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This Guide describes several options on how to collect logs from Android and iOS Collaboration applications. Collecting logs is a useful method for debugging of various issues.

Created: April 2018


Table of Contents


Debugging of Android and iOS mobile applications can be performed by collecting logs. Logs are especially useful in order to identify crashes/ issues with the application.

In this Guide you can find description on how to collect logs from Android/ iOS devices in case you have any issues with mobile Collaboration.

Useful links:

Android Collaboration User Guide

iOS Collaboration User Guide 

Mobile Apps for Android / iOS: FAQ

Admin level Documentation

Collecting logs from Android app

To gather logs from Android app, follow the next steps:

Step 1. Install adb on you PC

Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a command-line tool that allows you to communicate with your device. As it is included in the Android SDK Platform-Tools package, you need to install this package.


Note: If you use MacOS, you can skip downloading thepackage and install it the package via Terminal:

  • First, install Homebrew (package management software) using the following command:

Code Block
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

  • Install Android SDK Platform-Tools with this command:

Code Block
brew cask install android-platform-tools

Step 2.


Connect your device to PC and enable USB debugging 

To use adb tool with your Android device connected over USB, you need to enable USB debugging option in the device system settings, under Developer options menu.

On Android 4.2 and higher, Developer options menu is hidden by default. To make it visible:

  • Go to Settings -> About phone and tap Build number seven times. You will see a pop-up message  "You are now a developer"

  • Return to the previous screen to Settings -> Additional settings and find Developer options at the bottom. menu

  • Allow USB debugging by tapping OK


Note: On some Android devices,


Developer options


menu might be located or named differently. Please consult the documentation of your Android device to reveal the menu.

Step 3


. Launch collecting of logs

After you enable USB debugging and connect you device to PC, use the following commands (depending on your OS) to launch collecting of logs. The separate file with logs will be created. 

  • On MacOS (execute the command in Terminal):
Code Block
./adb logcat -v time > android-logs.txt



Note: On MacOS you can also perform log grabbing without creating a separate file, right in Terminal:

Code Block
adb logcat

  • On Windows (execute the command in cmd: press "Win + R", type cmd, press Enter):
Code Block
C:\Users\user>D:\platform-tools\adb.exe logcat -v time > D:\android-logs.txt

Go to folder with adb (adb.exe for Windows)

Step 4. 



Note: When you connect the device, the system asks your permission to accept an RSA key that allows debugging through


your computer. This helps to protect the device by ensuring that USB debugging cannot be executed


without your permission.

Step 4. Reproduce the issue and collect logs

  • Reproduce the issue

  • Copy logs from logcat tabs

when Android Studio using on MAC, path to adb from console:
/Users/admin/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb logcat -v time | tee phone.log 


  • To stop collecting logs, disable USB debugging option in your device's settings

Collecting logs from iOS apps (available in iOS Beta Version 6.0.35105)

Starting from iOS Collaboration Beta Version 6.0.35105, it it possible to capture logs right off you mobile device.

To capture logs from iOS app:

  • Go to Settings -> Advanced and enable Debug option:

  • Reproduce the issue to collect logs

  • Return to Settings -> Advanced  and tap Send (appears after enabling Debug option):

  • Email template with the attached logs is automatically created. You can change/ add new recipients

  • In the Subject field you need to describe the current behavior and body of email of the application and fill in information about your device model, iOS version and Collaboration mobile version

  • Change/ add new recipients if needed and tap Send to forward the report:


Important! After the report with logs is sent, you need to disable Debug option.

Check / remove push notification subscription on Android/ iOS app

Check push notifications subscription

To check if push notifications (Web push / iOS / Android push) are enabled for an extension:


<EXT> is the extension of a user.

Remove push notifications subscription

To remove push notifications, use the script: push_remove


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