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This guide gathers all the information on setting up and using the Voicemail service.

Created: January 2019


Table of Contents

Voicemail access for users


  • Send a call to your own Voicemail: upon receiving an incoming call (or during an active call) press Transfer button from the call dialog window and then press the Voicemail icon
  • Send a call to a colleague’s Voicemail: upon receiving an incoming call (or during an active call) press Transfer button from the call dialog window, enter a colleague’s name or extension number into the search field, and then press the Voicemail icon near the name of the colleague


Exit Code "0" from Voicemail allowing caller to speak with an operator

Use case: someone has reached the company and the call was sent to Voicemail, caller can hit 0 at any time to speak with an operator 

How to enable it:

  1. Add the parameter operator=yes to the file voicemail.conf (More information: Custom config parameters List)
  2. Add the letter ‘o’ as called number to the Dialplan context (add "o" as called number and under it add "Dial the phone" / "Call group")

Dialplan example:

Auto-deletion of Voicemails


Custom provisioning parameter EnableMWISubscribe allows enabling Voicemail LED notifications for analog phones connected to W24FXS 2015. More information: Provisioning Custom Settings.
