Versions Compared


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On this page:

Table of Contents

Initial connection  

Turn on the switch

Before powering on the switch, make sure the voltage is correct. The power supply socket is situated on the back panel of the switch.

Plug the power supply into the switch: the power indicator on the front panel must turn on.

LED indicators and ports description

Front panel:

Ports description:









Power is supplied


No power

Link / Act / Speed


Orange (10/100Mbps)


A valid link is established


No link is established

Green (1000Mbps)


Data packets are received or transmitted

Link / Act / Speed (SFP1,2)



A valid link is established


No link is established


Data packets are received or transmitted

PoE (1-24)



A PoE PD (Powered Device) is connected to the port


No PD is connected to the port


The PoE power circuit may be in short or the power current may be overloaded.

Access web interface

The default settings of the Switch:


(PC must be in the same network as the switch:

Connection of devices

Connect devices to the ports of the Switch using a network cable (check the datasheet for more information). 1-24 ports have power supply function (see the datasheet for the max power output)

Auto Voice Vlans

For automatic setting of Voice Vlans, please refer to the document:



The home page displays the following information:

  • Configuration menu (on the left)

  • CPU and memory info (on the top)

  • Status of ports

Quickly Set

  • Create a VLAN

  • Add port in VLAN

  • Set the basic information and change the switch login password


Change the switch login password (use the IP address set up on the previous step to log in):



  • Basic Config

  • Port Aggregation

  • Port Mirroring

  • Port Limit

  • Storm Control

  • Port Isolation

Basic Config

Set up:

  • Port speed

  • Port status

  • Working mode

  • Flow control

  • Cross line order

  • Mega frame

Configuration example:

Port Aggregation

  • Expand the port bandwidth or achieve the bandwidth of the redundancy backup


Set the ports 9-10 for aggregation of port 1, the aggregation port 1 can build switch links if connected to another switch aggregation port 1

Port Mirroring

  • Open port mirror feature

All packets on the source port are copied and forwarded to the destination port, destination port is usually connected to a packet analyzer to analyze the source port, multiple ports can be mirrored to a destination port.


Set a mirror group for port 3 regulatory port 4, 5, 6 on and out flow conditions

Port Limit

Set up:

  • Input speed limit

  • Output speed limit


Set up on port 5 input rate - to 6400KB/s, the output rate - to 3200KB/s

Storm Control

  • Set suppression level

Configuration example

Set up on port 20 broadcast suppression value is set to 200pps, the multicast suppression value - to 400pps, the unicast suppression value - to 350pps.

Port Isolation

  • Isolate port from one or multiple destination ports


Ports that have been added to the aggregate port aren't also capable of being a destination port and source port. Destination port and source port cannot be the same.

Configuration example



  • VLAN setting

  • Trunk-port setting

  • Hybrid-port setting

VLAN setting

  • Create VLANs and set the port to the VLAN (port default state for the access mode)


Configuration example

Create VLAN2:

Trunk-port setting

  • Set port to Trunk port

Configuration example

PC1:, port 18, access VLAN2.
PC2:, port 7, Trunk allowed VLAN 1-2.
PC3:, port 6, access VLAN1 (The default port belongs to VLAN1).
Can let the PC2 PING PC1, cannot PING PC3.

Hybrid-port setting

  • Allows to set VLAN tags

Hybrid port receives a packet and checks if there is VLAN tag, and based on it forwards the packet or discards it.


Create VLANs 10, 20, VLAN sets the Native VLAN port 1 to 10, to tag VLAN for 10, 20, sets the Native VLAN port 2 to 20, to tag VLAN for 10, 20.

Fault / Safety

  • Anti Attack

  • Channel Detection

  • ACL

Anti Attack

  • Anti DHCP Attack

  • Anti DOS

  • IP Source Guard

  • Anti Three Bind

Anti DHCP Attack
  • Allows you to select port as a trusted port


Set option82 information:

Set port 7 for binding:

Anti DOS

  • Enable anti DOS attack function to intercept attack packets and illegal TCP packets

IP Source Guard

  • Enable the packet filter control to prevent illegal messages through the port and limit illegal use of network resources


Set port 14 as a secure port

Anti Three Bind
  • Allows to bind IP address and MAC address

Configuration example

Channel Detection

Pint testing
  • Ping a host

Configuration example

Ping IP address of PC connected to the switch

Tracert testing
  • Perform an interface traceroute test


Check an IP address of PC connected to the switch

Cable testing
  • Check connection status of device

Configuration example


  • Set up ACL rules and their priority


Create ACL rules:

Apply ACL to ports:


  • PoE Config

  • PoE Port Config

PoE Config

To receive trap notices, SNMP must be open and the Trap must be set to the target host.

Senior management
  • View PoE state information

  • Change the configuration


Alarm power set to 245W, reserved power to 15%, open the supply mode and the alarm power.

Temperature distribution
  • Set up the alarm threshold


1 warning threshold is set to 80 chip, chip 2 warning threshold is set to 100, chip 3 alarm threshold is set to 120:

PoE port config

  • PoE port configuration: enable / disable, set port priority, set up detection mode and max power


Set port 8 to active, set the maximum power to 23W, detection mode for AF, set high priority.


  • Mstp Region

  • Mstp Bridge

MSTP Region

  • Modify the domain name

  • Map instance to VLAN


Change the region to DEADBEEF0102, region name is 123, instance 4 is mapped to a VLAN 2:

MSTP Bridge

  • Enable STP bridge function, set up bridge priority


Select the created instance and set the priority for the selected port (ports):

DHCP Relay

  • DHCP Relay

  • Option82

DHCP Relay

  • Enable DHCP relay function

  • Set up the IP address of relay server and the status


Set up DHCP server IP and view the status:


  • Set option82 circuit control, remote proxy, IP address

Configuration example


  • Remark

  • Queue config

  • Mapping the queue


Allows mapping different packages to different COS, according to different matching rules and then map different packages to different queues and set up priority value.


Destination address for 00:01:23:09:35:36 are forwarded to ports 3, 4, 5, 6, priority is set up to “3”

Queue config

  • Set up queue scheduling policy


WFQ weighted fair scheduling

Configuration example

Mapping the queue

  • Service class to queue mapping

  • Differential service to service class mapping

  • Port to service class mapping

Service class queue mapping
  • Map service category to queues


Map Cos 3 to queue 7, set the queue weight 7 to 10

Differential service class mapping
  • Map services to service categories


Map DSCP values 3, 12, 23 to cos 5:

Port to service class mapping
  • Map a port to corresponding service category


Map ports 4, 5, 6 to cos4, cos5, cos6 respectively

Address table

  • Mac address add and delete

  • Mac study and Aging

  • Mac address filtering

Mac add and delete

  • Add static Mac and delete Mac

  • View current Mac address table


Set static Mac address:

Delete Mac address:

Mac study and Aging

  • Set Mac address study limit and Mac address aging time


Set up aging time to 2 minutes:

Mac address filtering

  • Add Mac Address to the filter


It’s impossible to add Multicast Mac Addresses

Configuration example

SNMP Config

  • SNMP Config

  • Rmon Config

SNMP Config

  • Community Config

  • Group Config

  • User Config

  • Trap Config

  • View Config

SNMP Config

Open SNMP:

Community Config
  • Specify the group access (read/write)


Max number of groups is 8.

Configuration example

View Config
  • Set the view rules to allow or disable access to some MIB objects

Configuration example

Group Config

First add a new View rule list via “View Config” menu, then add a new group in “Group Config”.

Configuration example

User Config

First add a new Group in “Group Config” menu, then add a new user in “User Config”

Configuration example

Trap Config

Configure SNMP trap hosts to receive messages.

Configuration example

Rmon Config

  • Statistics Group

  • History Group

  • Alarm Group

  • Event Group

Statistics Group
  • Set Ethernet interface statistics


  • Define alarm groups and specify the types of alarms

Configuration example


  • System Config

  • System Update

  • Config Management

  • Config Save

  • Administrator Privileges

  • Info Collect

System config

  • System settings

  • System restart

  • Password change

  • Ssh login

  • Telnet login

  • System log

System settings

Configuration example

(First create VLAN 2 in VLAN > VLAN Config:)

System restart

Click “Restart”, the process can take up to one minute. The page is automatically refreshed after the switch is restarted.

Password change


SSH login

  • Open SSH access

Telnet login

  • Open Telnet access

System log

  • Set up the syslog server and log level

  • View the logs

Configuration example

System update

This menu allows you to upload the new version. Before proceeding with the upgrade, make sure that the Switch model is correct.


When the upgrade procedure is over, the prompt is shown on the web interface notifying you that the the switch has been successfully upgraded. 

Config Management

  • Current configuration

  • Configuration backup

  • Restore factory configuration

Current configuration
  • Export configuration file

  • Import configuration file

  • Backup


To apply the new configuration, it is necessary to restart the device.


Configuration Backup
  • Restore / rename / delete a previously saved backup

Rename backup:

Restore factory configuration
  • Export current configuration

  • Restore factory defaults


Restoring the system to factory defaults deletes all the current configuration. In case you need to save a backup of the current configuration, click to “Export current configuration” before proceeding with restoring the factory defaults.

Config Save

  • Save settings

“Save settings” applies the current configuration and deletes the default configuration.

Administrator privileges

  • Manage users and privileges


Ordinary users can only access the system home page.

Info collect

  • Collect information

The procedure can take some time.


If Link indicator does not light up after making a connection, make sure that:
