff who is using this feature (for example, three digits).

Sync of events between FIAS PMS and PBX


When on FIAS-PMS side room status or guest data changes, the following changes take place on PBX side:

  • Room is marked as "occupied" / "vacant"
  • User name is updated in WMS -> Users
  • User language is updated in WMS -> Users
  • When the status changes to “occupied”, any command can be executed such as setting DND, wake up call, minibar charging
  • When the status changes to “vacant”, all wake up calls are removed for this room and guest data is removed from the internal database


Oracle / Fidelio PMS does not support setting DND on PBX side, this is why this possibility should be disabled via ACL groups! (ACL rule “cannot set” cannot set-> “status status DND / Away” Awaycan be changed in case other PMS which supports setting DND on PBX side is used).

When on FIAS-PMS side room status changes to DND, on PBX side:


Events must be sent from PBX via Feature codes on the phone by hotel staff (see the chapter Hotel Feature Codes).

MuR statuses:

  • Dirty / Vacant
  • Dirty / Occupied
  • Clean / Vacant
  • Clean / Occupied


Billing type parameter can be modified in Hotel Integration -> General, “Billing type”: duration Duration only / duration Duration and cost.

Minibar charges

Minibar charges must be sent via feature codes on the phone by hotel staff (see the chapter Hotel Feature Codes).

Minibar charges information can be sent with different mapping:


Minibar type parameter can be modified in Hotel Integration -> General, “Minibar type”: article Article only / cost Cost only.



Up Call

This service is available only for rooms with “occupied” status.


On PBX side: wake up call can be set up by guest via feature code on the phone (see the chapter Hotel Feature Codes).


Note: it is allowed to set up only one alarm during one day.

On FIAS-PMS side: hotel personnel can set up / clear wake up calls for specific rooms.

Processing of responses on wake up calls is sent to FIAS-PMS.

The call timeout, the number of tries and the audio file to be played in case the call is answered, can be specified in Hotel Integration -> PBX Services.

Sync of events with XOpen integration (Bticino / Legrand equipment)

In case xOpen integration is enabled, additionally to the scenarios of events sync described in the previous chapters, new scenarios are supported in order to sync the events sent from Bticino / Legrand equipment installed in the hotel.

DND from xOpen




: on Oracle/Fidelio PMS “DND” events can be sent only from PMS itself.

In case BTicino/Legrand PMS (or other PMSs which accept DND events from xOpen software) is used, DND can be sent from xOpen interface and from the phone (via phone graphical menu or via Feature Code).

To make it possible, it is necessary to make sure the ACL rule “cannot set” cannot set-> “Status Status DND / Away” Awayis not present in the ACL group configuration assigned to rooms.


MuR and Room Inspecting FC

FC Make Up Room FC (771 by default) should be used by hotel staff (maids, housekeepers), to set the room status to:

  • 0 – Clean with related guest state (Vacant/ Occupied)
  • 1 – Dirty with related guest state (Vacant/ Occupied)

FC Room Inspecting  FC (774 by default) should be used by hotel staff to set the room status to:

  • 0 or empty – Inspected with related guest state (Vacant/ Occupied)
  • 1 – Inspected with guest state Vacant




Room Inspecting FC + 1 is used as notification about guests who leave the hotel without check-out procedure.

Minibar service FC

Minibar FC Minibar (772 by default) should be used by hotel staff (maids, waiters) , to send a minibar charge posting. Depending on the configuration on the Hotel Integration page -> FIAS-PMS, the service can be implemented in two different ways:


Wake Up call service FC

FC Wake up call FC  (773 by default) should be used by guests to set / clear alarm clock for their rooms.


As stated at the beginning of this guideGuide, the document describes the integration with FIAS / Oracle PMS, however other PMSs supporting FIAS protocol can be integrated with Wildix PBX.

This chapter of the guide Guide describes some special configurations and limitations which these PMSs might have in contrast to FIAS / Oracle PMS (only known limitations are described).

Full matrix of integration with different PMSs is provided in the table below: Wildix Hotel FIAS PMS integration matrix.

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