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This guide explains how to import contacts and users from external databases / servers into a Wildix PBX.

WMS Version: 5.0X / 46.0X

Updated: May 20222024



Note that in case of WMS network, each PBX has its own Phonebooks, which must be imported separately

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1 - Backend settings: settings for the synchronization of PBX phonebooks with an external database / server.


  • LDAP
  • Active Directory (+users sign-on)
  • Lotus Domino (+users sign-on)
  • MySQL
  • Hana DBDB (import of contacts)
  • Office 365
  • Google 
  • Exchange Server 2010-2013 (supports only import of contacts)
  • Infusionsoft (import of contacts)
  • Zoho CRM / Bigin (import of users)
  • CSV file
  • Outlook (read the chapter Outlook Importcontacts lookup and call generation)

2 - Map: in this section you can set up parameters for the correct association of the Collaboration Phonebook fields to the ones of the external database. Leave the checkboxes of only those fields which can be imported from the external database.

ID” and “Name” are required fields, since they are used as unique identifier of the contact / user.

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3 - Remove existing contacts which are not received from the backend: if enabled, during the next sync, existing contacts which are no longer present in the database are deleted.


  1. For Active Directory: use preferredLanguage value from AD, if not empty
  2. If empty, or if another backend is used: use the language based on the Country Code selected in WMS Settings → PBX → Language -> PBX -> Language and region 
  3. If the official language of the country is not supported as user interface language, or if the country has several official languages (e.g. Switzerland), then Language selected in Language and region settings is applied


  • Backend: select LDAP
  • Hostname: IP address or domain name of remote server
  • Port: specify the port (389 by default)
  • Secure connection(WMS 4.01): enable encryption during the connection
  • User: user with the rights to access to the server
  • Password: password of user to access to the server
  • Base DN: Distinguished Name of the base depends on customer’s database structure (e.g. dc=wildixad,dc=local)


  • Backend: select AD
  • Hostname: IP address or domain name of remote server
  • Port: specify the port (389 by default)
  • Secure connection(WMS 4.01): enable encryption during the connection
  • User: user with the rights to access to the server
  • Password: password of user to access to the server
  • Base DN: Distinguished Name of the base depends on customer’s database structure (e.g. dc=wildix,dc=local)
  • Windomain (import of users): the domain name that user name is connected to and which is required for Active Directory authentication


    Note: The Windomain field is available starting from WMS Beta WMS 5.04.2022041820220425.2.1

    In case the Windomain field is empty, the data is taken from Base DN. 

  • Sign-on Full domain (import of users):  enable the option to allow sign-on with AD credentials for imported users the field allows to add a custom domain


    Note: Starting from WMS 4.01, automatic The Full domain field is available starting from WMS 5.04.20220819.1.

  • Sign-on (import of users): enable the option to allow sign-on with AD credentials for imported users 


    Note: Automatic AD Single Sign-on is available. Consult Active Directory Single Sign-On for details.

  • Allow only single Sign-on (import of users): enable the option to allow only single sign-on. If the option is enabled, login of users to Collaboration with WEB password is not possible


In this example only those users whose category is “person” or “user” and whose status is “not disabled” from the “Map” section will be imported:

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Lotus Domino

Backend settings:


  • Example: SELECT ${MAP} FROM `export_csv_user_10000` WHERE `type`="user" 
  • Example for query for import of of contacts from SAP Business One: select '' as empty, OCRD.CardCode, CardName, Name, Tel1, OCPR.Fax, Cellolar, E_mailL, Title from OCRD INNER JOIN OCPR ON OCRD.cardcode = OCPR.cardcode where cardtype = 'S' (More information on SAP B1 integration:

In this example only those fields from the “Map” section will be imported, which are present in “export_csv_user_10000” table and only for contacts whose type is “user”.

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Note: It is also possible to enable connection to MSSQL instance.

Requirement: SQL Server browser must be running on MSSQL host. Please check the Microsoft documentation for detailed information on SQL browser.

Backend settings:

  • Hostname: specify MSSQL instance in the form of ip_adress_of_SQL_server\instance_name. For example,\wildixdb
  • Port: there is no need to specify the port when connecting to MSSQL instance. By default MSSQL itself listens on TCP port number 1433, but for instances the TCP port is dynamically configured
  • User and Password: enter the credentials to access to MSSQL Server
  • Database name: the name of database to be imported
  • Timeout: specify connection timeout

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  • Check off the field that can be imported from MSSQL instance


  • Use the field to create a special select query if needed

Hana DB



  • Import of contacts only.
  • The support starts from WMS5.04.20220506.5.

Backend settings:

  • Backend: select Hana DB
  • Hostname: IP address or domain name of remote server
  • Port: specify the port (30015 – default for Hana DB)
  • User: user with the rights to access to the server
  • Password: password of user to access to the server
  • Database name: name of the remote database
  • Timeout: connection timeout


  • Сheck off only those fields that can be imported from the remote database

Click Save and Import.

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Office 365

Backend settings:


  • businessPhones
  • displayName
  • mail
  • givenName
  • jobTitle
  • mobilePhone
  • officeLocation
  • preferredLanguage
  • surname
  • userPrincipalName
  • department


  • extensionAttribute1-15


Note: The support of the field 'extensionAttribute1-15' starts from WMS 6.01.20230123.2. It allows to sync Custom attributes. The necessary attribute needs to be entered in the Extension field.   

You can insert two values separated by "|" (or) – in this way you can enable the import of the first value, in case it is not filled out, the second value will be imported/ by "+" (concatenation) - in this way you can unite two values present in 1 field.


In this way all values present in the "E-mail" field of the remote server/ database will be imported into the "E-mail" field of Collaboration Phonebook.Image Removed


Backend settings:


" field of Collaboration Phonebook.

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If you need to synchronize only certain users from O365, filter them by the field "Extension".

If extension is present, user is imported from O365.

Starting from WMS v. 6.06.20240425.1, it is possible to enable user match via both extension and email. To do this, tick off the option Merge users by matching Email and Extension at the bottom:

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When enabled, user import is performed based on the match of extension and email rather than ID only.


Backend settings:

  • Backend: select Google

Custom fields (for import of users only):

  • Access to custom fields (admin view): the option allows to import custom fields from Google.

Note: The support of custom fields starts from WMS 6.02.20230328.2 and requires admin rights to be enabled.

You can set up the import of contacts with any Google account, but for import of users you must possess a special corporate (business) Google account.

Click Login and perform login with your Google account, after which you can select the categories of contacts that must be imported:


In this way all values present in the "Address" field of the remote server/ database will be imported into the "Address" field of Collaboration Phonebook.

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Import of contacts only. Available starting from WMS version 4. 

Wildix integrates phone calls to Infusionsoft. You can import your Infusionsoft contacts to Wildix PBX and set up automatic routing of calls to contact owners. Consult the Document for details.

Integration with Infusionsoft:

Chrome Extension "Wildix integration to Infusionsoft": to contact owners. Consult the Document for details.

Import of Infusionsoft contacts



Important: During the import, a contact owner is looked up via the email address. Make sure the email address is present both in Infusionsoft and local LDAP. 

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You can now set up the Dialplan to route calls from known callers to their account managers, read the document How to automatically route calls to contact owners.


The values in the file should be separated by coma (,) and enclosed into the quotation marks (“). You can download a sample CSV file by clicking Download sample CSV when importing contacts in WMS -> Devices -> Phonebooks.

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Import of users only. Available starting from WMS version 4.


Depending on whether you want to import users from Zoho CRM or Zoho Bigin, read the relevant document: 


Outlook contacts lookup and call generation 


  •  Go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Contacts:

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If all the requirements are met, the integration with Mac OS contacts is enabled automatically.
It allows you:
